Resource Pools

A Resource pool (previously Quantitative Resources) is a Control-M entity that limits the quantity of a logical resource, such as connections to a database or concurrent executions of a specific application. You can use it to control the number of jobs that may run simultaneously when a job that requires a certain resource is submitted.

You can create Resource Pools for any resource in your system that can be quantified, such as percentage of CPU, megabytes of storage, or a database with a limit on the number of concurrent logins. After you have assigned a specific number of resources to your job definition according to the quantity that is required for your job to run (see Prerequisites), Control-M verifies that there are enough resources in the pool and allocates this number to the job. The resources are no longer available for use by other jobs, and are only available after the job has finished executing.

A database can handle a maximum of 100 concurrent logins.

To limit the number of jobs accessing this database, define the FinanceDatabase Resource Pool with a maximum quantity of 100.

As a result, only 100 units of this resource can be allocated simultaneously. Other jobs that require this resource wait until the specific number of resources are available.

If the FinanceDatabase is not functional, or the database is out-of-service and you want to hold all jobs from running, you can change the quantity of the FinanceDatabase resource to 0.

Any job that requires this resource cannot execute.

The following video describes Resource Pools:

The following table describes the parameters in the Resource Pool list:



Resource Name

Defines the name of the resource pool.


Determines the number of resources in the Resource Pool.


Determines the number of available resources that jobs can reserve from the Resource Pool.


Defines if jobs are currently holding resources from the Resource Pool.

The following table describes the parameters in the Resource Usage list:



Run ID

Defines the ID code of the run of the job.

Resource Status

Defines the resource status of the job.


Determines the number of resources that the job requires from the Resource Pool.