Introduction to Control-M Conversion

Control-M Conversion enables you to convert your workflows from your current scheduler or application to Control-M.

Converting Workflows to Control-M

This procedure describes how to convert your workflows to Control-M.


  1. From your current scheduler or application, extract the data as described in Source Data Extraction.

    If you can not find your scheduler in Source Data Extraction, use Control-M Self Conversion to convert your data.

  2. Convert the extracted data to Control-M data and load it into the Control-M environment, as described in Converting to Control-M.

  3. Resolve conversion issues inside the Control-M environment, as described in Post-Processing.

Setting Up the Conversion Tool

This procedure describes how to setup the Conversion Tool.


  1. Download the Conversion Tool from the following link:

    Conversion Tool Download

  2. Unzip the file.

  3. Open Conversion.bat

Verification Tools

Control-M Conversion includes the following tools that enable you to verify that the definitions of converted workflows in Control-M are functionally equivalent to those in the legacy tool:

  • Verification for Specific Dates: Compares scheduler forecasts and execution history reports from specific dates with Control-M/Forecast and execution reports for the same dates, and produces a report that lists all differences. This verification tool is relevant for the following schedulers:

    • ASG-Zeke

    • ASG-Zena

    • Broadcom Dollar Universe

    • Broadcom-AutoSys

    • Broadcom-ESP

    • Broadcom Unicenter WLM (TNG)

    • Broadcom-CA7

    • IBM TWS (DS & MF)

  • Verification for 5-year Forecast: Compares a 5-year forecast of each job in Control-M with the matching data from the legacy tool, and produces a report that lists all differences. This verification tool is relevant for the following schedulers:

    • Broadcom-AutoSys

    • Broadcom-ESP

    • Broadcom-CA7

Running the Verification Tool for Specific Dates

  • To access the Verification Tool that generates reports based on specific dates, from the Conversion Tool, click the drop-down list and select Verification Tool.

    The Verification Tool produces a report for each date, which indicates the following:

    • Jobs that have run or are planned to run by the scheduler but are missing from Control-M.

    • Jobs that have run or are planned to run by Control-M but are missing from the scheduler.

Installing the Verification Tool for a 5-Year Forecast

This procedure describes how to set up the verification tool that generates reports based on a comparison of a 5-year forecast.


  • Install this verification tool on the Control-M/EM machine using one of the following commands:

    • Linux: "em ctm_em/bin/ install"

    • Windows: "scheduling_service_install install"

Running the Verification Tool for a 5-Year Forecast

This procedure describes how to run the verification tool that generates reports based on a comparison of a 5-year forecast.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you installed the Verification Tool, as described in Installing the Verification Tool for a 5-Year Forecast.


  1. Prepare a Configuration File, as described in Configuration File for Verification Tool for 5-Year Forecast.

  2. Navigate to the following folder:


  3. Run the following command:

    verifySchedulingResults  <CONFIGURATION_FILE>

    The Verification Tool generates a spreadsheet-based report that contains a line for each job and a column for each day.

    Each cell indicates which tools expects the job to run on that date:

    • Control-M

    • Legacy tool

    • Both Control-M and the legacy tool

    The comparison is done based on the days that the job runs, and not the time it is expected to run.

Configuration File for Verification Tool for 5-Year Forecast

The following is a sample content of the configuration file for the verification tool that compares a 5-year forecast:

"sourceTool": "CA7",                 
"sourceForecastReport": "in\\CA7SingleDateReport.txt",                 
"verificationResultReport": "report\\verificationReport.xlsx",                 
"filters": \{ "controlM": ["folder1""folder2","folder3"]},
"forecastServer": "",
"ctmServerNames": ["dba-tlv-vmbdyi", "dba-tlv-vmbena"],
"conversionMappingFile": "in mapping.csv",
"control-m-enterprise-manager-username": "emuser",
"control-m-enterprise-manager-password": ""

The following table describes the properties in the configuration file:




Determines which of the following legacy tools is currently running at your site:

  • AutoSys

  • CA7

  • ESP


Defines the full path to the legacy tool 5-year forecast report for the job set.


Defines the full destination path for the output report file.


Defines the folders to process by either controlM or the source tool (or both).


Defines  the name of the Forecast server.


Defines the names of Control-M/Servers to include in the forecast comparison.

For all servers, leave this property empty.


(Optional) Defines the name of a file that maps jobs names between the legacy system and Control-M.

In this file, each line presents the name of a job in the legacy system and in Control-M.

You can prepare this mapping file if, for example, original job names are long and exceed Control-M name length limitations.


Defines the Control-M/EM username.


Defines the password for the Control-M/EM user.

If you do not provide this property, you are prompted for the password when the Verification Tool runs.