SAP Connection Profile Parameters

Control-M for SAP can connect with a SAP system after a connection profile is created.

The following table describes the SAP connection profile parameters:


Logon Type




Click to open the General parameters.

Connection profile name


Defines the connection profile for the job.


  • Characters: 1−30

  • Case sensitive: Yes

  • Invalid characters: Spaces



Defines a free-text description of the connection profile.

Logon type


Determines one of the following types of logons:

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Application server host name

Specific application server


Defines the host name of the computer running the SAP application server.

System number

Specific application server

Determines a two-digit number of the SAP instance.

Rule: 2 characters

System ID


Defines the the SAP System ID.

Rule: 3 alphanumeric characters

Message server host name


Defines the host name of the SAP system message server.



Defines the SAP login group name.

The Group name is defined in the SAP SMLG transaction.

Connection Details

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Click to open the Connection Details parameters.

SAP client

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines the number of the SAP client.

Rule: 3 characters

Login user name

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Defines the SAP login user name.

For details about required authorizations, see Control-M for SAP Post-installation.

Rules: 1 - 127 characters

Login password

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Defines the password for the SAP login user.


  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines the SAP language.

Default: English

SAP application version

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines one of the following SAP application versions:

  • R/3

  • BW 2.<X>

  • BW 3.<X> or later

Default: R/3

XBP version

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines one of the following SAP XBP interface versions that is installed on the SAP server:

  • XBP 1.0

  • XBP 2.0

  • XBP 3.0

Default: XBP 3.0

SAProuter string

  • Specific application server

  • Group

(Optional) Defines the proxy in a network connection between SAP systems and external networks.

Secured Network Communication

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Click to open the Secured Network Communication parameters.

SNC partner name

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Defines the SNC (Secured Network Communication) name of the application server.


SNC lib

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Defines the client full path and file name to SAP crypto lib.


Quality of protection

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines the quality of the secured network protection.

Rule: Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9

  • Default: 8

SNC my name

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Defines the SNC name of the user sending the RFC.

Default: The name provided by the security product for the user who is logged on.

Advanced Options

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Click to open the Advanced Options parameters.

Specify the maximum time to wait for a SAP response

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines the number of seconds the program waits for an RFC request to be handled by the SAP system before returning a timeout error.

Default: 180

Use SAP Plug-in function modules

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines whether the extended functionality of Control-M for SAP is used.

If you select this option, the Control-M Function Modules must be installed on your SAP server, as described in Installing the Control-M Function Modules in a Non-Unicode SAP System and Installing the Control-M Function Modules in a Unicode SAP System.

This is a solution manager connection profile

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Determines whether the specified connection profile is a solution manager connection profile.

If this not selected, enter the solution manager connection profile in the next parameter, below.

Define the required solution manager connection profile

  • Specific application server

  • Group

Defines the required solution manager connection profile.