Application Integrator Configuration

The following procedures describe how to configure Application Integrator:

Setting up SSL on Control-M/Agent

This procedure describes how to set up SSL on Control-M/Agent for Application Integrator.


  1. Import the new SSL certificate from CA to the keystore, using the following command:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias <alias_name> -keystore <Agent_instance>/cm/AI/data/security/apcerts -storepass appass -file <path/to/the/ssl_cert.cer>

    Note that appass is the default password and it can be changed.

  2. (Optional) Confirm the keystore content by typing the following command:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -list -v -keystore <Agent_instance>/cm/AP/data/security/apcerts > output_filename

  3. Import the old keystore to the new one, as follows:

    $JAVA_HOME\JRE\bin\keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore <previous_keystore> -srcstorepass <previous_keystore_password> -destkeystore apcerts -deststorepass appass

  4. Restart Application Integrator (the cm container process) for the action to take effect.

Configuring Proxy Server Settings

This procedure describes how to configure proxy server settings. If the Application Integrator runs on a machine that has a Proxy server installed, you need to connect to the proxy server when accessing other machines. For example, when you import a WSDL.


  1. From the Application Integrator title bar, click the name of the logged-in user, and select Settings.

    The Settings window appears.

  2. Under the Proxy Settings heading, select Enable proxy.

  3. Type the Proxy Settings values, as described in Proxy Settings Parameters.

  4. Click Save.

Proxy Settings Parameters

The following table describes the Proxy Settings parameters.



Enable SSL

Enables SSL security between the proxy server and other authorized machines.

Host name

Defines the proxy host used by Application Integrator (Mandatory).


Defines the proxy server port used by Application Integrator (Optional).

Non-proxy hosts

Defines a list of URL address patterns where the proxy is not used (Optional). URL addresses in this list are separated by |.



Defines the username of the proxy host.


Defines the password of the proxy host.

Setting Application Integrator Log Levels

This procedure describes how to define log levels for Control-M Application Integrator without the need to restart.


  • Do one of the following:

    • In the CCM, do the following:

      1. Right-click the Application Integrator service and select Control Shell.

      2. In the Control Shell dialog box, type the following control shell command line:

        diagl -l=<log_level>

        In this command, <log_level> can be one of the following:

        • Error: (Default) Writes to the log file on the disk only when there is an issue with data consistency, network connectivity, or expected received data structure.

        • Warning: Writes to the log file all Error level messages and some uncommon behavior that might indicate problems.

        • Info: Writes both error and warning messages and messages that might explain a complete flow or an alert of requests to a server and their type.

        • Debug: Includes Error, Warning, and Info messages and important information that might occur during every procedure.

        Info and Debug are used only during problem analysis, as they both consume high disk space resources.

    • In the services-cli utility, type the following command:

      services-cli -s aisrv-web -i "all" -c diagl -level <log_level>

    The following message appears:

    Root log level is changed successfully to <log_level>

Creating a Communication Configuration File

This procedure describes how to create a communication configuration file. This configuration file is necessary if you have multiple GUI servers defined in your environment and you want to change the default Control-M/EM GUI Server that Application Integrator connects to.

If you do not need multiple GUI servers, you can stop them and delete them in the Control-M Configuration Manager.


  1. Open a text editor and type the following:

    NsHost=<name server hostname>
    GuiServer=<GUI server name>
  2. Save the file as ai.cfg and add it to one of the following directories:

    • UNIX: <EM_HOME>/etc/emweb/tomcat/AIRepo/_AICFG

    • Windows: <EM_HOME>\emweb\tomcat\AIRepo\_AICFG

  3. Log in to Control-M Application Integrator.