Run Service

The Run service enables you to run jobs and track their status, as well as manage several other types of objects for jobs.

Job Management

The following API commands enable you to manage your jobs, perform various job actions, track job status, and view job output and logs:


The run command enables you to run jobs on the Control-M environment. The command returns a runId, which you can use to check job status with the run status command.

The following example shows a typical command and response. The build action takes place as part of the run.

> ctm run examples/AutomationAPISampleFlow.json
   "runId": "2d4af716-e31d-48ef-a434-16575303752d",
   "statusURI": ""

To get the job status using the statusURI endpoint, you must specify a valid token in the request header, as described in Authentication Tokens.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run command:

ctm run <jobDefinitionsFile> [deployDescriptorFile]

The following table describes the run command parameters.




Defines the file or archive that contains code for jobs. Files must be in JSON format.


(Optional) Defines the file that includes the rules to apply to the original definitions file. The rules enable transforming Control-M JSON code properties. For detailed information, see Deploy Descriptor.

If annotation is enabled for the Scheduling definitions category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST  -F "jobDefinitionsFile=@examples/AutomationAPISampleFlow.json" -F "deployDescriptorFile=@examples/deployDescriptor.json" "$endpoint/run"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run order

The run order command enables you to run deployed jobs on the Control-M environment. The command returns a runId, which you can use to check job status with the run status command.

The following example shows a typical command and response.

> ctm run order controlm AutomationAPISampleFlow
"runId": "e0ddf056-4497-49f7-9d8b-25758b132bd6",
"statusURI": ""

To get the job status using the statusURI endpoint, you must specify a valid token in the request header, as described in Authentication Tokens.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run order command:

ctm run order <ctm> <folder> [jobs] [z/OS library] [-f <configuration file>]

The following table describes the run order command parameters.




Defines Control-M/Server name.


Defines the folder name that is ordered.


(Optional) Defines the jobs that you want to run:

  • For most types of jobs, this parameter is optional. If the parameter is not defined, the default is all jobs in the specified folder. You can define a single job or use the * wildcard to specify multiple jobs.

  • For a z/OS job, specify either a single job or * for all jobs in the folder.

z/OS library

Defines the name of the z/OS library that contains the jobs.


configuration file

(Optional) Defines the JSON file that contains additional parameters.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.

The following table describes the parameters that you can specify in the configuration file:




Defines variables for the job run, expressed as name:value pairs.

The variables that you specify can be local, global, or folder variables. Named pool variables are not supported.

For more information, see Variables.


Determines whether to make changes to a job before it starts running.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to run a job when it is ordered and ignore the scheduling criteria.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: true


Determines whether a flow in a folder is ordered uniquely.

This parameter is not applicable to sub-folders.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: true


Determines the current or future workday to schedule the job. The format is YYYYMMDD.

Default: current


Determines whether to wait for the defined order date to run a job.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether jobs or sub-folders with the same name that already exist in the folder are added to the SMART folder.

This is relevant when the orderIntoFolder parameter is set to Recent or to a specific Order ID.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: true


Determines how to order jobs or sub-folders that belong to a SMART Folder. This is a mandatory parameter.

Valid Values:

  • New: Inserts jobs into a new folder.

  • Recent: Inserts jobs into a recent folder.

  • <Folder Order ID>: Inserts jobs into a selected folder.

  • Alone: Inserts jobs into a regular folder.

    The createDuplicate parameter is not relevant for this value.

Default: New

If the job or sub-folder is inserted into an existing folder or sub-folder that is already complete, the status of all parent folders is set to Executing. If it is not possible due to scheduling criteria, the job remains in WAIT_SCHEDULING status.

This parameter is ignored if the folder that is ordered is not a SMART Folder.

The following is an example of a configuration file:

    "variables": [
        {"arg": "1234"},
        {"arg2": "abcd"},
        {"arg3": "0000"}
    "ignoreCriteria": "true",
    "orderIntoFolder": "Recent",
    "orderDate": "20170903",
    "waitForOrderDate": "false",
    "hold": "true"


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run order command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -X POST -H "$AuthHeader" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "{
    \"ctm\": \"$ctm\",
    \"folder\": \"$folderName\",
    \"hold\": \"true\",
    \"ignoreCriteria\": \"true\",
    \"orderDate\": \"20170903\",
    \"waitForOrderDate\": \"false\",
    \"orderIntoFolder\": \"Recent\",
    \"variables\": [{\"arg\":\"12345\"}]
}" "$endpoint/run/order"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

The following shows an example for ordering a z/OS job using cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -X POST -H "$AuthHeader" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "{
    \"ctm\": \"$ctm\",
    \"folder\": \"$folderName\",
    \"jobs\": \"$jobName\",
    \"library\": \"$library\",
    \"hold\": \"true\",
    \"ignoreCriteria\": \"true\",
    \"orderDate\": \"20170903\",
    \"waitForOrderDate\": \"false\",
    \"orderIntoFolder\": \"Recent\",
    \"variables\": [{\"arg\":\"12345\"}]
}" "$endpoint/run/order"

run userDaily:missing::list

The run userDaily:missing::list command enables you to generate a list of jobs that were not ordered because a specific Order Method (a specific User Daily job) was interrupted for various reasons, such as an operating system crash.

This command requires Control-M/EM version or higher.

The command returns a poll ID to view the list with the run userDaily:missing::poll command.

The following is an example of a typical command and response:

> ctm run userDaily:missing::list myUserDaily controlm
  "pollId": "f9f9667e-8037-45c9-bd00-36eaa4b812c8",
  "statusURI": "http://localhost:32080/run/orderMethod/myUserDaily/missing/listf9f9667e-8037-45c9-bd00-36eaa4b812c8"

You must specify a valid token in the request header to view the list with the statusURI endpoint, as described in Authentication Tokens.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run userDaily:missing::list command:

ctm run userDaily:missing::list <userDaily> <server>

The following table describes the run userDaily:missing::list command parameters.




Defines the name of the User Daily job.


Defines the Control-M/Server name.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run userDaily:missing::list command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/userDaily/$userDaily/missing/list/$server"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run userDaily:missing::poll

The run userDaily:missing::poll command enables you to view a previously generated list of jobs that were not ordered because a specific Order Method (a specific User Daily job) was interrupted for various reasons, such as an operating system crash.

