Airflow Connection Profile Parameters

You must enable the remote REST API access to connect and use Control-M for Airflow, as described in Enabling Remote REST API Access.

The following table describes the Airflow connection profile parameters.



Connect To

Determines whether this connection profile is connected to the one of the following:

  • Standalone Airflow Server

  • Google Composer

Service Account Key

Determines which service account file (JSON) is used to access data in Google Composer.

Base URL

Defines the Airflow web UI URL in Google Composer.

Target Audience

Defines the JWT (JSON Web Token) audience for the IAP (Identity-Aware Proxy) Google Cloud service.

If you do not know the target audience value, define any text value and test the connection profile.

The error message indicates the required target audience value.

Host name

Defines the Airflow hostname.

User name

Defines the username that is used to log in to the Airflow server.


Defines the Airflow port number of the Airflow web server.


Defines the password to log in to the Airflow server.

Secured connection (HTTPS)

Determines whether a secure connection to the Airflow server is established.

Valid Values:

  • True

  • False

Enabling Remote REST API Access

This procedure describes how to configure the Standalone Airflow Server to accept REST API requests that are required by Control-M for Airflow.


  1. Log in to your Airflow server account.

  2. Open airflow.cfg and modify.

  3. Verify that the Airflow property auth_backend (auth_backends from version 2.3.0) has a value of airflow.api.auth.backend.basic_auth.

  4. Restart the Airflow server.

Importing a Standalone Airflow Server Certificate to Support HTTPS Connection

This procedure describes how to import a standalone Airflow Server certificate in the apcerts file for the plug-in (trusted certificates store) for supporting HTTPS connection.


  1. Download the certificate from the Airflow server.

  2. Import the certificate file to the Control-M for Airflow JRE truststore, by running the following command:

    • Windows:<JRE>\bin\keytool -import -keystore <AG>\cm\AFL\data\security\apcerts -file <certificate file> -storepass <password, default is appass>

    • Linux:<JRE>/bin/keytool -import -keystore <AG>/cm/AFL/data/security/apcerts -file <certificate file> -storepass <password, default is appass>

    /home/agent/my_java/bin/keytool -import -keystore /home/agent/cm/AFL/data/security/apcerts -file airflow.cer -storepass appass

  3. Restart the Agent.