Package Service

The package service allows you to create a package from a directory of .json and .xml definition files, as described in Code Reference. This package is a .zip archive and you can deploy, run, or build with these services.

The package service is only available via the CLI, and you cannot call it through a REST API command.

CLI Syntax

The following shows the CLI syntax for the package command:

ctm package <zipOutputFilename> <deploymentFilesDirectory>

The following table describes the package command parameters.




Defines the package filename.


Defines the directory that contains the .json source files.

The following example shows how to use the package command:

The C:\deploy directory contains two JSON files, Folder1.json and Folder2.json. The following command zips this directory into a zip package named

ctm package C:\deploy

After you create the zip package, you can deploy it using the Deploy Service.