This command requires Control-M/EM version or higher.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run userDaily:missing::poll command:

ctm run userDaily:missing::poll <pollId>

where <pollID> is the poll ID returned by the run userDaily:missing::list command.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run userDaily:missing::poll command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/userDaily/missing/poll/$pollId"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows a response that lists two unordered jobs and another two unordered jobs that changed after the User Daily job ran:

    "jobs": [
           "folderName": "Folder_1",
           "jobName": "Job_1"
           "folderName": "Folder_2",
           "jobName": "Job_2"
    "jobsChangedAfterUserDailyRun": [
           "folderName": "Folder_3",
           "jobName": "Job_3"
           "folderName": "Folder_4",
           "jobName": "Job_4"

You can reorder the pending jobs with the run userDaily:missing::poll command.

run userDaily:missing::run

The run userDaily:missing::run command enables you to reorder the jobs that did not run because a specific Order Method (a specific User Daily job) was interrupted for various reasons, such as an operating system crash.

This command requires Control-M/EM version or higher.

The command returns a runId to check the job status with the run status command.

The following example is a typical command and response:

> ctm run userDaily:missing::run myUserDaily { "runId": "2143811-e253-4c3f-8c21-72bd7957bb53", "statusURI": "http://localhost:32080/run/status/2143811-e253-4c3f-8c21-72bd7957bb53" }

You must specify a valid token in the request header to get the job status with the statusURI endpoint, as described in Authentication Tokens.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run userDaily:missing::run command:

ctm run userDaily:missing::run <orderMethod>

where <userDaily> is the name of the User Daily job.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run userDaily:missing::run command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -X POST -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/userDaily/$userDaily/missing/run"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run ondemand

The run ondemand command enables you to execute jobs immediately. You do not need to deploy the jobs to the Control-M/EM database and the User Daily job does not need to trigger them. This command is useful for event-driven job executions.

This command requires Control-M/EM version or higher.

  • You cannot use the deploy jobs::get command to retrieve details for these jobs since they are not deployed to the database.

  • You cannot schedule these jobs because the User Daily job does not trigger them. The system ignores the scheduling information.

A build process takes place as part of the run.

The response returns a runID and statusURI like the run and run order commands. The runId enables you to check the job status with the run status command.

You must specify a valid token in the request header to get the job status with the statusURI endpoint, as described in Authentication Tokens.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run ondemand command:

ctm run ondemand <definitionsFile> [deployDescriptorFile]

The following table describes the run ondemand command parameters.




Defines the file or archive that contains code for folders and jobs. Files must be in JSON format.

The system only processes Job, Folder, and Defaults objects in the definitions file. The system ignores other object types, such as connection profiles or Site Standards, and scheduling properties.


(Optional) Defines the file that includes the rules applied to the original definitions file. The rules enable you to transform Control-M JSON code properties. For detailed information, see Deploy Descriptor.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run ondemand command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST  -F "[email protected]" -F "[email protected]" "$endpoint/run/ondemand"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run status

The run status command enables you to track the status of running jobs. The command shows how to check the job status with the runId.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run status command:

ctm run status <runId> [startIndex]

The following table describes the run status command parameters.




Defines the value returned in a run invocation. It enables job tracking during a specific run invoked by the same user.


(Optional) Defines iterations over every status. The result includes itemsPerPage: 25 items from this index.

Default: 0


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run status command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token
curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/status/$runId"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows the parameters in the run status response.

The system checks and returns the status of each job when there is more than one job in the flow.

> ctm run status "2d4af716-e31d-48ef-a434-16575303752d"
    "completion": "Completed",
    "statuses": [
            "jobId": "controlm:00fhb",
            "folderId": "controlm:005gy",
            "numberOfRuns": 3,
            "name": "AutomationAPISampleFlow",
            "type": "Folder",
            "status": "Executing",
            "held": "false",
            "deleted": "false",
            "cyclic": "false",
            "startTime": "May 18, 2018 11:57:26 AM",
            "endTime": "",
            "estimatedStartTime": [
            "estimatedEndTime": [
            "outputURI": "Folder has no output"
            "jobId": "controlm:00fhc",
            "folderId": "controlm:005gy",
            "numberOfRuns": 3,
            "name": "AutomationAPISampleFlow/CommandJob",
            "type": "Command",
            "status": "Wait Host",
            "held": "false",
            "deleted": "false",
            "cyclic": "false",
            "startTime": "",
            "endTime": "",
            "estimatedStartTime": [],
            "estimatedEndTime": [],
            "outputURI": "Job didn't run, it has no output"
            "jobId": "controlm:00fhd",
            "folderId": "controlm:005gy",
            "numberOfRuns": 3,
            "name": "AutomationAPISampleFlow/ScriptJob",
            "type": "Job",
            "status": "Wait Condition",
            "held": "false",
            "deleted": "false",
            "cyclic": "false",
            "startTime": "",
            "endTime": "",
            "estimatedStartTime": [],
            "estimatedEndTime": [],
            "outputURI": "Job didn't run, it has no output"
    "startIndex": 0,
    "itemsPerPage": 25

The following table describes the parameters in the run status response.

see Annotation Input.




Determines whether the job ran.

Valid Values:

  • Completed

  • Pending

If the value is Pending, you can run the run status command again until the value changes to Completed.


Defines a unique identifier to reference a specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

Format: <server>:<orderId>


Defines the folderId to reference a specific folder.


Determines the number of job runs.


Defines the name of a job.


Determines the job type.


Defines the job status.


Determines whether the job was held.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false


Determines whether the job was deleted.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false


Determines whether the job is defined as a cyclic job.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false


Defines the time when the job started.


Defines the time when the job ended.


Defines the estimated date and time when the next job runs are expected to begin. The estimates are based on the run times of previous jobs.

The maximum number of job runs is 50.

You must have SLA Management installed in your environment.


Defines the estimated date and time when the next job runs are expected to end. The estimates are based on the run times of previous job runs.

The maximum number of job runs is 50.

You must have SLA Management installed in your environment.


Defines the URI for the job output.

You must specify a valid token in the request header to get the job output with the outputURI endpoint, as described in Authentication Tokens.

run jobs:status::get

The run jobs:status::get command enables you to track running jobs that match a search query.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run jobs:status::get command:

ctm run jobs:status::get [limit] -s "<query string>"

where -s is used to run a search with the query string format "field1=criteria1&field2=criteria2".

