External Java Management

Control-M Automation API requires an external Java installation, similar to other Control-M components, and does not deliver a Java library during installation. This reduces installation size and enables you to use the libraries that are common within your organization. It also ensures that Java remains updated.

By default, Control-M Automation API uses the same Java used by Control-M/EM. However, in certain cases when the Control-M Automation API version is different from the Control-M/EM version (for example, after an upgrade of Control-M Automation API), you might need to change the Java package for Control-M Automation API.

For a list of Java vendors supported by Control-M components, see Control-M Compatibility with External Java Vendors.

Control-M Automation API will no longer support Java 11 in version, the monthly release of October 2024. Starting with this version of Control-M Automation API, Java 17 or higher is required.

Changing the JRE Package for Automation API

This procedure describes how to change the JRE package in Control-M Automation API.


  • Do one of the following, depending on the installed version of Control-M/EM:

    • Control-M/EM 9.0.21.xxx:

      1. On the Control-M/EM machine, navigate to the following file and open it for editing:

        • (UNIX) <HOME>/BMCINSTALL/external_java_path_9.0.21.x00.dat

        • (Windows) <EM_HOME>\BMCINSTALL\external_java_path_9.0.21.x00.dat

        In major version 9.0.21, the file name does not include .x00.

      2. Define an alternative Java home directory by modifying the value of the parameter AAPI_JAVA_HOME to the external Java path, as follows:

        AAPI_JAVA_HOME={new JRE Path}

        • A relative path is not supported.

        • The path can only include alphanumeric characters, periods (.), underscores (_), hyphens (-), and plus signs +.

          On Windows, the path can also include spaces.

        • (Windows) A network path is not supported.

        • (Windows) The path must be enclosed with quotation marks.

      3. Stop the Control-M Automation API server and Configuration API server using the following commands:

        emrestsrv stop

        emconfigrestsrv stop

        The servers restart automatically.

    • Control-M/EM 9.0.20.xxx:

      1. On the Control-M/EM machine, define an alternative Java home directory by setting the value of the AAPI_JAVA_HOME parameter to the external Java path in one of the following locations:

        • UNIX: In one of the following files:

          • (tcsh shell)<HOME>/.cshrc

          • (sh shell)<HOME>/.profile

          • (bash shell) <HOME>/.bash_profile

          Add another line with a setenv or export command for the defined variable.

          To check that the new path is set, exit and re-enter the shell, and then run the following command:

          env | grep AAPI_JAVA_HOME

        • Windows: Environment Variables window

      2. Stop the Control-M Automation API server and Configuration API server using the following commands:

        emrestsrv stop

        emconfigrestsrv stop

        The servers restart automatically.