Creating a connection profile

This procedure describes how to create an MFT connection profile in the Control-M Configuration Manager, which enables you to define a File Transfer job in the Control-M.

Before you begin

If you want to use key authentication to access an SFTP server, you need to generate an SSH key, as described in Generating SSH keys.

To create a connection profile:

  1. From Control-M Configuration Manager, select the Control-M Managed File Transfer on the host that you want to manage and right-click Connection Profile Management.

    The Managed File Transfer - Connection Profile Management dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Add icon.

    The Add Connection Profile dialog box appears.

  3. In the Connection Profile Name field, type the name of the connection profile that you want to add (The connection profile name must begin with a letter and without any blanks or special characters).
  4. In the Connection Profile Type area, select one of the following:
  5. In the Control-M Users table, do one of the following:
    1. To select users from the list, select the users that you want to allow access to this connection profile, click Add, and then click Next.
    2. To add users or groups manually, , click Add Manually.

      The Authorized User or Group dialog box appears.

      1. In the Add EM user or group field, type the name of the user or group you want to add.
      2. In the Type area, select User or Group
      3. Click OK.

    NOTE: Wildcard characters (* and?) can be used as part of a defined Control-M/EM user or group.

    The Set Host1 details dialog box appears.

  6. For each field, type the required value, as described in Control-M for MFT host parameters.
  7. If you have defined this host as a Local CM, continue to step 8, otherwise, in the Communication Protocol area, select one of the following options, and then click Next:
    1. FTP: File Transfer Protocol. For each field, type the required value, as described in FTP protocol parameters.
    2. SFTP (SSH): Secure File Transfer Protocol.For each field, type the required value, as described in SFTP (SSH) protocol parameters.

    The Set Host2 details dialog box appears. If you are defining one host, continue with step 10.

  8. For each field, type the required value as described in Control-M for MFT host parameters.
  9. Repeat steps to set Host2, and then click Next.

    The Set Additional parameters dialog box appears.

  10. For each field, type the required value as described in Connection profile additional parameters, and then click Next.

    The Add Connection Profile - Summary dialog box appears.

  11. Review the connection profile details and click Test (optional) or Finish.

    If the test completed successfully, the connection profile is validated and you can now define a MFT job, as described in Defining a File Transfer job. If the test failed, review the error message and test it again.

    The connection profile is added to the Control-M for MFT - Connection Profile Management dialog box.

Parent Topic

Connection profile management