Optional parameters

The following table lists the optional parameters.



End job NOTOK when “Continue on failure” option is selected

Sets the job status to NOTOK when the Continue on failure checkbox is selected in the General tab in the Advanced dialog box, and the transfer failed.

Rerun from point of failure

Resumes the file transfer from the point that it failed.

If you are connecting to an FTP server, you must select this checkbox and the Restart from failure checkbox, as described in Creating a connection profile.

The transfer can only be resumed from the exact position where the failure occurred if the FTP server supports REST commands.

If you HOLD a job, and then rerun it, the job automatically reruns from the beginning.

If the Append option is selected in the General tab, the Rerun from point of failure option is ignored.

NOTE: If you transferring a file from one host to a group of hosts, you cannot use this option.

Use default number of retries

Uses the default number of retries to re-establish a failed connection.

NOTE: If you are using an MVS platform, this checkbox is disabled.


Retrieves the default number of times Control-M for MFT tries to re-establish a failed connection.

Parent Topic

File Transfer job definition