Connection profile additional parameters

The following table lists the connection profile additional parameters.



Verify destination file size

Verifies the size of the file after a successful transfer.


  • If a file transfer has spaces in the file name and it fails during this verification, you must not select this option, as some FTP servers do not list file names with spaces.
  • This option is only available on Windows and UNIX FTP servers.
  • This option is only relevant for Binary mode transfer.

Verify total bytes sent

Determines whether to verify, after a successful transfer, if the actual number of bytes sent to destination is the same as the size of the file on the source.

If it is not the same size, the transfer fails.


  • This option is only available on Windows and UNIX FTP servers.
  • This option is only relevant for Binary mode transfer.

Verify checksum

Verifies that the file transferred correctly by executing MD5 checksum on the FTP server.

This option is available only for FTP Servers that support either the XMD5 or the SITE CHECKSUM checksum commands.

For UNIX FTP servers, ensure that the md5sum program is installed on the FTP server search path, to enable the SITE CHECKMETHOD MD5 and SITE CHECKSUM commands to work properly.

Parent Topic

Connection profile management