Control-M Full Installation System Requirements

Before you install Control-M, verify that your operating system, processor, and database server are supported and have the correct amount of memory and diskspace. For a full list of requirements, see the Control-M 9.0.21 Release Notes.

Depending on your operating system, verify that your system meets one of the following requirements:

The number of processes limit must be equal to or greater than the number of expected parallel running jobs.

Full Installation UNIX System Requirements

The following table lists the prerequisite requirements for a UNIX platform. These values represent the minimum requirements for an entry level deployment. For higher capacity workloads, add resources.




Compatible processors







24 GB (minimum)


BMC Software recommends that you reserve 1.5 times the amount of RAM in the system for swap space.


100 GB

If you are installing Control-M with a remote database server, 15 GB are required on the database server.


4 vCPU

100 SPEC rating (2006_int_rate)

Full Installation Windows System Requirements

The following table lists the prerequisite requirements for a Windows platform. These values represent the minimum requirements for an entry level deployment. For higher capacity workloads, add resources.




  • Intel Xeon 64 bit

  • AMD Opteron

Compatible processors



16-bit (65536) colors or higher


24 GB


BMC Software recommends that you reserve 1.5 times the amount of RAM in the system for swap space.


If you are installing Control-M with a remote database server, 15 GB are required on the database server.

Related software

  • Google Chrome (version 78 or later) or Microsoft Edge (version 80 or later)

  • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.1


  • 4 vCPU

  • 100 SPEC rating (2006_int_rate)

    The <install folder> must have Read, List folder contents, Write, and Read & execute permissions assigned to the Users group.

Control-M/Server & Control-M/EM Hardware Sizing Template

Provide the following input in a support case for assistance on hardware sizing.

All values must be maximum values including future planning.

Control-M/Enterprise Manager

  • New Installation (First time install of EM on site)

  • Number of Jobs defined for this EM:

  • Maximum Number of Active Jobs per Day (from Peak Usage Report) :

  • Maximum Number of Executions per Day (from Peak Usage Report) :

  • Maximum defined EM users:

  • Maximum concurrent EM users (logged in at the same time):

  • Database Type and Version (e.g. PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL):

  • Database configuration (local or remote)

  • Number of Datacenters (CTM/Servers) connect:

  • Is SLA Managment /Forecasting/SelfService enabled:

    • If SLA Management is enabled how many Services are defined:

    • What is the average number of jobs per Service:

    • Is Forecast enabled:

    • Is Self Service enabled:

  • O.S. Platform and Version (e.g., AIX)

  • List of other applications/programs that will be residing on the machine

    Intended Hardware to be used if there is any.

    • Model:

    • Number of CPU’s:

    • Number of Cores/CPU:

    • Speed of CPU Mhz:

    • RAM:

  • Version of EM that is Intended to be Installed

  • If possible, Machine Spec according to the following website –

  • Upgrade from an Existing Installation

    • Is response time today on existing installation satisfactory?

    • How loaded is the machine today? (Measurement of CPU and Memory peek values)

    • Current Existing EM Version

Control-M/Server (For each Datacenter)

  • Maximum Daily Job Count

  • Maximum Daily Job Executions

  • Number of Agents connected to the server

  • How many of the Agents are using Agentless technology

  • Required Average Job Processing Rate for 15 Minutes (optional)

  • Required Job Submission Rate for 15 Minutes (optional)

  • O.S. Platform and Version (e.g., AIX)

  • Database Type and Version (e.g. PostgreSQL,Oracle, MSSQL)

  • Database configuration (local or remote)

  • Intended Hardware to be used - if there is any (Model, Number of CPU’s, CPU MHz, RAM, Disks)

  • Version of Control-M/Server that is Intended to be Installed

Database Server Requirements

The following table lists the database server options for the Control-M full installation.

You might experience performance degradation when the following occurs:

  • Too much workload is placed on too few hard disks

  • RedoLog files are placed on RAID-5 disks

  • Rollback tablespace is placed on RAID-5 disks

    For more information, see 000105549.

Database server



PostgreSQL (BMC-supplied)

Installs automatically in the background when you install Control-M.

During an upgrade, the PostgreSQL database server versions is not updated.


PostgreSQL (Existing)

A customer-supplied existing PostgreSQL full database server must be present (non-BMC source).

The database server must have the following two extensions:

  • plpgsql

  • dblink

  • OS authenticated logins to the database are not supported.

  • An External PostgreSQL database is supported only if it is compatible with the Open Source PostgreSQL.

  • The database must be configured to use user/password authentication. Trust authentication is not supported.

  • The external PostgreSQL server must be configured to password based connectivity.

The $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf file can have a line such as :

host all all password

  • 11.x

  • 12.x

  • 13.x

  • 14.x


A customer-supplied existing Oracle full enterprise/standard edition database server must be present.

An Oracle instant client is supplied in the background when you install Control-M.

For more details, see Oracle Requirements.



A customer-supplied existing MSSQL full database server must be present.

The following must be present on any computer that hosts Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server:

  • Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server

  • Microsoft Command Line Utilities 15 for SQL Server

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client

You must use an MSSQL server SA account to perform the installation. Installation with a Windows User is not supported.

  • Control-M installation with MSSQL must always be performed using an existing English language MSSQL database server.

  • If you want to have the database built with a different collate than the standard Latin1 or CJK, you need to define the CTM_FORCE_COLLATE environment variable such as Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS or HEBREW_Bin.

  • 2019

  • 2017

  • 2016

  • 2014 SP3 (Windows 2016 and lower)

The following table contains the parameter information required to install Control-M on supported existing database servers. Check with your system administrator for the exact information required.

Database server

Host name


Service name

Database server administrator password

Database location

Log location






Yes (UNIX only)
















  • PostgreSQL: If you need to enable CJK, the default Control-M PostgreSQL client encoding is UTF8. Ensure the template_utf Database with UTF8 encoding is present in your existing PostgreSQL server. If you do not need to enable CJK, the default Control-M PostgreSQL client encoding is LATIN1. Ensure the template1 Database with LATIN1 encoding is present in your existing PostgreSQL server. For more information, see 000380214.

  • PostgreSQL and MSSQL: The username and password must begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z) followed by 5-29 alphanumeric characters, and underscores.

  • Oracle: The username and password must begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z) followed by 5-29 alphanumeric characters, and underscores.

Optimizing Database Performance

This procedure describes how to optimize the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases.You might need to perform this procedure if your databases have a high transaction rate and high job count.


  1. Verify that the Oracle or PostgreSQL database is installed on a dedicated computer that does not have the UNIX SWAP file.

  2. Assign the Redo Log, WAL, and Transaction logs to a separate disk drive.

  3. Verify that the Redo Log, WAL, and Transactions log file is not using a RAID-5 disk (No RAID. RAID 0, RAID 0+1, RAID 10 are OK).

  4. Assign the Rollback tablespace Log to a separate disk drive.

  5. Verify that the Rollback tablespace file is not using a RAID-5 disk (No RAID. RAID 0, RAID 0+1, or RAID 10 are OK).

  6. Assign the Control Files Log to a separate disk drive.

  7. Verify that the Control Files are not using a RAID-5 disk (No RAID. RAID 0, RAID 0+1, or RAID 10 are OK).