The following table describes the run jobs:status::get command parameters.




Determines the maximum number of job statuses to return.

Valid values: 1–10000

Default: 1000

The following table describes the query fields that you can use with -s.



Query Examples

  • jobname

  • jobid (Format: <server>:<orderId>)

  • folder

  • folderLibrary

  • server (previously named ctm (deprecated name))

  • application

  • subApplication

  • host

  • hostGroup

  • description

  • runAs

  • command

  • filePath

  • fileName

  • workloadPolicy

  • ruleBasedCalender

  • resourceLock

  • resourcePool

  • Supported wildcards are *and ?.

  • Multiple criteria are separated with a comma.

  • Wildcards are not supported for jobid.




description=*a job that*



  • orderDateFrom

  • orderDateTo

  • fromTime

  • toTime

  • For orderDateFrom and orderDateTo: YYMMDD.

  • For fromTime and toTime: YYYYMMDDhhmmss.




  • A single date when jobs started running in one of the following formats:

    • YYMMDD


  • Yesterday




  • Ended OK.

  • Ended Not OK.

  • Wait User.

  • Wait Resource.

  • Wait Host.

  • Wait Workload.

  • Wait Condition.

  • Executing

  • Status Unknown.

To use multiple criteria, separate criteria with commas.

status=Ended OK

status=Ended OK, Ended Not OK,Executing

  • held

  • (MVS only) folderHeld

  • cyclic

  • deleted

true | false



Returns the status according to the dependencies between jobs. The Flow object enables you to create dependencies between jobs.

  • direction: The following list describes the possible values:

    • depend: The jobs that depend on the specified job.

    • predecessor: The jobs that the specified job depends on.

    • radial: The jobs from both directions.

  • depth: The number of job levels from the specified job.


The following example shows a command to get job statuses with a search query:

ctm run jobs:status::get -s "jobname=Finance*&application=app1,app2&status=Ended OK,Ended Not OK,Executing

The following example shows a command to get job statuses of a job that has linked jobs:

ctm run jobs:status::get -s "neighborhood&jobid=controlm:0a98&depth=1&direction=predecessor"


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run jobs:status::get command that includes a limit in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/jobs/status?jobname=jobA&status=Ended%20OK&application=A*&limit=5000"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows the parameters for one of the jobs returned in the response to the run jobs:status::get command.

    "jobId": "LocalControlM:00008",
    "folderId": "LocalControlM:00007",
    "numberOfRuns": 0,
    "name": "job1",
    "folder": "SanityCommandOk",
    "type": "Command",
    "status": "Wait Condition",
    "held": true,
    "deleted": false,
    "cyclic": "false",
    "startTime": "20231126065554",
    "endTime": "20231126065555",
    "estimatedStartTime": ["20231126123810"],
    "estimatedEndTime": ["20231126124310"],
    "orderDate": "231125",
    "ctm": "LocalControlM",
    "description": "",
    "host": "",
    "application": "OsApp",
    "subApplication": "",
    "outputURI": "Job did not run, it has no output",
    "logURI": "http://localhost:48080/run/job/LocalControlM:00008/log"

The following table describes the parameters in this sample response:




Defines a unique identifier to reference a specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

Format: <server>:<orderId>


Defines a unique identifier of the folder with the job.

Format: <server>:<orderId>


Defines the number of job runs.


Defines the name of the job.


Defines the name of the folder with the job.


Defines a job type.


Determines the job status.

Valid Values:

  • Ended OK.

  • Ended Not OK.

  • Wait User.

  • Wait Resource.

  • Wait Host.

  • Wait Workload.

  • Wait Condition.

  • Executing

  • Status Unknown.


Determines whether the job was held.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false


Determines whether the job was deleted.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false


Determines whether the job is defined as a cyclic job.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false


Defines the time when the job started.


Defines the time when the job ended.


Defines the estimated date and time when the next job runs are expected to begin. The estimates are based on the run times of previous jobs.

The maximum number of job runs is 50.

You must have SLA Management installed in your environment.


Defines the estimated date and time when the next job runs are expected to end. The estimates are based on the run times of previous jobs.

The maximum number of job runs is 50.

You must have SLA Management installed in your environment.


Defines the scheduled workday for the job in YYMMDD format.


Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines a text-based description of the job, as defined during job creation.


Defines the host of the Agent where the job is running.


Defines the name of an application associated with the job. An application is a logical set of related jobs.


Defines the name of a sub-application associated with the job. A sub-application is a logical sub-category of an application.

A group of payroll-related jobs are logically grouped together in a sub-application named Payroll, within an application named Finances.


Defines the URI to the job output.

You must specify a valid token in the request header to get the job output with the outputURI endpoint, as described in Authentication Tokens.


Defines the URI to the job log.

You must specify a valid token in the request header to get the job log with the logURI endpoint, as described in Authentication Tokens.

run job:output::get

The run jobs:output::get command enables you to view the output from job runs.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run jobs:output::get command:

ctm run job:output::get <jobId> [runNo]

The following table describes the run job:output::get command parameters.




Defines a unique identifier to reference a specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

Format: <server>:<orderId>.


(Optional) Defines the run number of the job to get the output.

If the run number is not defined, the default is the last run.

If annotation is enabled for the AJF get job information category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run jobs:output::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/output?runNo=0"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job:log::get

The run job:log::get command enables you to access the job log.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job:log::get command:

ctm run job:log::get <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the AJF get job information category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job:log::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/log"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job:status::get

The run job:status::get command enables you to view a specific job run status.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job:status::getcommand:

ctm run job:status::get <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

For information about the response to this API command and descriptions of the job properties in this response, see the description of the run jobs:status::get response.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job:status::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/status"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job:statistics::get

The run job:statistics::get command enables you to get time statistics for the recent runs of a job.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job:statistics::get command:

ctm run job:statistics::get <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.


The response provides the following time statistics for each job run:

  • Order date

  • Start and end time

  • Run time

  • CPU time

  • Average of the key time statistics from all runs

If the system collects periodic statistics for this job, it presents job run statistics separately for each period.

The jobId returned for each job run is a unique serial number assigned to the job run by the Control-M/Server. It differs from the jobId specified in the input.

