Lock Resources

A Lock Resource (previously Control Resource) is a Control-M entity that represents a physical or logical device, such as files, disk drives, tables, and databases. You can add a lock resource type to a job, as described in Prerequisites, as follows:

  • Exclusive: Jobs that are defined with the same lock resource cannot run concurrently.

  • Shared: Jobs that are defined with the same lock resource can run concurrently.

If you have a folder containing three jobs, Update US, Update EU, and Update AUS, and Update US requires exclusive access to the Updating finance file lock resource, you can add an exclusive lock resource type to the Update US job. This job will then run and hold the resource. The other jobs in the folder are not able to access this resource.

The Lock Resource tool enables you to track and view resources used by folders, sub-folders, and job definitions, and manually add lock resources to avoid other jobs from running. You can view which resources are shared or used exclusively by jobs, and track jobs waiting for a resource.

  • You must manually delete and release resources in the Lock Resource tool after jobs have finished running. These resources are then available for jobs waiting for this resource. Resources that are defined in job definitions are automatically deleted and released.

  • Jobs that are defined as Critical and are waiting for an exclusive lock resource receive priority over other jobs. Jobs that are defined as Critical execute before jobs that are defined with a Priority level.

    • If a Critical job is waiting for an exclusive lock resource and is defined with a low Priority, this job executes before a non Critical job defined with a high Priority.

    • If two jobs are waiting for an exclusive lock resource and both are defined as Critical, the job with the higher Priority executes first.

The following video describes Lock Resources:

The following table describes the Lock Resources list:



Resource Name

Defines the name of the resource that is currently held.


Defines the type of lock resource, as follows:

  • Shared: Jobs that are defined with the same lock resource can run concurrently.

  • Exclusive: Jobs that are defined with the same lock resource cannot run concurrently.

Jobs Using

Defines the number of jobs currently using the resource.

Jobs Requesting

Defines the number of jobs requesting a resource.

Resource Added

Determines where the lock resource is held, as follows:

  • Manually Indicates that the resource is held manually in the Lock Resources tool.

  • By job /SMART folder: Indicates that the resource is held by a folder, sub-folder, or job, as defined in the definition.

The following table describes the Resource Usage list:



Job Name

Defines the name of the job.

Run ID

Defines the ID code of the run of the job.

Resource State

Determines the resource state of the job, as follows:

  • Exclusive: Indicates that the job is currently holding the resource, which prevents all other jobs that require the exclusive or shared resource from running.

  • Exclusive - Manually: Indicates that the resource is held manually from the Lock Resources tool, which prevents all other jobs that require the exclusive or shared resource from running.

  • Shared: Indicates that the job is currently holding the resource, which prevents all other jobs that require the shared resource in exclusive mode from running.

  • Shared - Manually: Indicates that the resource is held manually from the Lock Resources tool, which prevents all other jobs that require the shared resource in exclusive mode from running.

  • Requested: Indicates that the job has requested the resource, as described in Job General Attributes.

  • Waiting: Indicates that the job is currently waiting for the resource.

File Name

Defines the file name that the job executes.