Web Services Connection Profiles
The following topics describe connection profiles for web services:
Control-M for Web Services enables you to schedule standard web services, servlets, and RESTful web services.
A web service is XML-based software that enables electronic devices to communicate via intranet or the internet. Servlets are small, Java-based programs that run on web servers, can access databases in response to user input, and add dynamic content to web sites. RESTful web services conform to the Representational State Transfer (REST) software architectural model and are used to create APIs for web-based applications.
The following example shows how to define a WebServices connection profile.
This JSON defines a regular WebServices connection profile:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:WebServices",
"TargetAgent": "AgentHost",
"TargetCTM": "CTMHost",
"ServiceType": "WebServices",
"Location": http://example.com/serverpolicy/Request.asmx?wsdl,
"HttpAuthentication": "user1:password@realm1;"
} -
This JSON defines a RESTful web service connection profile:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:WebServices",
"TargetAgent": "AgentHost",
"TargetCTM": "CTMHost",
"ServiceType": "Rest",
"Location": http://example.com/serverpolicy/Request.asmx?wsdl,
"HttpAuthentication": "user1:password@realm1;user2:password@realm2",
"LoginUrl": "http://abc.xyz.com/login",
"LoginHeader": "Accept:*/*",
"LoginBody": "{}",
"JobPreset": "@SessionId:@Token"
The following table describes the WebServices connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
TargetAgent |
Determines the Agent where the connection profile deploys. |
TargetCTM |
Determines the Control-M/Server where the connection profile deploys. If there is only one Control-M/Server, it defaults to that Control-M/Server. |
ServiceType |
Determines one of the following types of service to connect with:
Location |
Determines one of the following types of Web Service locations:
HttpAuthentication |
(Optional) Defines the specification for simple text authentication in the following format: user1:password@realm1;user2:password@realm2 Rules:
LoginUrl |
(REST services only): Defines the URL for the login request. |
LoginHeader |
(Optional, for REST services only) . Defines additional HTTP headers that are required in the login request in the following format: <name>=<value> Rule: For multiple headers, separate name-value pairs with :. |
LoginBody |
(Optional, REST services only) Defines the text required in the login request body. |
JobPreset |
(REST services only): Defines the HTTP header or parameter to add to each job request in the HTTP query URL, based on the login returned data and in the following format (separate multiple sets with ;): <name>:<value>;<name>:<value>
ConnectionProfile:Web Services REST
Web Services REST jobs enable you to design and execute single REST API calls.
The following examples show how to define a Web Services REST connection profile.
This JSON defines a connection profile using basic authentication:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Web Services REST",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true,
"UsePreemptiveAuth": true,
"User": "User Name",
"Password": "Password"
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile using OAuth2 authentication:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Web Services REST",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true,
"WebServiceAuthenticationOauth2": {
"Headers": [
"key1": "value1"
"key2": "value2"
"Body": [
"resource1": "2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d"
"resource2": "2ff814a6-3310-4ab8-85de-cd0e6f879c12"
"ApiUrl": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenantId/oauth2/token",
"ContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"ClientId": "7f477fa3-1a1f-4877-ba80-f39bb563f1b5",
"ClientSecret": "*****",
"BasicAuthentication": {
"Password": "*****",
"User": "jdoe"
"GrantTypePassword": {
"User": "abc",
"Password": "*****"
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile using AWS authentication:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Web Services REST",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true,
"CustomServiceName": "batch",
"Region": "eu-west-2",
"AccessKey": "MYAWSACCESSKEY1234",
"SecretAccessKey": "*****"
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile using Google authentication:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Web Services REST",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true,
"TokenType": "Access",
"ServiceAccountKey": "{\"type\":\"service_account\",\"project_id\":\"sso-gcp-dba-ctm1-priv-cc30752\",\"private_key_id\":\"5197d05c5b8212bea944985cec74a34d6c1868aa\",\"private_key\":\"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nprivate-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n\",\"client_email\":\bmc-wla-svc-02@sso-gcp-dba-ctm1-priv-cc30752.iam.gserviceaccount.com\,\"client_id\":\"116650586827623521335\",\"auth_uri\":\https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth\,\"token_uri\":\https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token\, \"auth_provider_x509_cert_url\":\https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs\,\"client_x509_cert_url\":\https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/bmc-wla-svc-02%40sso-gcp-dba-ctm1-priv-cc30752.iam.gserviceaccount.com\}"
The following table describes the Web Services REST connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Authentication Type |
Description |
Authentication Type |
If the connection to the REST endpoint requires authentication, use one of the following objects to define the authentication type and to group together additional authentication parameters:
User |
Basic |
Defines the basic authentication username. |
Password |
Basic |
Defines the basic authentication password. |
UsePreemptiveAuth |
Basic |
Determines whether to use preemptive authentication. Valid Values:
Default: False |
ApiUrl |
OAuth2 |
Defines the OAuth2 web service URL. |
ClientId |
OAuth2 |
Defines the user ID associated with the Web Services REST user and application. |
ClientSecret |
OAuth2 |
Defines the secret (password) associated with the Web Services REST user and application. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
BasicAuthentication |
OAuth2 |
Determines whether to add basic authentication to the OAuth2 authentication, by defining another user and password. |
GrantTypePassword |
OAuth2 |
Determines whether the OAuth2 web service requires an additional grant user and password, in addition to the client ID and secret, for added security. |
ContentType |
OAuth2 |
Defines the content type. application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Headers |
OAuth2 |
Defines OAuth2 header parameters, as an array of Key:Value pairs. |
Body |
OAuth2 |
Defines OAuth2 body parameters, as an array of Key:Value pairs. |
Region |
Defines the AWS region. |
CustomServiceName |
Defines the AWS service to access. |
AuthMethodIAMRole |
Determines that authentication of the AWS connection is based on an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. The IAMRole parameter on the next level defines the IAM role for the AWS connection. |
AuthMethodAccessAndSecretKeys | AWS |
Determines that authentication of the AWS connection is based on an AWS access key and secret, with the following parameters on the next level:
TokenType |
Determines one of the following token types for GCP Access Control:
ServiceAccountKey |
Defines a service account that is associated with an RSA key pair. |
Centralized |
All Authentication Types |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Valid Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:Web Services SOAP
Web Services SOAP jobs enable you to design and execute single SOAP API calls.
The following examples show how to define a connection profile for a Web Services SOAP job.
This JSON defines a connection profile using basic authentication:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Web Services SOAP",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true,
"UsePreemptiveAuth": true,
"User": "User Name",
"Password": "Password"
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile with no authentication:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Web Services SOAP",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the WebServices SOAP connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
UsePreemptiveAuth |
Determines whether to use preemptive authentication. Valid Values:
Default: False |
User |
Defines the basic authentication username. |
Password |
Defines the basic authentication password. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Valid Values:
Default: false |