The following is a response example with data from two job runs. There are no periods defined for data collection from the job in this example.

  "periods": [
      "runInfo": {
        "averageInfo": {
          "startTime": "07:35:53",
          "cpuTime": "00:00:00",
          "runTime": "00:00:01"
        "runs": [
            "startTime": "06/02/2020 07:39:00",
            "endTime": "06/02/2020 07:39:00",
            "cpuTime": "00:00:00",
            "runTime": "00:00:01",
            "jobId": "75",
            "orderDate": "06/02/2020"
            "startTime": "06/02/2020 07:38:00",
            "endTime": "06/02/2020 07:38:00",
            "cpuTime": "00:00:00",
            "runTime": "00:00:01",
            "jobId": "2",
            "orderDate": "06/02/2020"


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job:statistics::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/statistics"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::kill

The run job::kill command enables you to terminate the job.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::kill command:

ctm run job::kill <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::kill command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/kill"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::runNow

The run job::runNow command enables you to immediately start the job. The system does not apply job constraints when you use this command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::runNow command:

ctm run job::runNow <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::runNow command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/runNow"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::hold

The run job::hold command enables you to hold the job and stop processing it.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::hold command:

ctm run job::hold <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::hold command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/hold"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::free

The run job::free command enables you to continue the job run from the hold state.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::free command:

ctm run job::free <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::free command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/free"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::delete

The run job::delete command enables you to mark the job for deletion. The system deletes the job on the next scheduled date.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::delete command:

ctm run job::delete <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::delete command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/delete"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::undelete

The run job::undelete command enables you to remove a deletion mark from a job.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::undelete command:

ctm run job::undelete <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::undelete command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/undelete"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::confirm

The run job::confirm command enables you to run a job that is waiting for confirmation.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::confirm command:

ctm run job::confirm <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::confirm command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/confirm"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::setToOk

The run job::setToOk command enables you to set job status to OK after the job is processed. You can use this command, for example, after you resolve issues that cause a job to end in status Not OK.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::setToOk command:

ctm run job::setToOk <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::setToOk command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/setToOk"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::rerun

The run job::rerun command enables you to rerun a job that it is not currently in execution. The system applies existing job constraints when you use this command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::rerun command:

ctm run job::rerun <jobId> [-f zosJobConfig.json]

The following table describes the run job::rerun command parameters.




Defines a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

Format: <server>:<orderId>


Optional for z/OS job only: Defines the full path and name of a JSON file that contains advanced restart parameters for Control-M/Restart.

To rerun a z/OS job, the job must be in one of the following statuses:

  • Ended OK

  • Ended Not OK

  • Wait User (which corresponds to Wait Confirmation in Control-M for z/OS)

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.

If you are rerunning a z/OS job, you can specify additional parameters in the configuration file:

  "zosParameters": {
    "from": {
      "pgm": "INPROCS2",
      "proc": "STEP1"
    "to": {
      "pgm": "INPROCS3",
      "proc": "STEP2"
    "cleanup": true,
    "recaptureAbend": "Y",
    "recaptureConditionCode": "N",
    "stepAdjustment": true,
    "restartParmMemberName": "IDJOB5"

The following table describes the advanced parameters in the configuration file for a z/OS job:



from, to

Defines the parameters to limit job rerun to a range of steps.

If you want to define the starting point (under from) and the end point (under to), specify the program step (pgm) and (optionally) the procedure step (proc) at both points.

If you want to obtain a list of program steps, run the run job:output::get API command. The returned output includes a list of executed job steps that completed successfully and those that failed.

The following example shows how to restart from STEP2 until STEP3 with the from and to parameters in the configuration file:

"from": {
    "pgm": "STEP2",
    "proc": ""
"to": {
    "pgm": "STEP3",
    "proc": ""

The following shows the corresponding JCL in z/OS:

//STEP1   EXEC  PGM=IOATEST,PARM='WAIT=1'                   
//STEP2   EXEC  PGM=IOATEST,PARM='WAIT=1'                   
//STEP3   EXEC  PGM=IOATEST,PARM='WAIT=1'                   

In other Control-M products, the steps in the sample JCL appear, as follows:

Num Pgm-stp  Proc-stp  Pgm=      Comp
001 STEP1              IOATEST   0000
002 STEP2              IOATEST   0004
003 STEP3              IOATEST   0000

Only the steps in rows 002-003 are restarted.

The following example shows how to restart from INPROCS2 of STEP1 until INPROCS3 of STEP2 with the from and to parameters in the configuration file:

"from": {
    "pgm": "INPROCS2",
    "proc": "STEP1"
"to": {
    "pgm": "INPROCS3",
    "proc": "STEP2"

The following shows the corresponding JCL in z/OS:

//SAMPPROC PROC                                              
//INPROCS1  EXEC PGM=IOATEST                                  
//INPROCS2  EXEC PGM=IOATEST                                  
//INPROCS3  EXEC PGM=IOATEST                                  
//         PEND                                              
//STEP1   EXEC  SAMPPROC                                      
//STEP2   EXEC  SAMPPROC                                      
//STEP3   EXEC  SAMPPROC                                      

In other Control-M products, the steps in the sample JCL appear, as follows:

Num Pgm-stp  Proc-stp  Pgm=      Comp
001 INPROCS1 STEP1     IOATEST   0000
002 INPROCS2 STEP1     IOATEST   0004
003 INPROCS3 STEP1     IOATEST   0000
004 INPROCS1 STEP2     IOATEST   0000
005 INPROCS2 STEP2     IOATEST   0000
006 INPROCS3 STEP2     IOATEST   0000
007 INPROCS1 STEP3     IOATEST   0000
008 INPROCS2 STEP3     IOATEST   0000
009 INPROCS3 STEP3     IOATEST   0000

Only the steps in rows 002-006 are restarted.

Note the following scenarios:

  • Rerun a single step: Specify the same program step and procedure step under both from and to.

  • Specify a starting point without an end point: Verify that the range extends to the end of the job.

  • Rerun the whole job: Utilize empty values for pgm and proc under both from and to.

  • Restart from the step that failed in the previous run: Specify "pgm": "$EXERR" under from. If there is no such step, the job restarts from the beginning. For this option, ensure that you have Control-M for z/OS version or later, or that you applied APAR WW10041.


