Agent Post Installation Procedures

The following procedures describe the required and optional steps after you install the Agent:

To avoid performance issues, BMC recommends consulting with your IT/Security personnel and work with them to exclude the following from anti-virus scanning:

  • All the files and sub-directories under the Control-M Common directory (Windows only), and bmcjava and bmcperl directories under $HOME of the account (Linux only).

  • All Agent processes (for example p_ctmam) and binary programs.

  • All communication ports used by Agent processes and binary programs.

(Windows Only)

  • If you want a different user to start up the Agent Windows service, you must define that user as a member of the Local Administrative Group (<Domain>\<User>).
  • The administrator selected as part of This Account, must have the Adjust memory quotas for a process, Replace a process level token, Act as Part of Operating System, Log on as a batch job, and Log on as a service permissions in the Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment section (cmd command: secpol.msc).
  • If you changed the Agent Windows service Log in as option to Local System account or This account, or modified its properties, you must terminate all Agent processes before new jobs can runClosedA Control-M process that adds your job to the Run Queue of the day, according to automatic or manual scheduling, and which enables the job to execute, depending on prerequisites with the new Log in details.
  • When the Agent service is defined as This Account, the user that the Agent is running with must have List Folder Contents permissions for the Agent drive.

Changing the JRE Package in the Agent

This procedure describes how to change the JRE package in the Agent on Linux and Windows. For more information about Java, see Control-M External Java Installation.

Before You Begin

Verify that the external JRE version is 11.


  • Define an alternative Java home directory by modifying the parameter AG_JAVA_HOME and INSTALL_JAVA_HOME and define the <JRE Home path> located in one of the following:
    • UNIX/Linux: <Agent_home>/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat and <Agent_home>/BMCINSTALL/external_java_path.dat
    • Windows: 
      •  CONFIG table in the Windows registry, as follows:


      • <Agent_home>/BMCINSTALL/external_java_path.dat

Changing the JRE Package in Application Integrator

This procedure describes how to change the JRE package in Application Integrator. The use of JRE is supported only where the major release version is the same as the tested version. For more information about Java, see Control-M External Java Installation.


  • Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Do the following:

      1. Edit the external_java_path.dat file in the <HOME>/BMCINSTALL/ directory.

      2. Define an alternative Java home directory by modifying the value of the parameter CM_AI_JAVA_HOME to the external Java path.

        CM_AI_JAVA_HOME={new JRE Path}

        • A relative path is not supported.

        • The path can only include alphanumeric, period, underscore, hyphen and plus characters.

      3. Stop the Application Integrator using the following command.

        $CONTROLM/cm/AI/exe/cm_container stop

        Application Integrator starts automatically.

    • Windows: Do the following:

      1. Edit the external_java_path.dat file in the <AGENT_HOME>\BMCINSTALL\ directory.

      2. Define an alternative Java home directory by modifying the value of the parameter CM_AI__JAVA_HOME to the external Java path.

        CM_AI_JAVA_HOME={new JRE Path}

        • The path must be enclosed with quotation marks.

        • A network path is not supported.

        • A relative path is not supported.

        • The path can only include alphanumeric, space, period, underscore, hyphen and plus characters.

      3. Stop the Application Integrator using the following command.

        <AGENT_HOME>\cm\AI\exe\cm_container stop

        Application Integrator restarts automatically.

Configuring the Automatic Startup/Shutdown Procedure for the Agent

This procedure describes how to configure the automatic startup and shutdown procedure for the Agent computer on Linux.

Agents that are shut down manually are not restarted automatically by this procedure.


  1. Log in as root.

  2. Navigate to the following to location:


  3. Create a new unit service file with 644 permissions.

    The extension must be .service such as ctmag.service

  4. Open the file and type the following:

    Description=Control-M Agent
    ExecStart=<agent_home_dir>/ctm/scripts/rc.agent_user start
    ExecStop=<agent_home_dir>/ctm/scripts/rc.agent_user stop
  5. Save the file.

  6. From a command line, run the following commands:

    • systemctl daemon-reload

    • systemctl enable [unit service file].service

  7. Restart the Agent computer.

Configuring Western European Language Support on Linux

This procedure describes how to configure Western European language support on Linux. Update the locale to the same value on every computer or Linux account.


  1. From a command prompt, type the locale -a command.

  2. Set the values as described in Linux Environment Variables for West European Languages in the .cshrc or profile file.






  3. Run the source ~/.cshrc command.

Linux Environment Variables for West European Languages

The following table lists the environment variables and values to use for setting Western European language support on Linux machines, as described in Configuring Western European Language Support on Linux.

Environment Variable Description
LC_ALL "" (an empty string) Set this variable by adding the setenv LC_ALL "" to the .cshrc or .profile file

The value of the required language locale for Linux.

setenv LC_CTYPE localeName

setenv LANG localeName


C for all languages (or c, as defined on the computer).

To determine whether the C locale is present, use the locale -a command. If the C (or c) locale is not present, you can use POSIX or one of the English locales that appear in the previous table. Set this variable by adding the setenv LC_COLLATE C to the .cshrc or .profile file:


C (or c, as defined on the computer) for all languages on accounts where the Agent is installed.

To determine whether the C locale is present, use the locale -a command. If the C (or c) locale is not present, use POSIX or one of the English locales that appear in the previous table.

Set this variable by adding the setenv LC_MESSAGES C to the .cshrc or .profile file:

ISO Latin-1 Character Set Locale Settings for Linux

The following table lists the character set locale settings for each of the Linux machines for each of the ISO-Latin-1 supported languages.

If the required locale is missing, ask your Linux administrator to install.


Red Hat Linux

SuSE Linux

English (USA) en_US.iso88591 en_US
English (UK) en_GB.iso88591 en_GB
German german german
French french french
Spanish spanish spanish