Control-M/Server System Settings Configuration

The following API commands enable you to configure Control-M/Server system parameters and system settings:

config systemsettings:server::get

The config systemsettings:server::get command enables you to get a list of server-related system settings. The following fields are returned for each parameter:

  • name

  • value

  • defaultValue

For more information about this group of settings, see Control-M/Server System Parameters.

CLI Syntax

ctm config systemsettings:server::get [<server>]

Where server defines the name of the Server.



curl -H "x-api-key: $token" $endpoint/config/systemsettings/server?server=$serverName

config systemsettings:server::set

The config systemsettings:server::set command enables you to set a value for a Server-related system setting.

For a list of settings that you can set, see Control-M/Server System Parameters.

CLI Syntax

ctm config systemsettings:server::set <name> <value> [<server>]

The following table describes the config systemsettings:server::set command parameters.




Defines the name of the parameter in the server-related system settings.

For a list of settings that you can set, see Control-M/Server System Parameters.


Defines a value to assign to the parameter.


Defines the name of the Server.



curl -H "x-api-key: $token" -X POST $endpoint/config/systemsettings/server/$name/$value/set?server=$serverName

Control-M/Server System Parameters

The following table describes the Server-related parameters available for configuration.

These parameters are returned by the config systemsettings:server::get API command, and you can set a new value for any of these parameters using the config systemsettings:server::set API command.




Determines conditions of which unscheduled predecessor jobs to ignore in a folder.

Valid Values:

  • AJF: Ignore predecessor jobs in the Active Jobs level. When selected, jobs in the folder ignore conditions set by jobs in Active Jobs that are not scheduled.

  • GROUP: Ignore predecessor jobs in the group level. When selected, jobs in the folder ignore conditions set by jobs in the folder that are not scheduled.

Default: GROUP


Controls creation of dummy jobs that run in place of unscheduled prerequisite jobs.

Valid Values:

  • Y: A dummy job waits for the prerequisite conditions expected by the job that it is replacing, and performs the post processing of the job. When a folder is ordered, jobs in the folder that should not be ordered at this time are ordered as DUMMY jobs. This functionality is useful for data centers that require identical job flow regardless of whether certain jobs in a folder are ordered for a specific instance of the folder.

  • N: Out conditions of the jobs that were not ordered are ignored by the ordered jobs in the folder.

Default: Y


Indicates if AutoEdit variable %%MEMLIB overrides the MEMLIB value for all jobs in a folder with a command such as:

ctmorder -schedtab test2...-jobname "*" -autoedit %%MEMLIB d:/testdir

If you use the same command for a specific jobname, this parameter is ignored.

Valid Values: Y, N

Default: N


Indicates when Cyclic jobs or folders that have previously executed at least once, are removed from Active Jobs by the New Day procedure.

Valid Values:

  • KEEP: Each job is removed when MAXWAIT days have passed regardless of whether it ended OK.

  • NOT_KEEP: Each job (non-cyclic and cyclic) is removed from Active Jobs at the next run of the New Day procedure. Cyclic jobs or folders are not removed if they are executing when the New Day procedure begins. Instead, they are removed at the run of the following New Day procedure.

Default: KEEP


If a Cyclic job or folder ends NOTOK and this parameter is set to OK, the Cyclic job or folder will be rerun. If set to NOTOK, the Cyclic job or folder will not be rerun.

Valid Values: OK, NOTOK.

Default: OK


Enables support for server utilities that are available via the Agent. For information about these utilities, see Agent Utilities.

If you are migrating from Server to Helix Control-M and have been using the ctmsec utility, all authorizations assigned through the ctmsec utility are NOT enforced after the migration. In such a case, BMC recommends that you do NOT enable the agent utilities (that is, keep the default ENABLE_AGENT_UTIL=N). If you still want to enable this parameter, first check whether your users are allowed to run these utilities.

Valid Values: N, Y

Default: N


Determines the type of Alert message to send when a job is not run due to scheduling criteria.

Valid Values:

  • 0: One General Alert per User Daily: ONE OR MORE JOBS IN DAILY <daily_name> DID NOT RUN.

  • 1: One Alert message per job: DAILY <daily_name> FAILED TO RUN JOBNAME <jobname>.

  • 2: Do not issue Alert messages.

Default: 0


Determines whether negative values take precedence over positive values in Week or Day parameters when defining a job schedule

Valid Values:

  • 0

  • 1

Default: 1


Determines whether to order a job on the next (>n) or previous (<n) working day, when DAYS is >n or <n, if n is a non-existing day for the specific month.

Valid Values: N, Y

Default: N


Determines the mode used to collect summary statistics and to perform actions on statistics, such as averages or deletions.

Valid Values:

  • JOBNAME: Compiles statistics for each Control-M Job Name/Table and Host ID where the job was submitted.

  • FILENAME: Compiles statistics for each Control-M File Name/Mem Name/Mem Lib and Host ID.



Indicates which variables are sent to the agent for each submitted job.

Valid Values:

  • SYSTEM: All the variables for each submitted job are sent to the Agent. These include system variables, and user-defined local and SMART folder variables.

  • GROUP: SMART folder and local variables are sent to the Agent for each submitted job. System variables are not sent.

  • LOCAL: Only local variables are sent to the Agent.

Default: LOCAL