Control-M Application Pack Installation

The following procedures describe how to manually install and uninstall Control-M Application Pack on your Control-M/Agent computers:

You can also deploy Application Pack to multiple Agents from the CCM, as described in Application Pack Deployment.

Application Pack includes the following plug-ins:

  • Control-M for Backup

  • Control-M for Hadoop (Linux only)

  • Control-M for AWS

  • Control-M for Azure

  • Control-M for Informatica

  • You cannot install a previous version of Application Pack on Control-M/Agent version 9.0.21 and higher.

  • If you upgrade the Agent, Application Integrator that was part of Application Pack is upgraded as well. If you roll back the Agent, then Application Integrator cannot work. To re-enable Application Integrator, you must uninstall and then reinstall Application Pack.

Installing Control-M Application Pack on UNIX

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Application Pack on Control-M/Agent on UNIX.

Before You Begin


  1. Extract the files from the temporary directory that you created when you obtained the installation files.

    • If the Control-M/Agent was installed with root user , log in as root user every time you start or shut down the Control-M/Agent throughout this procedure.

    • (AIX only) Type the following command as a root user to remove unused libraries:


  2. Use one of the following modes:

    • Display: If you install using GUI or XServer, set your DISPLAY environment variable, as described in Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.

    • Console: It is not necessary to set DISPLAY.

  3. Activate the installation script with the following command:


  4. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive install: Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic install: Do the following:

      1. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Summary window appears.

      2. Click Generate, select a location to create the XML parameter file, and click Yes.

      3. Copy the XML parameter file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

      4. Type the following command to run the installation script:

        <source_path>/ -silent <filename.xml>

  5. End the session.

The installation log is saved to the following location:


Installing Control-M Application Pack on Control-M/Agent on Windows

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Application Pack on Control-M/Agent on Windows.

Before You Begin


  1. Log in to Control-M/Agent as an Administrator.

  2. From the Services application, right click on Control-M Agent and click Stop.

  3. From the directory that contains the installation files that you obtained, double-click setup.exe.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive install: Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic install: Do the following:

      1. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

      2. Click Generate, select the location to create the XML file, and click Yes.

        The XML file is only relevant for computers with the same Agent instance name. For Agents that have a different instance name, create a separate XML file for each Agent.

      3. Copy the XML file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

      4. Run the following installation script:

        <source_path>\setup.exe -silent <silent.xml>

  5. From the Services application, right click on Control-M Agent and click Start.

  • The installation log is saved to the following location:


  • If the installation fails, the log file is saved to the following location:


Installing Control-M Application Pack on the Control-M Client on Windows

This procedure describes how to install Control-M Application Pack on the Control-M client on Windows.

You must perform this procedure if your Control-M client is version,, or

Before you begin

  • Ensure that Control-M Application Pack installation files are accessible through your network.

  • Close the Control-M client and the CCM.


  1. Log in as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the EM directory and click setup.exe.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Interactive install: Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete.

    • Automatic install: Do the following:

      1. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Summary window.

      2. Click Generate, select the location to create the XML file, and click Yes.

        The XML file is only relevant only for computers with the same Control-M/EM version. For computers with different Control-M/EM versions, a separate file must be created for each computer.

      3. Copy the XML file to a network location that is accessible to all computers where you want to perform an automatic installation.

      4. Run the installation script with the following command:

        <source_path>\EM\setup.exe -silent <silent.xml>

    The installation log is saved to the following location or under the directory that contains the %temp% directory:


  4. Restart the Control-M client and the CCM.

Uninstalling Control-M Application Pack from UNIX

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M Application Pack from UNIX.

Before You Begin

  • Stop all jobs running on Control-M/Agent.

  • Verify that all jobs have ended.


  1. (AIX only) Untar the JRE located at BMCINSTALL/uninstall/agent by running the following:

    cd $HOME/BMCINSTALL/uninstall/agent

    tar -xvf JRE.tar

  2. From a Control-M/Agent computer, log in as a Control-M/Agent user, and type the following command to shut down Control-M/Agent:

    $CONTROLM/scripts/shut-ag -u <agentUser> -p all

    If the Control-M/Agent was installed with user root, then log in as user root every time you start up or shut down the Control-M/Agent throughout this procedure.

  3. Set your DISPLAY environment variable according to the computer name, as described in Setting Environment Variables in UNIX.

  4. Navigate to the following directory:


  5. Type one of the following commands:

    • Interactive: ./

    • Automatic: ./ -silent

  6. To restart Control-M/Agent, type the following command:

    $CONTROLM/scripts/start-ag -u <agentUser> -p all

The uninstallation logs is saved to the following location:


Uninstalling Control-M Application Pack from Windows

This procedure describes how to uninstall Control-M Application Pack from Windows.

Before You Begin

  • Stop all jobs running on Control-M/Agent.

  • Verify that all jobs have ended.


  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Uninstall a program.

  3. Select Control-M Application Pack.

  4. Click OK to continue.

The uninstallation log is saved to the following location:


Peforming an Automatic Uninstall from Windows

This procedure describes how to perform an automatic uninstall of Control-M Application Pack from Windows.

Before You Begin

  • Stop all jobs running on Control-M/Agent.

  • Verify that all jobs have ended.


  1. Log in to the computer using a user ID that has Administrator authorizations.

  2. Navigate to the following directory:

    <Agent Install Path>\BMCINSTALL\uninstall\DR1CM.<version>\

  3. Open a command prompt window as an Administrator and type the following command:

    uninstall.exe -silent

The uninstallation log is saved to the following location:


Changing the JRE Package in Application Pack

This procedure describes how to change the JRE package in Application Pack. The use of JRE is supported only where the major release version is the same as the tested version. For more information about Java, see Control-M External Java Installation.


  • Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Do the following:

      1. Edit the external_java_path.dat file in the <HOME>/BMCINSTALL/ directory

      2. Define an alternative Java home directory by modifying the value of the parameter CM_AP_JAVA_HOME to the external Java path.

        CM_AP_JAVA_HOME={new JRE Path}

        • A relative path is not supported.

        • The path can only include alphanumeric, period, underscore, hyphen and plus characters.

      3. Stop the Application Pack using the following command.

        $CONTROLM/cm/AP/exe/apmanager stop

        Application Pack restarts automatically.

    • Windows: Do the following:

      1. Edit the external_java_path.dat file in the <AGENT_HOME>\BMCINSTALL\ directory.

      2. Define an alternative Java home directory by modifying the value of the parameter CM_AP_JAVA_HOME to the external Java path.

        CM_AP_JAVA_HOME={new JRE Path}

        • The path must be enclosed with quotation marks.

        • A network path is not supported.

        • A relative path is not supported.

        • The path can only include alphanumeric, space, period, underscore, hyphen and plus characters.

      3. Stop the Application Pack using the following command.

        <AGENT_HOME>\cm\AP\exe\apmanager stop

        Application Pack restarts automatically.