Defining a File Transfer job

This procedure describes how to define an MFT job, which enables you to watch and transfer files from a local host to a remote host, a remote to a local host, or a remote host to another remote host.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have met the following requirements:

To define a File Transfer job:

  1. In the General tab, from the Connection Profile field, click Load-AFT.

    The Select Connection Profile dialog box appears.

  2. In the Connection Profile Type area, select one of the following:
  3. Select the connection profile(s) that you want to use to transfer files, and click OK.
  4. In the Transfers area, do the following:
    1. In the Transfers area, in the first field browse for the file, directory, or library to transfer. You can also type the path manually.
    2. In the second field, browse for the file, directory, or library to transfer. You can also type the path manually.
    3. Select the transfer option, as described in Transfer options.

    NOTE: You can transfer up to five files at a time, but file transfers within a job are sequential, which means that if a file transfer fails, subsequent file transfer definitions are not performed, unless you select the Continue on failure checkbox, as described in Advanced general parameters.

  5. From the Type drop-down list, select the transfer format.

    EBCDIC format is supported only when transferring files between two MVS FTP hosts.

  6. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced dialog box appears.

  7. Select the required options, as described in Advanced options, and click OK.
  8. Select the optional parameters if required, as described in Optional parameters.
  9. Click More.

    The Pre-execution Command and Post-execution Command fields are used to define specific commands to execute at the beginning or at the end of a job. These commands can only be executed on a computer where Control-M/Agent is installed, and the output of the commands (pre or post) appears in the job output.

Parent Topic

File Transfer job definition