Advanced general parameters

The File name field in the After the completion of a successful file transfer the source file will be, After the completion of a successful file transfer the destination file will be and Create Empty File fields parameters can contain variables, constants, and the following variables:

EXAMPLE: If you want to rename a transferred file old_cmd_060101.exe, when it was originally named cmd.exe, the pattern you must specify is old_$$AFTFILE$$_%%DATE.

The following table lists the advanced general parameters.



After the completion of a successful file transfer the source file will be

Determines how a source file is handled after a successful transfer:

Left as is: Retains the source file with the original name

Deleted: Deletes the source file

Renamed: Renames the source file with a valid name for the operating system of the host computer (256 characters).

Moved: Moves the file to a specified location (full path only) (Not available for MVS)

NOTE:If the action fails, Control-M for MFT attempts a retry according to the number of retries, as described in Control-M for MFT configuration parameters.

Fail transfer when action on source file failed

Determines whether to fail the transfer when a post action on the source file fails after a successful transfer.

If the file of the same name as the destination file already exists:

Determines what to do to a file that has the same name as the destination file:

Overwrite: Replaces the existing file with the transferred file

Append: Attach the transferred file to the existing file, as well as, transfer multiple files into one combined file, using a wildcard character

Abort: Cancels the file transfer

Skip: Skips the file

After the completion of a successful file transfer the destination file will be

Determines how a destination file is handled after a successful transfer:

Left as is: Retains the source file with the original name

Renamed: Renames the source file with a valid name for the operating system of the host computer (256 characters).

Moved: Moves the file to a specified location (full path only) (Not available for MVS)

NOTE:If the action fails, Control-M for MFT attempts a retry according to the number of retries, as described in Control-M for MFT configuration parameters.

Create empty file in destination

Creates an empty file after a transfer on the destination host.

If you are transferring a file or multiple files, the empty file is created in the directory where the file(s) are transferred.

If you are transferring a directory, the empty file is created in the directory where the transfer directory is created.

Use temporary file prefix

Prevents overwriting files by attaching a temporary file prefix, such as FTP_ to the destination file until the transfer completes successfully.

On OS/400 systems, the file name is limited to 10 characters. The temporary prefix can be up to 99 characters long on all other systems.

NOTE: On z/OS systems, the file name is limited to 8 characters.

The temporary file name that is created by applying the prefix must be a valid file name for the operating system of the destination host computer.

Continue on failure

Allows successive transfers to run when this specific transfer fails

Delete destination file on failure

Deletes the failed transferred file from the destination host.

If you transferred multiple files, the last file that failed is deleted.

Do post AFT command on failure

Activates the defined post commands when the job fails.


Transfers a file directory with all its subdirectories and all files that match the wildcard pattern in the source file path field under all sub-directories.

Files are transferred in the destination with the same directory structure as the source directory structure.

Exclude Files

Determines whether to exclude all the files that match the transfer pattern when you define a transfer with a wildcard.

Strip the version number on a file name when it is transferred from OpenVMS

Removes the version number from the file name when it is transferred from OpenVMS.

Parent Topic

Advanced options