Control-M for IBM Cognos Installation

The following procedures describe how to install and uninstall Control-M for IBM Cognos:

If you want to install multiple instances of Control-M for IBM Cognos on several computers using the same configuration, use the automatic installation, as described in these procedures.

Installing Control-M for IBM Cognos on Control-M/Agent on UNIX

This procedure describes how to install Control-M for IBM Cognos on Control-M/Agent on UNIX.

The default installation is interactive and uses a GUI display. XServer must be running and configured using the DISPLAY environment variable. If you do not have XServer available, BMC recommends that you continue with the console installation or perform an automatic installation.

Before You Begin


  1. Log in as the Control-M/Agent user.

  2. Type the following command to stop the Control-M/Agent:

    $CONTROLM/scripts/shut-ag -u <agentUser> -p all

    • If the Control-M/Agent was installed with user root, then log in as user root every time you start up or shut down the Control-M/Agent throughout this procedure.

    • If you use an AIX operating system, then remove unused libraries from memory, by typing the following command as a root user:


  3. Use one of the following modes:

    • Display: If you install using GUI (or XServer), set your DISPLAY environment variable, as described in Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.

    • Console: It is not necessary to set DISPLAY.

  4. Type the following command to activate the installation script:


  5. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive install: Continue with the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic install: Do the following:

      1. Continue with the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

      2. Click Generate and select the location to create the XML parameter file.

      3. Click Yes.

      4. Copy the automatic installation parameters file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

      5. Type the following command to activate the installation script:

        <source_path>/ -silent <filename.xml>

    The installation log is saved to the following location:


  6. Log out of the Control-M/Agent.

  7. Log in and start the Control-M/Agent with the following command:

    $CONTROLM/scripts/start-ag -u <agentUser> -p all

    Control-M for IBM Cognos restarts automatically.

Installing Control-M for IBM Cognos on Control-M/Agent on Windows

This procedure describes how to install Control-M for IBM Cognos on Control-M/Agent on Windows.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that all jobs running on the Control-M/Agent have ended.

  • Shut down Control-M/Agent.


  1. Log in as a user with Administrator privileges and stop the Control-M/Agent.

  2. Open the command prompt as Administrator and type the following command:


  3. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive install: Continue with the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic install: Do the following:

      1. Continue with the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

      2. Click Generate and select the location to create the XML parameter file.

      3. Click Yes.

        The automatic installation XML parameters file created (<filename>.xml) is relevant only for computers with the same Control-M/Agent instance name. A separate <filename>.xml file must be created or modified manually for each Control-M/Agent instance name.

      4. Copy the automatic installation parameters file to a network location that is accessible to all Control-M/Agent computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

  4. Run the installation script, as follows:

    <installation_path>\Setup.exe -silent <silent.xml>

    The installation log can be found at the following location:


  5. Restart the Control-M/Agent.

    Control-M for IBM Cognos restarts automatically.

Installing Control-M for IBM Cognos on the Control-M Client on Windows

This procedure describes how to install Control-M for IBM Cognos on the Control-M client on Windows.

Before you begin

  • Close the Control-M client and the CCM.


  1. Log in as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the following directory and click setup.exe.


  3. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive install: Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic install: Do the following:

      1. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

      2. Click Generate, select the location to create the XML file, and click Yes.

        The XML file is only relevant only for computers with the same Control-M/EM version. For computers with different Control-M/EM versions, a separate file must be created for each computer.

      3. Copy the XML file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

      4. Run the installation script with the following command:

        <source_path>\EM\setup.exe -silent <silent.xml>

    The installation log is saved to the following location or under the directory that contains the %temp% directory:


Uninstalling Control-M for IBM Cognos from UNIX

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M for IBM Cognos from UNIX.

Before You Begin

  • Stop all jobs running on Control-M/Agent.

  • Verify that all jobs have ended.


  1. From a Control-M/Agent computer, log in as a Control-M/Agent user, and type the following command to shut down Control-M/Agent:

    $CONTROLM/scripts/shut-ag -u <agentUser> -p all

    • If the Control-M/Agent was installed with user root, then log in as user root every time you start up or shut down the Control-M/Agent throughout this procedure.

    • If you use an AIX operating system, then remove unused libraries from memory, by typing the following command as a root user:


  2. Set your DISPLAY environment variable according to the computer name, as described in Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:


  4. Type one of the following commands:

    • Interactive install: ./

    • Automatic install: / -silent

  5. To restart Control-M/Agent, type the following command:

    $CONTROLM/scripts/start-ag -u <agentUser> -p all

Uninstalling Control-M for IBM Cognos from Windows

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M for IBM Cognos from Windows.

Before You Begin

  • Stop all jobs running on Control-M/Agent.

  • Verify that all jobs have ended.


  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Uninstall a program.

  3. Select Control-M for IBM Cognos.

  4. Click OK to continue.

Performing an Automatic Uninstall from Windows

This procedure describes how to perform an automatic uninstall of Control-M for IBM Cognos from Windows.

Before You Begin

  • Stop all jobs running on Control-M/Agent.

  • Verify that all jobs have ended.


  1. Log in to the computer using a user ID that has Administrator authorizations.

  2. Navigate to the following directory:


  3. Open a command prompt window as an Administrator and type the following command:
