Tandem Job

Tandem jobs enable you to define jobs, retrieve job attributes, and control jobs running on the HPE NonStop (AKA Guardian) operating system.

The following table describes the Tandem job type attributes.




Defines the name of the process. It must begin with a $ (dollar sign) and be followed by an alphabetic character. Each remaining character must be alphanumeric.

Rule: 2–6 characters, including the $ (dollar sign).

Variable Name: %%HOME_TERM

What to run

Determines whether the Job runs as one of the following:

  • TACL Script: Defines the Job that runs the TACL script
  • Program: Defines the Job that executes the program
  • Command: Defines that the Job runs a command and includes the Command line.
  • Embedded TACL Script: Defines a script exactly as it is specified in a terminal for the specific computer, which is part of the Job definition.
  • External Process: Attaches an external process (not submitted by Control-M) to a Control-M Active Job.

TACL Script

Defines the name of the TACL file.


Defines the name of the program to execute.

Volume Subvolume

Defines the Volume and sub volume where the TACL script or Program resides.

Overriding volume

Defines the Volume and sub volume where the overriding TACL script or Program resides

Home terminal

Defines a valid device name.


Defines the CPU number (0–15) in which the process runs on.

Variable Name: %%CPU


Defines the priority in which the process runs under.

Variable Name: %%PRI


Enables you to assign Job environmental attributes, such as name and other attributes (for example access mode and exclusion mode).


Enables you to set environmental variables for your applications.


Enables you to set the name and value of your program to use these parameters when creating a Job.

Input File

Defines the full name of the input file.

Output file

Defines the full filename of the output file (which is overwritten if it exists already).

Skip Validity Checks for this Job

Determines whether validity checks are performed against any of the Tandem related Job attributes.

Bypass Job (skip execution)

Determines whether the Job submits to the Tandem operating system. Instead, the Job ends OK and for the Job a dummy OUTPUT is created.

This process should be created in a no wait manner

Determines whether the Job creates in a nowait manner. This means the parent process does not wait for acknowledgment that the process was created.

Produce CTMRJOB diagnostics

Determines whether the CTMRJOB diagnostics are turned on for this specific Job, overriding the value specified by the GUARDIAN configuration parameter CTMRJOB_DIAG.

Creation option

Defines information about the environment of the new process. Control-M rules 0-127. See PROCESS_CREATE_API in the HP NonStop Guardian Procedure Calls. Field Name: CREATE_OPTION.

Set mode option

Defines the SETMODE command to be issued for the created process. See SETMODE API in the HP NonStop Guardian Procedure Calls. Field Name: SETMODE <function><Param1><Param2>

Job id

Defines an integer (Job ID) that specifies the Job to be created. See Run Command in the HP NonStop TACL Commands and Functions. Set to GEN to instruct Control-M to generate a unique Job ID.

When a non-empty value is specified, the "Detect spawned Jobs" window is enabled. For more information, see .

Swap file for data

Enables you to use the parameter for informational purposes only. See Run Command in the HP NonStop TACL Commands and Functions. Field Name: SWAP

Swap for extended data

Enables you to allocate swap space for the default extended segment of the process. See Run Command in the HP NonStop TACL Commands and Functions. Field Name: EXT_SWAP

Memory pages

Defines the initial number of memory pages in which the process is created.

Debug attribute

Enables you to set the debugging attributes for the new process. Control-M rules: 0–15. See PROCESS_CREATE_API in the HP NonStop Guardian Procedure Calls.