Determines whether to perform data set cleanup.

Valid values:

  • true

  • false

If you set this parameter to true, all other parameters described here are not relevant and should NOT be included in the configuration file.


Determines whether to save the abend codes from the original job execution.

Valid values:

  • Y: Yes, save abend codes.

  • N: No, do not save abend codes.

  • R: Reset abend codes.

Default: Y


Determines whether to save the condition codes from the original job execution.

Valid values:

  • Y: Yes, save condition codes.

  • N: No, do not save condition codes.

  • R: Reset condition codes.

Default: Y


Determines whether to enable automatic Step Adjustment.

Valid values:

  • true

  • false

Default: true

For more details about Step Adjustment, see the Control-M/Restart User Guide.


Defines the name of the member that contains control parameters for the job to restart. The name must be 1-8 characters only.

The default value is the member that contains the JCL of the Job.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::rerun command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/rerun"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

For a z/OS job, include the advanced parameters described above in the body of the REST request, using the -d (or --data) option.

run job::waitingInfo

The run job::waitingInfo command enables you to display the reasons why a waiting job was not yet executed (for example: missing conditions, resources, hosts, users, or workloads).

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::waitingInfo command:

ctm run job::waitingInfo <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::waitingInfo command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/waitingInfo"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::get

The run job::get command enables you to return the definitions of a running job in JSON format.

For a description of the returned job format, see Code Reference.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::get command:

ctm run job::get <jobId>

where <jobId> is a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X GET "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/get"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::modify

The run job::modify command enables you to modify the definitions of a running job that is currently held and the processing is stopped, based on job definitions in a Job Definitions file.

Currently, you can modify the following types of running jobs:

  • Command

  • Script

  • EmbeddedScript

  • FileTransfer

  • Informatica

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::modify command:

ctm run job::modify <jobDefinitionsFile> <jobId>

The following table describes the run job::modify command parameters.




Defines a JSON file that contains the details of a single job.

For a description of the syntax of the JSON code in this file, see Code Reference and all its child pages. Note that this JSON file contains details of only a single job. Do not include other object types, such as a folder or connection profile, in this JSON file.

The following Job Properties currently do NOT support the Modify action:

  • Host

  • RerunSpecificTimes

  • RunAsDummy

  • RetroactiveOrder

In addition, under the When parameter, only FromTime and ToTime support the Modify action.


Defines a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

The format of this ID is <server>:<orderId>.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::modify command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST -F "jobDefinitionsFile=@examples/InformaticaJob.json" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/modify"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run job::bypass

The run job::bypass command enables you to bypass or ignore job options such as a resource, event, or time limit when you submit a job.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run job::bypass command:

ctm run job::bypass <jobId|folderId> -f <bypassOptions.json>

The following table describes the run job::bypass command parameters.




Defines a unique identifier to reference the specific job. The jobId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

Format: <server>:<orderId>


Defines a unique identifier of the folder that contains the job. The folderId is returned by the following command:

ctm run status

Format: <server>:<orderId>


Defines the full path and name of a JSON file that contains advanced bypass parameters.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.

The following sample bypassOptions.json file presents the advanced bypass parameters that you can configure:


The following table describes the advanced bypass parameters in the bypassOptions file:




Determines whether to execute the job regardless of the FromTime, ToTime, or Next Time scheduling values.

The Time Limits bypass does not include the Time Zone parameter, which means jobs that are waiting for a specific date still wait for that date, even if the Time Limit bypass is checked.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to execute the job even if the events that the job is waiting for did not happen.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to execute the job regardless of whether resources are available from the Resource PoolClosed A type of quantifiable resource, which represents the total amount of resources from a physical or logical device that a job can access..

The Resource Pool bypass also ignores the Resource Pool in the workload entities that the job belongs to.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to execute the job regardless of whether the Lock ResourcesClosed A type of prerequisite that controls the flow of the workflow, which represents a physical or logical device that folders, sub-folders, or jobs can exclusively access or share. specified in the job are available in the active list.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to execute the job regardless of any defined Workload Policies or host restrictions.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


(z/OS) Determines whether to execute the job regardless of the job’s SCHENV statement.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


(z/OS) Determines whether to execute the job regardless of whether other jobs using the same Pipe as that specified in the definition of this job are ready to run.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


(Quiesce z/OS) Determines whether to execute the job regardless of whether Control-M is in Quiesce mode, either as a result of QUIESTIME or QUIESQRES commands.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to execute the job as a Dummy jobClosed A job type that enables you to perform job actions, but not execute anything on the Agent. when the pre-submission criteria of the job are satisfied and you want the job status to change to Ended OK, and you only want the job post-processing actions in the job to be peformed.

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


Determines whether to execute the job without performing any of the job post-processing actions, including the following:

Valid Values:

  • true

  • false

Default: false


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run job::bypass command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X POST -F "bypassOption.json" "$endpoint/run/job/$jobId/bypass"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run forecast:timeline::get

The run forecast:timeline::get command requests a timeline forecast for when jobs, folders, or calendars are scheduled to run.

You can use this command to test the effect of different calendars on job scheduling.

The command returns a poll ID, which you can use to track the status of the request (using the run forecast:timeline::poll command).

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run forecast:timeline::get command:

ctm run forecast:timeline::get -s <search query>

where -s runs a search with the query string format "field1=criteria1&field2=criteria2".

The following table describes the fields that you can use in the run forecast:timeline::get query.




Defines the Control-M/Server name for the timeline forecast.


Defines the name of a folder to include in the timeline forecast.

Supported wildcards are * (asterisk) and ? (question mark).

If you use this field, do not use the rbc field.


Defines the name of a rule-based calendar to include in the timeline forecast.

If you use this field, do not use the folder and jobs fields.


Defines jobs within the folder to include in the timeline forecast.

Supported wildcards are * (asterisk) and ? (question mark).

Default: All jobs in the folder


Determines one of the following types of time filters to apply to the timeline:

  • year: Filter by a range of years

  • relativeMonths: Filter by a range of months

Default: relativeMonths


(year filter) Defines the year in the middle of a five-year range.

A value of 2024 returns the five year range 2022-2026.

Default: The current year, for a range that starts two years back and extends two years ahead.


(relativeMonths filter) Defines the beginning of a range of months, expressed as a negative number of months before the current month.

