Creating a Job

This procedure describes how to create a job in a folder or sub-folder in your WorkspaceClosedA working area in the Planning domain where you define new jobs and folders or edit existing jobs and folders.


  1. From the Center Pane Toolbar, click and from the drop-down list, drag and drop the job typeClosedThe type of the job, such as an OS Job that executes on the operating system level, or the job types that run on third-party applications, such as AWS, Azure, and Databases into a folder or sub-folder within the Workspace.

    For a list of all available job types, see Job Types.

  2. From the Edit tab, define one or more of the following:

Job General Attributes

The following table describes the General attributes for a job:



Job Type

Determines the job type selected from the drop-down list.

Job Name

Defines the name of the job.


  • Characters: 1-64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Single quotation marks, $, /, *, ?

  • Variable Name: %%JOBNAME

  • The name of a job must be unique within each folder. The job cannot have the same name as the parent folder or sub-folder.

  • To include a parenthesis -) or (- precede it with a slash: /( or /).

  • IBM i (AS/400) only

    • Name the job according to IBM i (AS/400) conventions and verify that it matches the actual job name used by IBM i (AS/400)

    • The Job Name value is considered part of the job submission command


Defines a description of the job using free text.


  • Characters: 1-4000

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Run as dummy

Runs as a dummy job, and not as a Dummy job type. A job that is set to Run as dummy is not submitted by Control-M/Server and only performs post processing actions.

  • On: Runs as a dummy job

  • Off: Runs according to job type

z/OS only

  • On: Changes the Override path to Dummy

  • Off: Restores the Original Override path


Indicates the name of the Control-M/Server that processes the job.

Host /Host Group

Defines the name of an AgentClosedA Control-M component installed on a host that runs and monitors the jobs on the host computer, remote host computer, or host group where the job is submitted.


  • Characters: 1-50
  • Valid Characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and special characters: -, ., _, :
  • Invalid Characters: Latin-1 special character letters (upper and lower case)

Parent Folder

Defines the name of the parent folder or parent folder and sub-folder.


Defines a descriptive name for related job groups. The jobs do not have to run at the same time.



Defines a logical name for the Sub-application.


Application = Finance, and Sub Application = Payroll.


Determines the variable type, name, and value, as described in Variables.


  • Characters: 1-40, z/OS: 1-66

  • Value: 1-4000, z/OS: 1-66

  • Invalid Characters : Latin-1 special character letters (upper and lower case)


Override path

Defines a temporarily-modified job script file without changing the original script file in the File Path/Member library and without changing the run schedule of a folder.


  • Characters: 1-255 iSeries (AS/400): 1-10

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blanks. If the job runs on any version of Microsoft Windows 2000, prohibited filename characters (such as \, /, or *)

  • Variable Name: %%OVERLIB

Pre-execution Command

Defines a command that runs immediately before running the job. The return code is ignored.

  • Characters: 1-4000

  • Variable Name: %%PRECMD

Post-execution Command

Defines a command that runs immediately after running the job. The return code is ignored.

  • Characters: 1-4000

  • Variable Name: %%POSTCMD

Run job on all hosts in group

Determines whether Control-M runs the job on all Agents within the Host Group. All available Agents in the Host Group run an identical job, and each such job has a unique run IDClosedThe ID code of the run of a folder, sub-folder, or job.

  • On: The job runs on all Agents within the Host Group.

  • Off: The job runs only on the current Agent.

Run as detached

Determines whether the job is submitted to Control-M for execution as a background process. The results of the job (the output) are analyzed by the post-processing subsystem.

End folder on job completion

Determines whether Control-M stops executing jobs and sub-folders in the folder.

To enable this option, you must have full User Views set in User and Role Authorizations .

Created by

Defines the Control‑M user who created the job.


  • Characters: 1-64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters: Blanks, single quotation marks


Defines the location of the documentation of the folder.


Determines whether the documentation for the job is in a file or URL, as follows:

  • URL: Saves the documentation in the URL that you provide in the URL field.

    The format of the URL address must start with http://, https://, ftp://, file://

  • File: Saves the documentation in a file that you specify in the Doc Path and Doc File fields.

Doc Path Rules:

  • Characters: 1-255 , iSeries (AS/400): 1-21

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

Doc File Rules:

  • Characters: 1-64

  • Case Sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid Characters : Blanks


Determines the order that Control-M processes jobs. A higher priority forces Control-M to reserve resources from the Resource PoolClosedA type of quantifiable resource, which represents the total amount of resources from a physical or logical device that a job can access to ensure that the job is submitted as soon as possible.


Determines whether the job is a critical-path job in Control-M. This ensures a resource allocation order.

  • Critical jobs take precedence over Priority jobs.

  • If you mark two or more jobs as Critical, the job with higher Priority receives resources first.

  • Critical jobs take precedence for Lock resources that have Exclusive status, not Shared status.

  • You cannot mark a job as Critical when the job is executing.

  • z/OS The parameter is called Emergency. If you create a job using a Control-M/EM utility and set the Critical parameter to 1, the job is marked as Emergency.