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Step 6.3 – Specify IOA computers (optional)

This step is used to list, define and characterize the IOA computers. This step must be performed if either Control-O or Control-M are to be installed.

For detailed information about the parameters you can set, see the following table.

Table 24 IOA computer parameters




Name of the file enabling the Control‑M monitor to communicate with CMEM and Control‑O monitors. The name of the file must be unique, and cannot be the same as any of the names specified in the SBS2CTM parameter, described in this table. This file is allocated and formatted later.

If neither CMEM nor Control‑O is in use, leave this value blank.

Note: If a change is required in this parameter after installation, see CMEM considerations.

Use System Logger (SYSTLOGR)

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Use the System Logger.
  • N – Do not use the System Logger. Default.

Note: If this parameter was previously set to Y, both the Control‑M monitor, and either the Control‑O or the CMEM monitor, should be stopped and restarted.


Operation to perform on the computer.

Valid values are:

  • A – Add a computer.
  • D – Delete a computer.


The CPUID number, as follows:

  • Under JES2, use the JES system ID, as defined in the JES installation parameters. You can use the $D MEMBER command to retrieve this information.
    In a single-computer environment, set ID to 1.
    This information is used by programs running under IOA when trying to send a Shout message to a different computer in a Multi-Access Spool (MAS).
  • Under JES3, number the computers sequentially.

Valid values are: 1 through 99

The ID parameter is also used in the Control-M CTMJSA utility (Statistics accumulation) to determine the CPU ID of the computer for jobs for which statistics are calculated. See the Control-M for z/OS User Guide for details.


Name of the MVS system, as specified in the SYSNAME parameter of the IEASYSxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library.


MVS SMF ID of the computer, as specified in the SID parameter of the SMFPRMxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB.


Number of records in the communication file specified in the SBS2CTM parameter.

This number is the maximum number of requests that can be queued when the Control‑M monitor is down, without losing information. If more requests are passed and the Control‑M monitor did not read the oldest request, the oldest request is overwritten and an error message is issued. For information about how to increase the size of subsystem-to-monitor files, see Increasing the size of a subsystem-to-monitor file (for non-Sysplex environments).

If neither CMEM nor Control‑O is in use, leave this value blank.

Note: After a change in the list of communication files, you must shut down and then restart the Control‑M monitor and either the CMEM or Control‑O monitor. You must also reformat the communication files.


Name of the cyclic communications file used by CMEM (or Control‑O) to pass requests to the Control‑M monitor.

Each computer that will be monitored by CMEM or Control‑O should have its own file. Specify a unique data set name for each computer. The file is allocated and formatted later.

If the CMEM communication vehicle at your site is the MVS System Logger and not communication files, specify the DSN of each computer as SYSTEM.LOGGER. For more information, see CMEM considerations.

If neither CMEM nor Control‑O is in use, leave this value blank.

Parent Topic

Step 6 – Customization process