Valid Values: -24 to 0

Default: 0 (current month)


(relativeMonths filter) Defines the end of a range of months, expressed as a number of months after the current month.

Valid Values: 0 to 24

Default: 11


(Optional, z/OS job) Defines the name of the z/OS library that contains the jobs to include in the timeline forecast.


  • The following API command requests a timeline for the jobs in Folder1 over a five-year period between 2021 and 2025:

    ctm run forecast:timeline::get -s "timeFilterType=year&year=2023&folder=Folder1"

  • The following API command requests a timeline for the jobs in Folder1 over a period that begins 20 months back and ends 6 months ahead:

    ctm run forecast:timeline::get -s "timeFilterType=relativeMonths&from=-20&to=6&folder=Folder1"


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run forecast:timeline::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "$endpoint/run/forecast/timeline/get?ctm=$ctm&folder=Folder1&timeFilterType=year&year=2023"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows the response to a successful request (status code 200) for a timeline forecast, with a poll ID that you can use to track the status of timeline generation:

  "pollId": "794f74e1-ced2-415d-b836-5b7570ac90d9",
  "statusURI": "https://sqa:8443/automation-api/run/forecast/timeline/794f74e1-ced2-415d-b836-5b7570ac90d9"

To track the status of the timeline using the provided statusURI endpoint, you must specify a valid token in the request header, as described in Authentication Tokens.

run forecast:timeline::poll

The run forecast:timeline::poll command tracks the status of timeline generation (requested using the run forecast:timeline::get command). If timeline generation has completed, this command returns the timeline, with information about when the jobs are scheduled to run in the relevant months, years, or period covered by the rule-based calendar.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run forecast:timeline::poll command:

ctm run forecast:timeline::poll <pollId>

where <pollId> is the poll ID returned by the run forecast:timeline::get command to track timeline generation.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run forecast:timeline::poll command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "$endpoint/run/forecast/timeline/poll/$pollId"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows a response with a timeline of the scheduling of one job during the year 2020:

   "Schedule": [
         "jobPath": "Folder1/Job1",
         "when": {
            "years": [
                  "year": "2020",
                  "JAN": [
                  "FEB": [
                  "OCT": [

Resource Management

A Resource Pool is represented by the name of a resource and the maximum amount of that resource which jobs can use. Jobs that require a Resource Pool cannot run unless there are enough resources available.

The following API commands enable you to manage Resource Pools:

run resource::add

The run resource::add command enables you to add a Resource Pool to a Control-M/Server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run resource::add command:

ctm run resource::add <server> <name> <max>

The following table describes the run resource::add command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the resource.

The maximum number of characters is 2,048 characters.


Determines the maximum quantity of resources available.

Valid values: 0-9999

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run resource::add command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"name\": \"newResource\",
\"max\":5}" "$endpoint/run/resource/$server"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run resource::delete

The run resource::delete command enables you to delete a Resource Pool.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run resource::delete command:

ctm run resource::delete <server> <name>

The following table describes the run resource::delete command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the resource name.

The maximum number of characters is 2,048.

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run resource::delete command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X DELETE "$endpoint/run/resource/$server/$name"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run resource::update

The run resource::update command enables you to update the values of a Resource Pool.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run resource::update command:

ctm run resource::update <server> <name> <max>

The following table describes the run resource::update command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the resource name.

The maximum number of characters is 2,048.


Defines the maximum quantity of resources available.

Valid values: 0-9999

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run resource::update command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"max\":6}" "$endpoint/run/resource/$server/$name"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run resources::get

The run resources::get command enables you to get all resource records from a specific Control-M/Server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run resources::get command:

ctm run resources::get -s [search query]

where -s runs a search with the query string format "field1=criteria1&field2=criteria2".

Criteria may contain a * for wildcard matching and comma separator to specify multiple values.

The following table describes the fields that you can use in the run resources::get query.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.

This field was previously named ctm (deprecated name).


The resource name.

The maximum number of characters is 2,048 characters.

The following are search examples:

-s "name=resourceA"
-s "name=A*"
-s "server=controlm*&name=resourceA,resourceB"


The following example shows the parameters in the ctm run resources::get response:

    "name": "newResource",
    "ctm": "controlm",
    "available": "15",
    "max": 15,
    "workloadPolicy": "N/A"
    "name": "myRes",
    "ctm": "controlm",
    "available": "4",
    "max": 4,
    "workloadPolicy": "N/A"

The following table describes the parameters in the run resources::get response.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the resource name.

The maximum number of characters is 2,048 characters.


Defines the number of resources available.


Defines the maximum number of resources available.


Defines the name of the workload policy that is linked to the resource. N/A indicates that the resource is not linked to a workload policy. For more information about workload policies, see Workload Policy Definition.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run resources::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X GET "$endpoint/run/resources?$search_criteria"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

Event Management

An event is represented by a name and a date. Jobs that require an event cannot run unless the specific event exists, as described in Events. A job can add or delete an event.

The following API commands enable you to manage Events:

run event::add

The run event::add command enables you to add events to the Control-M/Server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run event::add command:

ctm run event::add <server> <name> <date>

The following table describes the run event::add command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the event name.


Determines the date options to order the event:

Valid values:

  • MMDD: A specific date.

  • ODAT: The current Control-M date. For example, if the current Control-M date is August 7, 2016, the ODAT converts to 0807.

  • STAT: An alternative to a specific date for an event that is not date-specific.

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run event::add command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"name\": \"newEvent\",\"date\":\"0505\"}"  "$endpoint/run/event/$server"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run event::delete

The run event::delete command enables you to remove an event.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run event::delete command:

ctm run event::delete <server> <name> <date>

The following table describes the run event::delete command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the event name.


Determines the date options to order the event:

Valid values:

  • MMDD: A specific date.

  • ODAT: The current Control-M date. For example, if the current Control-M date is August 7, 2016, the ODAT converts to 0807.

  • STAT: An alternative to a specific date for an event that is not date-specific.

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run event::delete command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X DELETE "$endpoint/run/event/$server/$name/$date"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run events::get

The run events::get command enables you to get all events from the Control-M/Server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run events::get command:

ctm run events::get -s [search query]

where -s runs a search with the query string format "field1=criteria1&field2=criteria2".

