Hub Settings

The Hub settings are pre-configured and are based on the settings you have defined in the File Transfer Server.

The following lists the Hub settings options:

General Settings

The following table describes the Hub general setting parameters.



Hub Name

Defines the logical name of the Hub.

Home Directory

Defines the root path where transfered files are stored.

If you want to use a different directory for each logged in internal user, you must add \${userName} to the path.


Bob connects to the File Transfer Server and uploads the file a.txt to the root directory, the file is saved in C:\temp\Bob\a.txt.


B2B Subfolder

Defines the name of the folder under the home directory that contains all the Virtual Folders.

For internal users, this folder is hidden. Internal user can only access the B2B virtual folders by typing the B2B sub-folder under the home dir.


Default access type for new folders

Determines which folder access type is the default, as follows:

  • Limited access to Incoming/Outgoing folders: The Incoming (files sent by external users to your organization) and Outgoing (files sent by internal users to external users) sub-folders are automatically created within this folder in the Hub environment:

  • Unlimited : Enables read/write access to the whole directory.

Configuration Port

Determines the port number used to access the Hub for configuration changes.

Default: 28080

Send Audit Logs

Determines whether to generate records to the database.

Log Level

Determines one of the following log levels for the Hub:


  • WARN

  • INFO



HTTP Settings

The following table describes HTTP Settings for the MFT Enterprise B2B File Exchange web application.





Determines the HTTP or HTTPS port number for the MFT Enterprise B2B File Exchange.

  • If you change this parameter in Gateway Settings, you must change it in the file in the Gateway and restart the Gateway.

  • If you set the port below 1024, which is a privileged port (well-known ports), the MFT Gateway must be executed as root user.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Enable SSL

Determines whether to enable HTTPS.

If you change this parameter, you must change it in the Hub and Gateway settings and in the hub.ssl parameter in the file in the Gateway and restart the Gateway.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Keystore File Path

Determines the path for the HTTPS keystore file.

The keystore must be in PKCS12 format. If FIPS is enabled, the format must be BCFKS.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Keystore File Password

Determines the password that is used by the Hub to access the HTTPS keystore.

Default: abcd1234

If you change this password, the keystore password is not changed. For more information, see Changing the MFT key database password.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Session Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait before a timeout.

Hub Settings

SFTP Settings

The following table describes the SFTP settings between the Hub and the MFT Enterprise B2B Gateway.





Determines the port number that the embedded Hub/Gateway listens to for SFTP connections.

This port is used by clients to connect to the SFTP server

If you set the port below 1024, which is a privileged port (well-known ports), the MFT Gateway must be executed as root user.

Default: 1222 (Hub), 1224 (Gateway).

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

External Users SFTP Authentication Method

Determines one of the following authentication methods used for external users to connect with SFTP:

  • Password or Key Default

  • Password and key


Internal Users SFTP Authentication Method

Determines one of the following authentication methods used for internal users to connect with SFTP:

  • Password or Key Default

  • Password and key


Keystore File Path

Defines the path to the file that contains the client's certificate.

The keystore must be in PKCS12 format. If FIPS is enabled, the format must be BCFKS.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Keystore File Password

Defines the password for the file that contains the server's certificate.

Default: abcd1234

If you change this password, the keystore password is not changed. For more information, see Changing the MFT Keystore Password.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Allowed Ciphers

Determines the cipher security settings used for SFTP.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Authorized Keys File Path

Defines the path to the file that contains authorized users by SFTP.

The authorized users file must include all internal users’ public keys. Each user should be included in the following format:

<username> <ssh public key (ssh-rsa format)>

Hub Settings

FTP/S Settings

The following table describes FTP/S settings between the Hub and the MFT B2B Gateway.




Listen for FTP/S connection

Determine whether the Hub/Gateway that supports client connection with the FTP/FTPS protocol is enabled.

When internal users connect with FTP/S, they cannot access the B2B sub-folder. To access the B2B sub-folder from inside the organization, use SFTP protocol.

Hub Settings

FTP Port

Determines the port number that the embedded Hub/Gateway listens to for FTP/FTPS connections.

  • This port is used by clients to connect to the FTP/FTPS server.

  • If you set the port below 1024, which is a privileged port (well-known ports), the MFT Gateway must be executed as root user.

Default: 1221 (Hub), 1223 (Gateway).

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Allow multiple open sessions

Determines whether multiple users can connect to the Hub/Gateway simultaneously.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Maximum Concurrent Open Sessions

Determines the number of users that can connect to the Hub/Gateway simultaneously.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Maximum Login Failures

Determines the maximum number of login attempts before a timeout.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Delay Between Login Failures

Determines the number of seconds to wait after a login failure before the next attempt.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Secured FTP Enabled

Determines whether FTPS is enabled.

If you change this parameter, you must change it in the Hub and Gateway settings and in the hub.ssl parameter in the file in the Gateway and restart the Gateway.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Keystore File Path

Defines the path to the file that contains the server certificate.

The keystore must be in PKCS12 format. If FIPS is enabled, the format must be BCFKS.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Keystore File Password

Defines the password of the file that contains the server certificate.

Default: abcd1234

If you change this password, the keystore password is not changed. For more information, see Changing the MFT Keystore Password.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Allowed Ciphers

Determines the cipher security settings used for FTPS.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Listen for Implicit Connection

Determines whether to automatically turn on security after a connection is established between the FTPS client and the Managed File Transfer server.

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

Passive Ports

Limits the range of dynamic ports that can be used for passive connections in FTP. Ports can be defined as single ports, closed or open ranges. Multiple definitions must be separated by commas.

2300 :Uses 2300 as the passive port

2300-2399:Uses all ports in the range

2300-:Uses all ports larger than 2300

2300,2305,2400-: Uses 2300 or 2305 or any port larger than 2400

  • Hub Settings

  • Gateways Settings

AS2 Settings

The following table describes the Hub AS2 settings.



Listen for AS2 connection on additional ports

Determines whether the Hub/Gateway that supports client connection with the AS2 protocol is enabled.

By default, the Gateway accepts AS2 over HTTPS connections in port 9443.

AS2 Port

(Optional) Determines the port on the Hub where AS2 listens for messages.

MDN Port

(Optional) Determines the port on the Hub to listen for MDN receipts.


Defines the logical name of your AS2 server.

AS2 Email

Defines the email address of the AS2 server.

AS2 Keystore File Path

Defines the location where AS2 keystore that contains your certificate and all partner certificates is located.

AS2 Keystore File Password

Defines the AS2 keystore password.

If you change this password, the keystore password is not changed. For more information, see Changing the MFT key database password.

AS2 Keystore Key Alias

Defines the alias of your AS2 Server in the keystore.

Set file name from Content Disposition Header

Determines whether to name the file as the Content Disposition Header only if it exists.

Set file name from the HTTP header 'filename' parameter

Determines whether to name the file according to the filename parameter value in the HTTP header.

Default AS2 File Name Pattern

Determines whether to name the file with the defined default value:



Valid variables:

  • ${AS2_FROM}

  • ${AS2_TO}

  • ${UUID}


  • ${MSG_ID}

To avoid overwriting files, use the unique ${UUID} or ${MSG_ID} variables.