
The ctmsys utility is an interactive utility that enables you to maintain the following:

  • Shout Destination tables for directing Shout messages.

  • Control‑M system parameters.

Shout Destination tables associate logical output destinations (specified in Shout and Do Shout statements in job processing definitions) with physical destination names. For more information, see Shout destination management.

Running the ctmsys Utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmsys utility, which enables you to maintain Shout Destination tables and system parameters.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Specify the command:


    The following menu is displayed:

    |     Control-M SYSTEM MAINTENANCE UTILITY       |
    |                 Main Menu                      |
    1)  Shout Destination Tables
    2)  System Parameters
    q)  Quit
    Enter option:
    |     Control-M SYSTEM MAINTENANCE UTILITY       |
    |                 Main Menu                      |

    1)  Shout Destination Tables
    2)  System Parameters

    q)  Quit
    Enter option:

    The options in this menu and in all other menus provided by this utility can be selected by typing the option number or command letter and pressing <Enter>.

Accessing the Shout Destination Tables Menu

This procedure describes how to access the shout destinations table menu, which enables you to create, modify, list, and delete shout destination tables.


  1. Select Option 1 from the Main Menu.

    The following menu is displayed:

    Shout Destination Tables Menu-----------------------------
    Active Shout Destination Table: <tableName>

    1)  Create/Modify a Table
    2)  Set SMART folder
    3)  List Tables
    4)  Delete Table

    q)  Quit and return to main menu

    Enter option:
  2. The name of the currently-active Shout Destination table is displayed in the <tableName> field on the menu.

  3. Modify or view parameters as follows:

    • To switch between the two pages of parameters, type n (next page) or p (previous page) as required.

    • To modify a parameter, type the number preceding the parameter.
      If the parameter has a Y/N value, typing the parameter’s option number toggles the value between Y and N and redisplays the page.

    • If the parameter requires any other value, you are prompted to type the value. After you supply the value, the page is redisplayed.

  4. To exit the utility, do one of the following:

    • Type s to save your changes and exit to the Main Menu. Modifications are not saved until you perform this action.

    • Type c to cancel all changes and exit to the Main Menu.

Creating/Updating a Shout Destination Table

This procedure describes how to create/update a shout destination table from the ctmsys utility.


  1. Select Option 1 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    Alist of available tables, similar to the following, is displayed:

    Shout Destination Tables------------------------
    Table to create/modify or ‘q’ to quit [SYSTEM]:
  2. Specify the name of the table to be created or modified (or press <Enter> to accept the default).

    Ifthe name you specify is not the name of an existing Shout Destination table, a new table will be created with the specified name.

    A display similar to the following is displayed. For an existing table, the display lists the defined destinations.

    Shout Destination Table ‘SYSTEM’--------------------------------
    #  Destination Type  Addr  Logical Name  Physical Name
    -  ----------------  ----  ------------  -------------
    1  E  S  EM 
    2  T  S  Term_B  $TTB.#B
    q) Quit  e#) Edit entry #  n) New entry  d#) Delete entry #
    Enter option:

Shout Destination Table Parameters

The following table lists the parameters for creating.updating a shout destination table from the ctmsys utility:




Defines the entry number in the table.

Destination Type

Indicates the type of recipient.

Valid values:

  • U: Specific user. If the user is not logged onto the data center when the Shout message is sent, the message is placed in the user’s mail.

  • M: User’s mail.

  • T: Destination is a specific terminal or file known to the operating system from which the shout was invoked.

  • O: System console.

  • L:Control-M/Server log.

  • E: Alert window of Control‑M/EM.

  • P: Sends the shout message to a specific program.


Indicates the destination computer of the shout.

Valid values:

  • S: Server

  • A: Agent

Logical Name

Defines the name used in the Shout or Do Shout parameter of the job processing definition to identify the recipient of the Shout message.

Physical Name

  • For Destination Type U: name of a user in the data center.

  • For Destination Type M: e-mail address of the user (for example, username@xxx.zzz).

  • For Destination Type T: terminal ID or full path name (max. 96 characters) of a file. If the file exists, the message will be appended to the end of the file.

  • For Destination Type P: the full path name of the program file/script that will perform the Shout operation.

  • For Destination Types O, L, and E: no physical name is specified because each of these is a unique destination.

Creating a New Entry in a Shout Destination Table

This procedure describes how to create a new entry in a shout destination table from the ctmsys utility.


  1. Type n.

    The following prompts appear:

    Dest. Type: (U)ser (M)ail (T)erminal c(O)nsole (L)og (P)rogram Control-M/(E)M:
  2. Specify the letter corresponding to the desired destination type.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Address Type (S)erver or (A)gent:
  3. For Destination types U, M, P, T, or O, specify whether the destination is on the server (S) or Agent (A).