Criteria may contain a * for wildcard matching and comma separator to specify multiple values.

The following table describes the fields that you can use in the run events::get query.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.

This field was previously named ctm (deprecated name).


Defines the event name.


Defines the event date.


Defines the limits of the number of returned matches.

Default: 1000 (if not defined)

The following are search examples:

-s "name=eventA"
-s "name=A*&date=0805"
-s "server=controlm&name=eventA,eventB&date=0805"


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run events::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -X GET "$endpoint/run/events?$search_criteria"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows the parameters in the ctm run events::get response:

    "name": "flow1_from_FlowAcc_goodJob_to_FlowAcc_badJob_2902",
    "ctm": "controlm",
    "date": "0726"
    "name": "flow1_from_FlowAcc_goodJob_to_FlowAcc_badJob_2935",
    "ctm": "controlm",
    "date": "0726"
    "name": "flow1_from_FlowAcc_goodJob_to_FlowAcc_badJob_2974",
    "ctm": "controlm",
    "date": "0726"
    "name": "flow1_from_FlowAcc_goodJob_to_FlowAcc_badJob_3007",
    "ctm": "controlm",
    "date": "0726"

Workload Policy Management

Workload Policies enable you to balance the workload on Control-M resources and hosts. A Workload Policy groups together jobs and enforces workload rules that limit resource usage by those jobs during specific time periods. You can manage the definitions of Workload Policies with a JSON file. This JSON file is separate from the file that defines jobs and other objects. For more information about defining Workload Policies, see Workload Policies Reference. For more general information about workload policies, see Workload Policy Definition.

The following API commands enable you to manage Workload Policies:

run workloadpolicies:detailed::get

The run workloadpolicies:detailed::get command retrieves full details of all defined Workload Policies or a specific Workload Policy.

The response contains the full JSON details, as described in Workload Policies Reference.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run workloadpolicies:detailed::get command:

ctm run workloadpolicies:detailed::get [-s "name=<policyName>"]

where -s runs a query for a specific Workload Policy. If you do not include the -s option, the system returns the details for all defined Workload Policies.


The following examples show the REST API syntax for the run workloadpolicies:detailed::get command in cURL:

The following example shows how to retrieve definitions of all Workload Policies:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X GET  "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicies/detailed"

The following example shows how to retrieve the definitions of a specific Workload Policy:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X GET "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicies/detailed?name=$policyname"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run workloadpolicies::add

The run workloadpolicies::add command creates new Workload Policies from definitions in a JSON file, as described in Workload Policies Reference.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run workloadpolicies::add command:

ctm run workloadpolicies::add <workloadPoliciesFile>

where <workloadPoliciesFile> is the name of a JSON file with the Workload Policy definitions that you want to create. For more information, see Workload Policies Reference.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run workloadpolicies::add command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-F "workloadpoliciesfile=@examples/WPs.json" -X POST "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicies"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run workloadpolicy::delete

The run workloadpolicy::delete command deletes a specific Workload Policy.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run workloadpolicy::delete command:

ctm run workloadpolicy::delete <policyName>

where <policyName> is the name of the specific Workload Policy that you want to delete.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run workloadpolicy::delete command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X DELETE "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicy/$policyname"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run workloadpolicies::get

The run workloadpolicies::get command retrieves details of defined Workload Policies, with the option to filter by status. The filter enables you to retrieve only active or inactive workload policies.

The response shows the current status of each active or inactive Workload Policy and the details of the last update to Workload Policy definitions.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run workloadpolicies::get command:

ctm run workloadpolicies::get [Active|Inactive]


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run workloadpolicies::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X GET  "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicies?state=Active"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run workloadpolicy::activate

The run workloadpolicy::activate command activates an inactive Workload Policy.

If you want to activate multiple Workload Policies, specify a string that contains a * as a wildcard. In addition, you can optionally filter Workload Policies by an associated Control-M/Server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run workloadpolicy::activate command:

ctm run workloadpolicy::activate <policyName> [<server>]

The following table describes the run workloadpolicy::activate command parameters.




Defines the name of a Workload Policy. For multiple Workload Policies, it defines a string that contains a * as a wildcard.


(Optional) Defines the name of an associated Control-M/Server to use as a filter.

The system activates only Workload Policies associated with the specified Control-M/Server.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run workloadpolicy::activate command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicy/$policyname/activate?server=$server"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run workloadpolicy::deactivate

The run workloadpolicy::deactivate command deactivates an active Workload Policy.

If you want to deactivate multiple Workload Policies, specify a string that contains a * as a wildcard. In addition, you can optionally filter Workload Policies by an associated Control-M/Server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run workloadpolicy::deactivate command:

ctm run workloadpolicy::deactivate <policyName> [<server>]

The following table describes the run workloadpolicy::deactivate command parameters.




Defines the name of a Workload Policy. For multiple Workload Policies, it defines a string that contains a * as a wildcard.


(Optional) Defines the name of an associated Control-M/Server to use as a filter.

The system deactivates only Workload Policies associated with the specified Control-M/Server.

If annotation is enabled for the Active network category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run workloadpolicy::deactivate command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST "$endpoint/run/workloadpolicy/$policyname/deactivate?server=$server"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

Service Management

Services are groups of jobs that are aggregated based on specified criteria. Control-M Automation API helps manage SLA services associated with SLA jobs (also known as Control-M BIM jobs) at the end of a job flow.

Service Management in Control-M Automation API is supported for a Control-M environment withControl-M/EM or higher.

The following API command enables you to manage services.

run services:sla::get

The run services:sla::get command retrieves details of defined SLA-type services.

For more information, see Service Management.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run services:sla::get command:

ctm run services:sla::get


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run services:sla::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X GET  "$endpoint/run/services/sla"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.


The following example shows the parameters in the response to the ctm run services:sla::get command.

