Application Workflow Connection Profiles
The following topics describe connection profiles for application workflow platforms and services:
Airflow enables you to monitor and manage DAG workflows in Control-M. You can monitor DAG executions in the Airflow tab in the Monitoring domain. You can also view the specific details of each task, open the DAG in the Airflow web server user interface, and view XCom variables from the Airflow tab.
The following example shows how to define a connection profile for standalone instance of an Airflow job:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Airflow:Standalone",
"Host": "dba-airflow-12",
"Port": "8080",
"User": "admin",
"Password": "password",
"SecuredConnection": true,
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the standalone Airflow job connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Host |
Defines the Airflow hostname. |
Port |
Defines the Airflow port number of the Airflow web server. |
User |
Defines the username that is used to log in to the Airflow server. |
Password |
Defines the password to log in to the Airflow server. |
SecuredConnection |
Determines whether a secure connection to the Airflow server is established. Valid Values:
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
The following examples show how to define a connection profile for a Google Cloud Composer 1.0 instance and a Google Cloud Composer 2.0 instance of Airflow, respectively:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Airflow:GoogleComposer",
"ServiceAccountKey": "{\"type\":\"service_account\",\"project_id\":\"sso-gcp-dba-ctm1-priv-cc30752\",\"private_key_id\":\"5197d05c5b8212bea944985cec74a34d6c1868aa\",\"private_key\":\"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nprivate-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n\",\"client_email\":\"\",\"client_id\":\"116650586827623521335\",\"auth_uri\":\"\",\"token_uri\":\"\", \"auth_provider_x509_cert_url\":\"\",\"client_x509_cert_url\":\"\"}",
"ServiceAccountKeyFilename": "1234.log",
"BaseURL": "http://akjsdlksajdksad",
"TargetAudience": "",
"Centralized": true
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Airflow:GoogleComposer",
"ServiceAccountKey": "{\"type\":\"service_account\",\"project_id\":\"sso-gcp-dba-ctm1-priv-cc30752\",\"private_key_id\":\"5197d05c5b8212bea944985cec74a34d6c1868aa\",\"private_key\":\"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nprivate-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n\",\"client_email\":\"\",\"client_id\":\"116650586827623521335\",\"auth_uri\":\"\",\"token_uri\":\"\", \"auth_provider_x509_cert_url\":\"\",\"client_x509_cert_url\":\"\"}",
"ServiceAccountKeyFilename": "1234.log",
"BaseURL": "http://akjsdlksajdksad",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes additional Airflow job connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ServiceAccountKey |
Defines a JSON body that contains the required service account credentials to access the Google Cloud Composer account. |
ServiceAccountKeyFilename |
Defines the name of the file that contains the service account credentials. |
BaseURL |
Defines the Airflow web UI URL in Google Composer. |
TargetAudience |
Defines the JWT (JSON Web Token) audience for the IAP (Identity-Aware Proxy) Google Cloud version 1.0 service. If you do not know the target audience value, define any text value and test the connection profile. The error message indicates the required target audience value. |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:Apache Airflow
Apache Airflow enables you to create, schedule, and monitor complex data processing and analytics pipelines. It provides an environment to define, manage, and execute workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to control task dependencies and execution order.
The following example shows how to define a connection profile for an Apache Airflow job:
"Apache Airflow":
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Apache Airflow",
"Airflow URL": "https://localhost",
"Username": "abcd",
"Password": "*****",
"Connection Timeout": "50",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the Apache Airflow connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Airflow URL |
Defines the Apache authentication endpoint for Airflow. https://localhost |
Username |
Defines the username that is used to log in to the Airflow server. |
Password |
Defines the password to log in to the Airflow server. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to Apache Airflow before a timeout occurs. Default: 60 seconds |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:Apache NiFi
Apache NiFi is an open-source tool that automates data flow across systems in real time.
