Transfer options

The following table lists the transfer options.




Transfers the file from Host1 to Host2


Transfers the file from Host2 to Host1


Watches the file until it reaches a certain size or passes a time limit, and then transfers the file from Host2 to Host1.

For more information on file watching, see File Watcher parameters.


Watches the file until it reaches a certain size or passes a time limit, and then transfers the file from Host1 to Host2.


Watches the file until it reaches a certain size or passes a time limit.

For more information on file watching, see File Watcher parameters.

If you have successfully watched a file using a variable, you can share that variable to an additional transfer in the Source path within the same job using the following variables:

If you selected the Rerun from point of failure checkbox, you cannot use the above variables.

Parent Topic

File Transfer job definition