Control-M Workload Change Manager Installation

The following procedures describe how to install Control-M Workload Change Manager on a Control-M/EM server on UNIX and Windows, which enables you to define Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters, define rules for web application users, and create requests and job flows from the Control-M Workload Change Manager site:

Control-M Workload Change Manager is a Control-M/EM component, which utilizes Control-M/EM memory and CPU resources. Therefore, Control-M Workload Change Manager requires additional memory and CPU resources, depending on the number of concurrent Control-M Workload Change Manager users and the number of requests. In most cases after installation, Control-M Workload Change Manager requires the same amount of memory that is consumed by the current Control-M/EM GUI server.

Installing Control-M Workload Change Manager on Windows

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Workload Change Manager on a Control-M/EM server on Windows, which enables you to start working with Control-M Workload Change Manager.

In a high availability environment, you must perform this procedure on the primary host only when it is active.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the database server that contains the Control-M/EM database is up and running.

  • Verify that the default web server port 18080, 8443 for HTTPS, or another configured port that you want to use is open and free for use.

  • Download the Control-M Workload Change Manager installation files (see Product Distribution in the Control-M Release Notes).


  1. From the Control-M Workload Change Manager activation CD, double-click the setup.exe file.

    The Control-M Workload Change Manager Installation Wizard appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    Interactive install: Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    Automatic install: Create a parameter file and then run the automatic install in a non-interactive mode, as follows:

    1. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

    2. Click Generate and select the location to create the XML parameter file.

    3. Click Yes to quit the installation.

      A confirmation message appears.

    4. Click Yes.

    5. Copy the automatic installation parameters file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

    6. Log in using a user ID that has Administrator permissions on the current computer.

    7. Ensure that the installation DVD is still in the DVD drive, and run the installation script, as follows:

      <source_path>\Setup.exe -silent <xml_path>\<filename.xml>

      The installation log can be found at the following location:


  3. Click Done.

Installing Control-M Workload Change Manager on UNIX

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Workload Change Manager on a Control-M/EM server on UNIX, which enables you to start working with Control-M Workload Change Manager.

In a high availability environment, you must perform this procedure on the primary host only when it is active.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the database server that contains the Control-M/EM database is up and running.

  • Verify that the default web server port 18080, 8443 for HTTPS, or another configured port that you want to use is open and free for use.

  • Download the Control-M Workload Change Manager installation files (see Product Distribution in the Control-M Release Notes).


  1. Mount the installation CD from the root user and log off the root user before continuing with the installation.

  2. Log in to the Control-M/EM account.

    If you are using the GUI, set the environment variable DISPLAY to value <hostName>:0.0. It is not necessary to set DISPLAY for console mode or silent mode. (For more information, see Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.)
  3. Type the following command:


  4. Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

Uninstalling Control-M Workload Change Manager from Windows

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M Workload Change Manager from Windows.


  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Programs and Features.

  3. Select Control-M Workload Change Manager, and click Uninstall.

  4. Click OK to continue.

    Control-M Workload Change Manager is successfully removed from your computer.

Uninstalling Control-M Workload Change Manager from UNIX

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M Workload Change Manager from UNIX.


  1. Log in as a Control-M user.

  2. Navigate to the following directory:


  3. Type one of the following commands:

    • Interactive uninstall: ./

    • Automatic uninstall: ./ -silent

    Control-M Workload Change Manager is successfully removed from your computer.