Provision Service

You must install an Agent for Helix Control-M to run and monitor jobs on your application host. The Provision service enables you to set up an Agent. In addition, you can deploy application plug-ins or integration plug-ins to the Agent during the provision process. The repository contains a group of images, including Agent images for the various operating systems and plug-in images for various Control-M plug-ins.

  • If you run the Provision service, ensure that Control-M Automation API CLI is successfully installed on the same host where you plan to install the Agent. See Setting Up the API.

  • Before the initial setup or installation, you must set the Java environment variable that points to an external Java installation. See Setting the Java Environment Variable.

  • If you provision an Agent on a host that uses a proxy server, ensure that the proxy server settings are defined, as described in Proxy Server Configuration.

Agent and Plug-in Provisioning

Provisioning Agents is based on images. An image is JSON code that lists the installation packages in the order they are installed.

You must obtain the installation packages for the Agent, application plug-ins, or integration plug-ins referenced in the images before the provision process. For more information, see Control-M Automation API Provisioning.

You can install an Agent with one of the following methods:

  • Run separate image and setup commands: Enables you to download and prepare the installation files for the Agent with the image command. You can later set up the Agent and register it to the Control-M/Server with the setup command. This method is beneficial for dynamic installations, such as installations that use a VM image.

  • Run a single install command: Performs the full Agent installation process with a single install command. This method is beneficial for static architectures that do not distinguish between image building and instantiation.

To provision a plug-in on an Agent, run the image command only.

The following table describes the API commands to provision Agents and deploy plug-ins.



provision images

Gets a list of available images.

provision image Prepares the file system to install an Agent.

provision saas:agent::setup

Registers an Agent and connects it to a Server.

provision saas::install

Runs all phases of image installation, including image and setup.

provision agent::update

Downloads and installs the latest version of Control-M/Agent and any installed plug-ins to the Agent host.

provision image::remove

Uninstalls an image from the user account but does not unregister it.

provision agent::uninstall

Uninstalls an image from the user account and unregisters it.

provision images

The provision images command enables you to get a list of the images that are available on the Server for a specific operating system. The command returns a list of image names.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision images command:

ctm provision images <os> [-s version=all|latest|<numeric_string>]

The following table describes the provision images command parameters.




Determines the operating system specified for the retrieved images.

Valid values:

  • Linux (for Linux 64-bit)

  • Windows (for Windows 64-bit)

-s version

(Optional) Filters the returned list of images by version.

Valid values:

  • latest: Only images of the latest version.

  • numeric_string: Only images that contain the specified numeric string as part of their version number.

  • all: All images in the repository.

Default: latest

The following example shows a request for a list of the latest available images and a typical response:

> ctm provision images Linux 

If annotation is enabled for the Configuration Management category in the Configuration domain, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.


The following example shows the REST API syntax for the provision images command in cURL:

curl -H "x-api-key: $token" $endpoint/provision/images/$os?version=

provision image

The provision image command downloads an image and installs it into the current user account.

If the image is a plug-in image, run this command only.

If the image is an Agent image, run this command and then you must register the Agent on the server with the setup command.

This API command is supported only through the CLI and cannot be called through a REST API command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision image command:

ctm provision image <image>

The following table describes the provision image command parameters.




Determines which image to provision, one of the images returned by the provision images command.

You do not need to include the OS extension in the name of the image. For example, you can specify Agent, rather than Agent.Linux. The operating system is detected automatically.

Ensure that the relevant product code is in the installed-versions.txt file located in the Agent home directory to verify that the agent is registered successfully.

The following table shows the plug-in product codes.


Product Code

Application Integrator












Managed File Transfer (MFT)




provision saas:agent::setup

The provision saas:agent::setup command enables you to register an agent and connects it with a Control-M environment.

This API command is supported only through the CLI and cannot be called through a REST API command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision saas:agent::setup command:

ctm provision saas:agent::setup <agentTagName> [name]

The following table describes the provision saas:agent::setup command parameters.




Defines the name of the agent tag associated with the agent authorization token.

For information about generating a token, see Generating an Agent Token.


(Optional) Defines a name or alias for the agent to appear in the agent list that appears in the Helix Control-M user interface.

Default: hostname-user (if not specified)

Ensure that the relevant product code, DRKAI., is in the installed-versions.txt file located in the Agent home directory to verify that the agent is registered successfully.

provision saas::install

The provision saas::install command enables you to implement all phases of image installation. For an agent, this includes both image and setup.

This API command is supported only through the CLI and cannot be called through a REST API command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision saas::install command:

ctm provision saas::install <image> <agentTagName> [name]

The following table describes the provision saas::install command parameters.




Determines which image to install, one of the images returned by the provision images command.

You do not need to include the OS extension in the name of the image. For example, you can specify Agent, rather than Agent.Linux. The operating system is detected automatically.


Defines the name of the agent tag associated with the agent authorization token.

For information about generating a token, see Generating an Agent Token.


Defines a name or alias for the agent to appear in the Agent list in the Helix Control-M user interface.

Default: hostname-user (if not specified)

Ensure that the relevant product code, DRKAI., is in the installed-versions.txt file located in the Agent home directory to verify that an agent was installed successfully.

provision agent::update

The provision agent::update command enables you to download and install the latest version of Control-M/Agent and any installed plug-ins to the Agent host that runs the command.

  • This API command is supported only through the CLI and cannot be called through a REST API command.

  • To run this command, the current version of Control-M/Agent must be or higher.

  • If Control-M MFT or Control-M for SAP is installed on the Agent, you must stop the Agent before you run this API command and start it afterward. To avoid Agent downtime, you can create a host group and include multiple Agents with the same plug-in within the host group. After you shut down one Agent, jobs are routed to another Agent in the host group.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision agent::update command:

ctm provision agent::update [instanceName]

To skip confirmation messages during installation, add -y after the command.

The following table describes the provision agent::update command parameter.




(Windows only) Defines which Agent instance to update.

If not defined, the Default installation is updated.

This parameter is required for environments with multiple Agents.

provision image::remove

The provision image::remove command enables you to uninstall an image from this user account without its unregistration in Control-M.

This API command is supported only through the CLI and cannot be called through a REST API command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision image::remove command:

ctm provision image::remove

provision agent::uninstall

The provision agent::uninstall command enables you to uninstall an image from this user account and unregisters it from the Server.

This API command is supported only through the CLI and cannot be called through a REST API command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the provision agent::uninstall command:

ctm provision agent::uninstall