Databases Connection Profile Parameters

The following table describes Control-M for Databases connection profile parameters.



Database Type

Determines one of the following database types to use in the connection profile:

Database Version

Determines the version of the database.

Maximum Concurrent Connections

Determines the maximum number of connections between 1–512 that the database can process at the same time

Number of connection retries

Determines the number of connection attempts between 1–24 after a connection failure

Connection retry time out

Determines the time in seconds (1–300) between each connection attempt

Connection idle time

Determines one of the following:

  • Disconnect after: Determines the number of seconds that the database connection profile remains idle before disconnecting
  • Disconnect immediately if no pending request: Defines the database connection profile to disconnect when idle.

Oracle Database Connection Parameters

The following table describes Oracle database connection parameters.



Connection Type

Determines one of the following options as your connection type:

  • Service Name: Enables you to connect to an Oracle Database with a single service name. To connect to Oracle RAC, you can define the SCAN name in the Host/SCAN Name field to connect all hosts of the RAC to a single address

  • SID: Enables you to connect to an Oracle Database by the SID identifier.

  • Connection String: Enables you to enter a connection string containing text which exists in your tnsname.ora file that can include multiple host addresses and special attributes.

Host/SCAN name

Defines the name that connects all hosts of a Oracle RAC to a single address.

Port Number

Defines the port number of the web services server.

Default: 1521

User Name

Define the user name of the specified database.


Defines the password of the specified database.

MSSQL Database Connection Parameters

The following table describes MSSQL database connection parameters.




Determines whether SSL is used to encrypt the connection to a MSSQL database.

You must import the SSL certificate to be able to use SSL.

Host Name

Defines the hostname of the specified database.

Use Port

Defines the port number of the database..

Port Number

Defines the port number of the web services server.

Default: 1433

Database Name

Defines the name of the specified database.


Determines one of the following options as your authentication type:

  • SQL Server Authentication: Authenticates the user to the database through an SQL server.
  • Windows Authentication: Authenticates the user to the database through Windows.
  • NTLM2 Windows Authentication: Authenticates the user to the database through NTLM2 Windows.

User Name

Define the user name of the specified database.


Defines the password of the specified database.

Skip SSIS Package validation

Skips validation of all SSIS packages when testing a connection profile

Package password definition

Determines the Package Source, Package Name, and Package Password

DB2, Sybase, and PostgreSQL Database Connection Parameters

The following table describes DB2, Sybase, and PostgreSQL database connection parameters.



Host Name

Defines the hostname of the specified database.

Port Number

Defines the port number of the web services server.


  • DB2: 50000

  • Sybase: 4100

  • PostgreSQL: 5432

Database Name

Defines the name of the specified database.

User Name

Define the user name of the specified database.


Defines the password of the specified database.