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Step 7.6 – Build CMMPLEX parameter member (optional)

If you did not perform Step 7.5 – CMEM Sysplex configuration parameters (optional), skip this step and continue with Step 7.7 – Set up CMEM table (optional).

Select this step to build the CMMPLEX parameter member in the IOA.PARM library when the CMEM communication vehicle at your site is the MVS System Logger and not communication files. For more information, see CMEM considerations.

Note: If the CMEM communication vehicle at your site is currently the Communication file method, and you are now switching to the System Logger method, both the Control‑M monitor, and either the Control‑O or CMEM monitor, should be stopped and restarted. For details, see "Use System Logger (SYSTLOGR)" in Step 6.3 – Specify IOA computers (optional).

Parent Topic

Step 7 – Install Event Manager (CMEM)/Control-O interface