The following example lists a single SLA-type service:

  "serviceLastUpdatedTime": "2020-01-26T10:19:42+00:00",
  "activeServices": [
      "serviceName": "SLA-BAD",
      "status": "Not Ok",
      "statusReason": "Service late,Job failure,Service actually late",
      "startTime": "2020-02-09T10:08:10+00:00",
      "endTime": "2020-02-09T10:14:20+00:00",
      "dueTime": "2020-02-09T08:00:05+00:00",
      "slackTime": "-02:14:15",
      "serviceOrderDateTime": "2020-02-09T07:00:05+00:00",
      "scheduledOrderDate": "20200209",
      "serviceJob": "LocalControlM:0002c",
      "serviceControlM": "LocalControlM",
      "priority": "3",
      "note": "",
      "totalJobs": "3",
      "jobsCompleted": "1",
      "jobsWithoutStatistics": "1",
      "completionPercentage": "33",
      "averageCompletionTime": "",
      "errors": "Job \"FindFile\" ended with failure.\nJob \"SLA-Bad\" should have started by 08:00:05 GMT+00:00 and will not start on time. The reason is: \"SLA-Bad\"  is waiting for Wait Condition.",
      "statusByJobs": {
        "executed": "0",
        "waitCondition": "2",
        "waitResource": "0",
        "waitHost": "0",
        "waitWorkload": "0",
        "completed": "0",
        "error": "1"

In this response, serviceLastUpdatedTime specifies the most recent date and time when the services are updated. After that, the response displays the following parameters for each active SLA-type service:




Defines the service name.


Defines the current status of the service.


Defines one or more reasons for the current status.


Defines the date and time when the service started to run.


Defines the date and time for when the service is estimated to stop running.


Defines the deadline with the date and time when the service must complete to be considered not late.


Defines the difference in time between the dueTime and its estimated endTime.


Defines the date and time when the service is ordered.


Defines the order date if it is rescheduled during the order.


Defines the job ID of the job associated with the service.


Defines the Control-M/Server where the service runs.


Defines the priority level of the service.


Defines the specific service information provided as a note for the service.


Defines the total number of jobs in the service.


Defines the number of completed jobs in the service.


Defines the number of jobs without statistical information.


Defines the percentage of completed jobs in the service.


Defines a time estimate for the service to complete.


Defines the error messages received for the jobs in the service.


Defines a breakdown of the number of completed jobs in each job status.

Variable Management

Variables automatically assign dynamic environmental values to the job execution parameters.

Control-M Automation API helps manage pool-type variables. These variables are organized in hierarchical groups. They are expressed in the following manner:


For more information about variables, see Variables.

The following API commands enable you to manage variables:

You must have Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM version 9.0.21 or higher to run Variable Management commands.

run variables::get

The run variables::get command enables you to retrieve details of defined pool variables that match a search query.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run variables::get command:

ctm run variables::get -s "<query string>"

where -s runs a search with the query string format "field1=criteria1&field2=criteria2&field3=criteria3" and the following supported fields:




Defines the name of the pool.


For wildcard matching, you can specify a * in the named pool string. The * wildcard can be used as the only character or the last character.

Default: * (all pools)

pool=* or pool=P*


Defines the full name of the variable.


For wildcard matching, you can specify a * in the variable string. The * wildcard can be used as the only character or the last character.

Default: * (all variables)

variable=* or variable=V*


Defines the Control-M/Server name.

The server field is required only if you have more than one Control-M/Server. In such a case, the * wildcard is not supported.

If you have only one server, you do not need to include this field or you can use the default server=*.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run variables::get command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X GET  "$endpoint/run/variables?server=*&variable=%%\\\\P*\\V*"

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

In a REST API command, all backslashes must be escaped.


The following example shows a response to the run variables::get command:

   "variables": [
      { "%%\\\\PoolName\\AUTOVar1InPoolAddedAudit": "value1"  },
      { "%%\\\\PoolName\\AUTOVar2InPoolAddedAudit": "value2"  }

All backslashes are escaped in the JSON format.

run variables::set

The run variables::set command enables you to define new pool variables or update the definitions of existing pool variables.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run variables::set command:

ctm run variables::set <server> -f <variablesDefinitionFile.json>

The following table describes the run variables::set command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the full path and name of a JSON file with the variable definitions.

   "variables": [
      { "%%\\\\PoolName\\AUTOVar1InPoolAddedAudit": "value1"  },
      { "%%\\\\PoolName\\AUTOVar2InPoolAddedAudit": "value2"  }

All backslashes are escaped in the JSON format.

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run variables::set command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST "$endpoint/run/variables/$server" -d @VariablesDefinitions.json

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run variables::delete

The run variables::delete command enables you to delete variables from the server.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run variables::delete command:

ctm run variables::delete <server> -f <variablesNames.json

The following table describes the run variables::delete command parameters.




Defines the Control-M/Server name.


Defines the full path and name of a JSON file with a list of variable names.


All backslashes are escaped in the JSON format.

If annotation is enabled for the Independent AJF entities category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run variables::delete command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X DELETE "$endpoint/run/variables/$server" -d @VariableNames.json

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

Alert Management

An alert is a message that indicates a problem or exception in a job or folder. Control-M Automation API enables you to update basic alert properties and alert status. For more information, see Alerts.

The following API commands enable you to manage alerts:

run alerts::update

The run alerts::update command enables you to update basic alert properties, including urgency and associated comments.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run alerts::update command:

ctm run alerts::update -f <configuration file>

The configuration file contains the properties required to update the alerts. You must include in the configuration file the mandatory alertIds parameter and at least one of the other relevant parameters.

The following table describes the parameters for the run alerts::update command:




Defines the unique identifiers for the alerts that you want to update.


Determines the severity of the alert.

Valid values:

  • Normal

  • Urgent

  • Critical


Defines a free-text comment about the alert.

The following example shows a configuration file:

    "alertIds" : [30,31],


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run alerts::update command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST "$endpoint/run/alerts" -d @alertModifyValue.json

The configuration file is named alertModifyValue.json.

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.

run alerts:status::update

The run alerts:status::update command enables you to update the alert status.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the run alerts:status::update command:

ctm run alerts:status::update <alertIds> -f <configuration file>

The configuration file contains the properties required to update the alert status.

The following table describes the run alerts:status::update command parameters.




Defines unique identifiers for the alerts that you want to update.


Determines the alert status.

Valid values:

  • New

  • Reviewed

  • Closed

  • Undefined

The following example shows a configuration file:

    "alertIds" : [20],


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the run alerts:status::update command in cURL:

AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST "$endpoint/run/alerts/status/$alertIds" -d @alertModifyStatus.json

The configuration file is named alertModifyStatus.json.

To select the AuthHeader value ("Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"), see Authentication Tokens.