The following example shows how to define a connection profile for an Apache NiFi job:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Apache NiFi",
"NiFi URL": "https://localhost",
"Port": "8443",
"Username": "abcd",
"Password": "*****",
"Connection Timeout": "50",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the Apache NiFi connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
NiFi URL |
Defines the Apache authentication endpoint for NiFi. https://localhost |
Port |
Defines the port number of the Apache NiFi server. |
Username |
Defines the Apache NiFi server username. |
Password |
Defines the Apache NiFi server password. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to Apache NiFi before a timeout occurs. Default: 50 seconds |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
Astronomer is a workload automation service based on Apache Airflow that enables you to create, schedule, and manage your workflows.
The following example shows how to define a connection profile for an Astronomer job:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Astronomer",
"Deployment URL": "",
"Bearer Token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzl1NilslmtpZcl6",
"Connection Timeout": "30",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the Astronomer connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Deployment URL |
Defines the Astronomer deployment endpoint URL in the Airflow environment. |
Bearer Token |
Defines a security token to authenticate API requests to Astronomer, which allows access to protected resources. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to Astronomer before a timeout occurs. Default: 30 seconds |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:AWS MWAA
AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) is an orchestration service built on Apache Airflow, designed to create, schedule, and monitor data pipelines and workflows.
The following examples show how to define a connection profile for an AWS MWAA job:
This JSON defines a connection profile for a job based on authentication using an AWS access key and secret:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS MWAA",
"Authentication Method": "Secret",
"AWS Secret": "*****",
"AWS Access Key": "MYAWSACCESSKEY1234",
"AWS Region": "eu-west-2",
"Connection Timeout": "30",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile fora job based on authentication using an AWS IAM role from inside an EC2 instance:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS MWAA",
"Authentication Method": "IAM",
"IAM Role": "<IAMRole>",
"AWS Region": "eu-west-2",
"Connection Timeout": "30",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the AWS MWAA job connection profile parameters.
Parameter | Description |
Authentication Method |
Determines one of the following types of authentication for the connection with AWS MWAA:
AWS Secret |
(Secret Authentication) Defines the secret access key assigned to the account in the AWS MWAA integration setup. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
AWS Access Key |
(Secret Authentication) Defines the access key assigned to the account in the AWS MWAA integration setup. |
IAM Role |
(IAM Authentication) Defines the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role name for connection to AWS MWAA. |
AWS Region |
Determines the region where the AWS AWS MWAA jobs are located. us-east-1 |
Determines the authentication endpoint for AWS MWAA, based on the following format: |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to AWS MWAA before a timeout occurs. Default: 60 |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:AWS Step Functions
AWS Step Functions enables you to create visual workflows that can integrate other AWS services.
The following examples show how to define a connection profile for an AWS Step Functions job:
This JSON defines a connection profile for a job based on authentication using an AWS access key and secret:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS Step Functions",
"Authentication": "SECRET",
"AWS Secret": "myAwsSecret12345",
"AWS Access Key": "MYAWSACCESSKEY1234",
"AWS Region": "eu-west-2",
"Step Functions URL": "",
"Connection Timeout": "20",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile fora job based on authentication using an AWS IAM role from inside an EC2 instance:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS Step Functions",
"Authentication": "NOSECRET",
"AWS Region": "eu-west-2",
"Step Functions URL": "",
"Connection Timeout": "20",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the AWS Step Functions job connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Authentication |
Determines one of the following types of authentication for the connection with AWS Step Functions:
IAM roles (NOSECRET) is currently not supported for this plug-in on ECS container instances and for EKS services. |
AWS Access Key |
(SECRET Authentication) Defines the access key assigned to the account in the AWS Step Functions integration setup. |
AWS Secret |
(SECRET Authentication) Defines the secret access key assigned to the account in the AWS Step Functions integration setup. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
IAM Role |
(NOSECRET Authentication) Defines the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role name for connection to AWS Step Functions. |
AWS Region |
Determines the region where the AWS Step Functions jobs are located. |
Step Functions URL |
Determines the authentication endpoint for AWS Step Functions, based on the following format: https://states.{{region}} For more information about regional endpoints available for the AWS Step Functions service, refer to the AWS documentation. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to AWS Step Functions before a timeout occurs. Default: 20 |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:Azure Logic Apps
Azure Logic Apps enables you to design and automate cloud-based workflows and integrations.
