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Step 7.5 – CMEM Sysplex configuration parameters (optional)

Select this step to define the Sysplex environment when the CMEM communication vehicle at your site is the MVS System Logger and not communication files. For more information, see CMEM considerations, and the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. Otherwise, skip this step, skip Step 7.6 – Build CMMPLEX parameter member (optional), and continue with Step 7.7 – Set up CMEM table (optional).

If the CMEM communication vehicle at your site currently is the Communication file method, and you are now switching to the System Logger method, both the Control‑M monitor, and either the Control‑O or CMEM monitor, should be stopped and restarted. For details, see "Use System Logger (SYSTLOGR)" in Step 6.3 – Specify IOA computers (optional).

Table 61 Sysplex configuration parameters




Coupling facility structure name specified in either the Coupling Facility Resource Management (CFRM) policy or DASDONLY.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum length: 16 bytes
  • Default: STRUCTNAME

The value of this parameter determines the type of MVS System Logger log streams used by Control‑M.

Valid values are:

  • DASDONLY – Control‑M uses the System Logger without coupling facility, meaning it uses the DASD-only log streams
  • structure_name – Control‑M uses structure_name for coupling facility log streams, where structure_name is the structure name that was specified in the CFRM policy

For more information, see CMEM considerations and the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Note: Only applications from the same system (LPAR) can connect simultaneously to the DASD-only log streams. If you are using DASD‑only log streams, then Control‑M, CMEM or Control‑O, and IOADDC (the CONNECT DIRECT interface) must all be running in the same LPAR.


Name of the log stream associated with the Coupling Facility structure name, or name of the DASD‑only log stream. The name must conform to standard data set naming conventions.

  • Optional
  • Maximum length: 26 bytes
  • Default: LOG.STREAM


The high-level qualifier for both the log stream and staging data set names.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 8 alphanumeric or national characters can be specified.
  • Default: CTMLOGR


Percent value to use as the high off-load threshold for the Coupling Facility structure associated with this log stream.

When the Coupling Facility is filled to the specified percentage, the MVS System Logger begins off-loading data from the Coupling Facility structure to DASD log stream data sets.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 80 (percent)


Percent value to use as the low off-load threshold for the Coupling Facility structure associated with this log stream.

This value is the target percent at which you want off-loading to stop, leaving approximately the specified percentage of log data in the Coupling Facility structure.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 0 (percent)

Parent Topic

Step 7 – Install Event Manager (CMEM)/Control-O interface