Web Services, Java and Messaging Job

The following tables describes the Web Services, Java and Messaging job type attributes.

Web Services Job

Control-M for Web Services enables you to schedule standard Web services, servlets and RESTful Web services.

The following table describes the Web Services job type attributes.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Web Services.


  • Characters: 1−50

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).

  • Case: Uppercase only.

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

No special characters can be included with the name definition.

Variable Names:




For more information about creating a local connection profile for this job, see Creating a Control-M for Web Services connection profile.


Defines a URL or fully qualified filename pointing to the WSDL of the web service.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters.

  • Invalid Characters

    • Blank spaces.

    • Cannot begin with the numbers 09.

Variable Names

  • REST: %%WS-URL

  • Local File System and Web Service URL: %%WS-WSDL


Defines a service provided by the company or business.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%WS-SERVICE

Method (REST)

Determines the one of the following HTTP methods used when executing the REST job:

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT


  • HEAD



  • Characters: 1−214

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%WS-SERVICE


Defines a path available for the method specified in the Method field.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%WS-OPERATION


Defines an operation available for the service specified in the service field.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%WS-OPERATION

Use parameters from input file

Enables you to invoke the target web service with predefined SOAP message from the specified input file.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Any character string representing the file name including the file path.

Variable Name: %%WS-INPUTPUTFILE

Edit SOAP Request/Edit Body Request

Enables you to generate your own SOAP request for REST web services.


Represents part of the SOAP request string. xxx in Pxxx represents the xxxth part of the SOAP request string divided in numerical order.

Add SOAP Header from file

Adds a predefined SOAP Header to the invocation of the target web service SOAP message, taken from a file specified in the Header File field.


  • Characters: 1−212

  • Any character string representing the file name including the file path.


Input parameters

Defines values for each selected parameter.


  • Characters: 1−212

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%WS-PARMS-P00n-NAME

Where n refers to the nth parameter of the corresponding method. For example, if there were two parameters for a particular method, the first parameter would use P001(%%WS-PARMS-P001-NAME), and the second parameter would use P002 (%%WS-PARMS-P002-NAME).


Enables you to enter the different Job output data based on the HTTP return status code.

Variable Name: %%WS-OUTPARMS-Pxxx-HTTPCODE

Array Size

Defines a number of items in an input parameter array applicable to the Input parameters of the web services invocation when necessary.


  • Characters: 1−2

  • Valid Characters: The numbers 09.

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces, letters, and special characters.

Variable Name: %%WS-ARRAYSIZE

Output parameters

Defines the outcome of selected output parameters.


  • Characters: 1−212

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%WS-PARMS-P001-VALUE

P001 represents the number of the parameter for the chosen method. For example, if there were two parameters for a particular method, the second parameter would use P002 instead of P001 (%%WS-PARMS-P002-VALUE)

Exclude Job Output

Excludes information about Job output from the Output at the end of a Job execution.

Variable Name: %%WS-SYSOUTSKIP

No Output Banner

Defines whether an Output banner is written to the Output at the end of a Job execution.


Jobs only end Not OK when an exception occurs from the Java method. If this happens, the job end status is set to Not OK and the exception is printed into the output. If a system.exit() command is executed, Control-M for Java converts the call into an exception. This means that the job ends Not OK, and the detailed exception is displayed in the Output. In all other cases, jobs end OK.

Override URL Endpoint

Defines the URL endpoint at the Job definition level. Upon Job submission Control-M for Web Services uses Job definition's Endpoint URL rather than the URL. Case sensitive.

Variable Name: %%WS-URLENDPOINT

Preemptive authentication

Enables you to enter the HTTP Basic Authentication information in the format of <user>@<realm> that matches the information in HTTP Basic Authentication field in the Control-M for Web Services Connection Profile Management (CCM).

Variable Name: %%BPI-PREAUTH


Defines a preferred HTTP header Content-Type to be used to execute the Job. Case sensitive

Variable Name: %%WS-CONTENTTYPE

Override connection timeout (sec)

Limits the connection time when waiting for the web service to respond before disconnecting.


Java Job

Control-M for Java enables you to schedule a Java class or a J2EE Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) running on a J2EE application server (such as IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JBoss, and SAP NetWeaver).

The following table describes the Java job type attributes.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Java.


  • Characters: 1−50

  • Case: Uppercase only.

  • Valid Characters: The numbers 09, the letters AZ, _ (underscores), and - (hyphens).

For more information about creating a local connection profile for this job, see Creating a Control-M for Java connection profile.


Defines Enterprise Java Bean or Java Class according to which the Method parameter value is specified.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters.

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters:

    • Blank spaces.

    • Cannot begin the numbers 09.

Variable Name: %%JAVA-JAVA


Determines the method to be invoked to the specified Java Application class.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters.

  • Any method specified with the object.

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters:

    • Blank spaces.

    • Cannot begin with the numbers 09.

Variable Name: %%JAVA-METHOD


Defines the type of the parameter for the chosen method.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

  • Automatically predefined upon selection of the Method value. Values are primitive type names, such as int, boolean, and char.