The following examples show how to define a connection profile for an Azure Logic Apps job:
This JSON defines a connection profile that authenticates with an Azure Service Principal identity:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Azure Logic Apps",
"Subscription ID": "e76056e0-70de-4da8-b02e-61263a150b1f",
"Authentication Method": "PRINCIPAL",
"Resource Group": "tb-resourcegroup",
"Tenant ID": "92b796c5-5839-40a6-8dd9-c1fad320c69b",
"Azure Login url": "",
"Application ID": "7f477fa3-1a1f-4877-ba80-f39bb563f1b5",
"Client Secret": "*****",
"Connection timeout": "20",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
} -
This JSON defines a connection profile that authenticates with an Azure Managed Identity:
Managed Identity authentication is based on an Azure token that is valid, by default, for 24 hours. Token lifetime can be extended by Azure.
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:Azure Logic Apps",
"Subscription ID": "e76056e0-70de-4da8-b02e-61263a150b1f",
"Authentication Method": "MANAGEDID",
"Resource Group": "tb-resourcegroup",
"Specify Managed Identity Client ID": "&client_id=",
"Managed Identity Client ID": "72d448f0-ac32-45ea-9158-f8653e4ee16",
"Connection timeout": "20",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the Azure Logic Apps job connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Subscription ID |
Defines the Azure account subscription ID, which is located in the Azure portal. |
Authentication Method |
Defines one of the following types of authentication to use for the connection with Azure Logic Apps:
Resource Group |
Determines the resource group where your logic app is located. |
Tenant ID |
(Service Principal) Defines the Azure Tenant ID in Azure AD. |
Azure Login url |
(Service Principal) Defines the Azure AD authentication endpoint base URL. |
Application ID |
(Service Principal) Defines the application ID of the registered application. The service principal must be an Azure Logic Apps workspace user with a Contributor or Owner role. |
Client Secret |
(Service Principal) Defines the password associated with the Azure user and the application. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code. |
Specify Managed Identity Client ID |
(Managed Identity) Determines whether the client ID for your Managed Identity is specified by the Managed Identity Client ID parameter. Include this parameter only if you are using the Managed Identity authentication method and you have multiple Managed Identities defined on your Azure virtual machine. Set its value to &client_id=. |
Managed Identity Client ID |
(Managed Identity) Determines which client ID to use as the Managed Identity. This parameter requires a value only if you have multiple Managed Identities defined on your Azure virtual machine and you included the Specify Managed Identity Client ID parameter. If you have only one Managed Identity, it is detected automatically. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before a timeout occurs after Control-M initiates a request to Azure Logic Apps. Default: 50 |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:GCP Composer
Google Cloud (GCP) Composer is a managed workflow orchestration service built on Apache Airflow that enables you to automate workflow tasks.
The following example shows how to define a connection profile for a GCP Composer job:
"GCP Composer":
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:GCPComposer",
"Composer URL": "",
"Identity Type": ""Identity Type": "Service Account",
"Service Account Key": "<service Account Key>",
"Connection Timeout": "30",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the GCP Composer job connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Composer URL |
Defines the GCP authentication endpoint for GCP Composer. |
Identity Type |
Determines one of the following authentication types using GCP Access Control:
Service Account Key |
(Service Account) Defines a service account that is associated with an RSA key pair. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to GCP Composer before a timeout occurs. Default: 30 |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |
ConnectionProfile:GCP Workflows
GCP Workflows enables you to design and automate cloud-based workflows and integrations.
The following example shows how to define a connection profile for a GCP Workflows job:
"Type": "ConnectionProfile:GCP Workflows",
"Identity Type": "service_account",
"GCP API URL": "",
"Service Account Key": "*****",
"Connection Timeout": "20",
"Description": "",
"Centralized": true
The following table describes the GCP Workflows job connection profile parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Identity Type |
Determines one of the following authentication types using GCP Access Control:
(Service Account) Defines the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) authentication endpoint for GCP Workflows. Default: |
Service Account Key |
(Service Account) Defines a service account that is associated with an RSA key pair. |
Connection Timeout |
Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to GCP Workflows before a timeout occurs. Default:: 20 |
Centralized |
Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents. You must set this parameter to true. Values:
Default: false |