    For Destination type E, specify S.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Logical Name:
  4. Specify the logical name for this destination.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Physical Name:
  1. For Destination types U, M, P, or T, specify the physical name. For Destination types O and E, leave this field blank.

    The new entry is added to the table.

Modifying an Existing Entry in a Shout Destination Table

This procedure describes how to modify an existing entry in a shout destination table from the ctmsys utility.


  1. Type e<entry_number>. For example, to modify entry number2, specify e2.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Dest Type:
    Address Type:
    Physical Name:

    This option cannot be used to modify a logical name.

  2. Specify a new physical name for the entry.

    The table is redisplayed with the modified entry.

Deleting an Existing Entry in a Shout Destination Table

This procedure describes how to delete an existing entry in a shout destination table from the ctmsys utility.


  1. Specify d<entry #>. For example, to delete entry # 2, specify d2.

    The entry is deleted.

  2. Specify q to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    The Shout Destination Tables menu is redisplayed.

Editing an Active Shout Destination Table

This procedure describes how to edit an active shout destination table from the ctmsys utility.


  1. Select Option 2 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    A list similar to the following is displayed:

    Existing Shout Destination Tables
    Enter name of table to make active or q to quit [SYSTEM]:
  2. Specify the name of the table to set as the active Shout Destination table.

    The following message is displayed:

    Table <table name> is now active.

    Press ENTER to continue.

  3. Press <Enter> to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    The active Shout Destination table is changed immediately, affecting Shout and Do Shout operations performed by Control‑M.

    To specify the active Shout Destination table using a job, run the ctmshtb utility, described in ctmshtb

Listing Existing Shout Destination Tables

This procedure describes how to list existing shout destination tables from the ctmsys utility.


  1. Select Option 3 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    Alist similar to the following is displayed:

    Shout Destination Tables
    Press ENTER to continue
  2. Press <Enter> to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    The Shout Destination Tables menu is redisplayed.

Deleting an Existing Shout Destination Table by Name

This procedure describes how to delete an existing shout destination table by name.


  1. Select Option 4 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    A list of existing Shout Destination Tables is displayed.

  2. Specify the name of the table to delete.

    The following message is displayed:

    Delete completed successfully.
    Press ENTER to continue.
  3. Press <Enter> to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

    It is not possible to delete the active Shout Destination table.

Accessing the Control-M System Parameters from the ctmsys Utility

This procedure describes how to access the Control-M system parameters from the ctmsys utility, which enables you to view or edit Control-M system parameters.


  1. Choose Option 2 from the Main Menu.

    The first group of parameters (and their current values) is displayed.

  2. When you specify n, the second page of parameters is displayed.

  3. Enter command, or item number you wish to change.

Customizing the New Day Procedure

This procedure describes how to customize the New Day procedure using the ctmsys utility.


  1. From the CONTROL-M System Maintenance Utility Main Menu, select System Parameters.

    The CONTROL-M System Parameters menu appears.

  2. You can change any of the following:

    • New day time (Day Time)

    • Retention period for Control-M/Server logs (Maximum Days Retained by Control-M Log)

    • Retention period for Control-M/Server Output files (Maximum Days to Retain Output Files)

    • Ignore New Day Conditions

      BMC recommends that you not change the default. If you change the Ignore New Day Conditions to Y, edit or create a file in the home directory of the Control-M owner account: ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/dbs_ignrcond.dat. Ensure the file contains the list of prefixes of prerequisite conditions, and/or including masks, that should not be deleted by the New Day procedure. Prerequisite condition names are case-sensitive; the mask character * and ? are supported.

  3. Set the configuration parameter values in the Control-M/Server configuration parameter file (~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/config.dat on the server computer), as follows:

    • Define whether the New Day procedure should clean up (delete) job runtime statistics, by running the ctmruninf utility. (You can also run this utility manually, and use the utility to display runtime statistics summaries.)

      By default, the New Day procedure cleans up statistics (the STATISTICS_CLEANUP_IN_NEWDAY configuration parameter is set to Y). To speed up the New Day procedure, set the STATISTICS_CLEANUP_IN_NEWDAY configuration parameter to N, but periodically run ctmruninf - PURGE manually. For information, see  .

    • Define whether the New Day procedure should clean up (delete) Output files and unneeded user exit status files from Control-M/Agent computers (using the ctmagcln utility.)

      By default, the New Day procedure cleans up the Output and User exit status file (the AgentS_CLEANUP_IN_NEWDAY configuration parameter is set to Y). To speed up the New Day procedure, set the AgentS_CLEANUP_IN_NEWDAY configuration parameter to N, but to periodically run the ctmagcln utility manually. For information, see ctmagcln.

If any folders need to be ordered by the New Day procedure (instead of User daily jobs), associate them with the Order Method, Specific User Daily and SYSTEM User daily Name in Control-M .