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%JAVA-TYPE


Defines the parameter value for the chosen method.


  • Characters: 1−214
  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%JAVA-PARMS-P001-VALUE

P001 represents the number of the parameter for the chosen method. For example, if there were two parameters for a particular method, the second parameter would use P002 instead of P001 (%%JAVA-PARMS-P002-VALUE).%%JAVA-METHOD


Defines the name of the parameter for the chosen method.


  • Characters: 1−214

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%JAVA-PARMS-P001-VALUE

P001 represents the number of the parameter for the chosen method. For example, if there were two parameters for a particular method, the second parameter would use P002 instead of P001 (%%JAVA-PARMS-P002-VALUE).%%JAVA-METHOD

Exclude Job Output

Excludes information about job output from the Output at the end of a job execution.

No Output Banner

Determines whether an output banner is written to the Output at the end of a job execution.

Messaging Job

Control-M for Messaging enables you to send or receive a JMS or IBM WebSphereMQ Series message to the message queue of another application.

The following table describes the Messaging job type attributes.



Connection Profile

Determines the authorization credentials that are used to connect Control-M to Messaging.


  • Characters: 1−50

  • Case: Uppercase only.

  • Valid Characters: The numbers 09, the letters AZ, _ (underscores), and - (hyphens).

For more information about creating a local connection profile for this job, see Creating a Control-M for Messaging connection profile.

Action Type

Determines the action that the job performs, as follows:

  • Use Free Text Message

  • Use Predefined Message

  • Wait for Reply Only: Enables you to wait and consume a message from the reply queue/topic, as defined in the connection profile.

    Variable Name: %%MSG-REPLYMSGONLY

    By default, the Control-M for Messaging consumes the first available message in the queue.

    To consume the message with specific correlation id, add a job variable %%WJM_MSG_ID and set it to the correlation ID.

Use predefined message

Defines the content of the message as the previously defined text or binary file as the content of the message.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).


Use free text message

Defines the content of the free text message.

Rule: Any alphanumeric and special characters.

The period character (.) is not permitted. Certain special characters are internally represented by more than one character. For example, ampersand (&) is represented internally by three characters.

Variable Name: %%MSG-USEFREETEXT

Advanced Messaging Settings

Enables you to change predefined message settings, as described in Advanced Message Settings.

Job Output Assignment

Enables you to save reply message into a chosen variable.


  • Characters: 1−38

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces and special characters.

Job Output

Determines the content of the job output, with options as follows:

  • Include with Banner: Presents the job output with the banner.

  • Include without Banner: Presents the job output without the banner.

  • Exclude Job's Output: Presents only the banner, and do not include information about the job output.

Advanced Message Settings

The following table describes the Advanced Message Settings attributes.



Outgoing Message

Defines the outgoing message.

Destination Queue/Topic

Defines the names of the message queues where the outgoing messages are sent, with options as follows:

  • Default

  • A string


  • Characters: 1–212

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Separate message queues with the comma. If the primary queue cannot be reached, the job uses the secondary queue.



Determines the level for prioritizing the messages that are to be routed to the Destination queue/Topic, with options as follows:

  • Default
  • 0-9

Variable Name: %%MSG-PRIORITY

Expiration Time (sec)

Defines the amount of time (in seconds) until the outgoing message expires, with options as follows:

  • Default

  • Any digit

Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.


Reply Message

Defines the reply message.

Wait for Reply

Defines the waiting for messages in the reply message queue, with options as follows:

  • Default

  • A string


  • Characters: 1−212

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).

  • Invalid Characters: Spaces

Separate message queues with the comma. If the primary queue cannot be reached, the job uses the secondary queue.

Variable Name: %%MSG-WAITREPLY

Reply Queue/Topic

Defines the message queue where replies are sent, with options as follows:

  • Default

  • A string


  • Characters: 1–212

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Separate message queues with the comma. If the primary queue cannot be reached, the job uses the secondary queue.

Variable Name: %%MSG-REPLYQUEUE

Time to Wait (sec)

Defines the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for incoming messages in the reply message queue, with options as follows:

  • Default

  • Any digit

Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%MSG-TIMETOWAIT

Message Properties

For JMS Accounts only. Defines the outgoing message string properties. Specify a new key and corresponding value.

Property Name

Defines the property key name to be added to an outgoing message.


  • Characters: 1−212

  • Valid Characters: Any alphanumeric characters, _ (underscore), and - (hyphens).

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blank spaces.

Variable Name: %%MSG-PARMS-P00n-NAME

Where n refers to the nth property. For example, if you want to define two properties, the first property would be %%MSG-PARMS-P001-NAME, and the second property would be %%MSG-PARMS-P002-NAME

Property Value

Defines the property value corresponding to the Property Name parameters.


  • Characters: 1−212

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Variable Name: %%MSG-PARMS-P00n-VALUE

Where n refers to the nth property value. For example, if you want to specify two property values, the first value would be %%MSG-PARMS-P001-VALUE, and the second value would be %%MSG-PARMS-P002-VALUE.