Backup and Recovery Jobs
The following topics describe job types for backup and recovery services:
Job:AWS Backup
AWS Backup enables you to back up and restore your data to the Amazon cloud.
To deploy and run an AWS Backup job, ensure that you have installed the AWS Backup plug-in with the provision image command or the provision agent::update command.
The following example shows how to define an AWS Backup job:
"AWS Backup_Job":
"Type": "Job:AWS Backup",
"ConnectionProfile": "AWS_BACK",
"Action": "Backup",
"Windows VSS": "Disabled",
"Backup Vault Name": "Vault1",
"Role ARN": "arn:aws:iam::12234888888:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole1",
"Idempotency Token": "Token12345",
"Resource ARN": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:122343283363:instance/12345467894555",
"Status Polling Interval": "150"
The following table describes the AWS Backup job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
Defines the ConnectionProfile:AWS Backup name that connects Control-M to AWS Data Pipeline. |
Action |
Determines one of the following AWS Backup actions to perform:
Window VSS |
Determines whether to enable the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), which enables you to backup computer files or volumes when they are in use, as follows:
Default: Disabled |
Backup Vault Name |
Defines the vault name where the backup is stored. Case Sensitive: No |
Role ARN |
Defines the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS IAM Role that AWS Backup runs as to create a recovery point. An ARN is a standardized AWS resource address. The AWS IAM role must be granted read and write privileges to create or update the AWS resources that are in the backup or restore point. arn:aws:iam::12234888888:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole1 |
Idempotency Token |
Defines a unique ID (idempotency token), which guarantees that the job executes only once. Control-M-Idem-%%ORDERID |
Resource ARN |
Defines the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup. arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:key/abcd1234-5678-9012-efgh-ijklmnopqrst |
Restore Parameters |
Defines a set of JSON-based key-value pairs that contain the information required to restore the backup from a recovery point. For no parameters, type {}. |
Recovery Point ARN |
Defines the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the recovery point, where the backup is restored from. |
Status Polling Interval |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the job status. Default: 150 |
Job:AWS DataSync
AWS DataSync enables you to back up and restore your data to the Amazon cloud.
To deploy and run an AWS DataSync job, ensure that you have installed the AWS DataSync plug-in with the provision image command or the provision agent::update command.
The following examples show how to define a AWS DataSync job:
This JSON defines how to execute a task:
"AWS DataSync_Job":
"Type": "Job:AWS DataSync",
"ConnectionProfile": "DATASYNC",
"Action": "Execute Task",
"Task ARN": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:122343283444:task/task-08774a25b8651234",
"Output Logs": "checked",
"Status Polling Frequency": "20",
"Failure Tolerance": "2",
} -
This JSON defines how to delete a task:
"AWS DataSync_Job":
"Type": "Job:AWS DataSync",
"ConnectionProfile": "DATASYNC",
"Action": "Delete Task",
"Task ARN": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:122343283444:task/task-08774a25b8651234",
"Status Polling Frequency": "20",
"Failure Tolerance": "2",
} -
This JSON defines how to create a task:
"AWS DataSync_Job":
"Type": "Job:AWS DataSync",
"ConnectionProfile": "DATASYNC",
"Action": "Create Task",
"CloudWatchLogGroupArn": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:122343283444:log-group:/aws/datasync",
"DestinationLocationArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:122343288888:location/loc-033b5bfd75d01abdb",
"Name": "test3",
"Options": {
"Atime": "BEST_EFFORT",
"BytesPerSecond": -1,
"Gid": "NONE",
"LogLevel": "BASIC",
"Mtime": "PRESERVE",
"ObjectTags": "PRESERVE",
"OverwriteMode": "ALWAYS",
"PosixPermissions": "NONE",
"PreserveDeletedFiles": "PRESERVE",
"PreserveDevices": "NONE",
"PreserveNfsAcls": "NONE",
"SecurityDescriptorCopyFlags": "NONE",
"TaskQueueing": "ENABLED",
"TransferMode": "CHANGED",
"Uid": "NONE",
"SourceLocationArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:122343283444:location/loc-068ae820d8f199aa7",
"TaskArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:122343283666:task/task-0752fa45494724f88",
"TaskVersion": "V1"
"Status Polling Frequency": "20",
"Failure Tolerance": "2",
The following table describes the AWS DataSync job parameters.
Parameter |
Action |
Description |
ConnectionProfile |
All |
Defines the ConnectionProfile:AWS DataSync name that connects Control-M to AWS Data Pipeline. |
Action |
All |
Determines one of the following AWS DataSync actions to perform:
TaskARN |
Defines the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task to start. An ARN is a standardized AWS resource address. Rules:
arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:1123123141:task/task-0752fa45494724f46 |
Output Logs |
Execute Task |
Determines whether to append the log for the executed task from Cloudwatch to the output Values:
Parameters |
Create Task |
Defines the parameters for the AWS DataSync job, in JSON format, which enables you to control how the job executes. |
Status Polling Frequency |
All |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the job status. Default: 20 |
Failure Tolerance |
All |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before the job ends Not OK. Default: 2 |
Job:Azure Backup
Azure Backup enables you to back up and restore your data in the Microsoft Azure cloud.
To deploy and run an Azure Backup job, ensure that you have installed the Azure Backup plug-in with the provision image command or the provision agent::update command.
The following examples show how to define an Azure Backup job:
This JSON defines a Backup action:
Copy"Azure Backup_Job":
"Type": "Job:Azure Backup",
"ConnectionProfile": " ABK_CCP_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL",
"Action": "Backup",
"Vault Resource Group": "ncu-if",
"Vault Name": "Test",
"VM Resource Group": "ncu-if",
"VM Name": "ncu-if-squid-proxy",
"Policy Name": "DefaultPolicy",
"Include Or Exclude Disks": "Include",
"Disk List": "0,1,2",
"Status Polling Frequency": "300",
"Failure Tolerance": "2"
} -
This JSON defines a Restore from Backup action:
Copy"Azure Backup_restore":
"Type": "Job:Azure Backup",
"ConnectionProfile": " ABK_CCP_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL ",
"Action": "Restore From Backup",
"Vault Resource Group": "ncu-if",
"Vault Name": "Test",
"VM Resource Group": "ncu-if",
"VM Name": "ncu-if-squid-proxy",
"Restore to Latest Recovery Point": "checked",
"Recovery Point Name": "123245428486171",
"Storage Account Name": "stasaccount",
"Restore Region": "UK South",
"Disk List": "0,1,2",
"Status Polling Frequency": "300",
"Failure Tolerance": "2"
The following table describes the Azure Backup job parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Defines the ConnectionProfile:Azure Backup name that connects Control-M to Azure Backup. |
Action |
Determines one of the following Azure Backup actions to perform:
Vault Resource Group |
Defines the name of the resource group for the storage vault in the Backup Center, which is the management platform in Azure Backup. Case Sensitive: No |
Vault Name |
Defines the name of the storage vault in the Backup Center. Case Sensitive: No |
VM Resource Group |
Defines the name of the resource group where the virtual machine with your data is located. |
VM Name |
Defines the name of the virtual machine with your data that you want to back up. |
Policy Name |
Defines the Azure policy that is enforced on your virtual machine and backup job. Default: DefaultPolicy |
Include Or Exclude Disks |
Determines one of the following actions to perform when you back up your data:
Default: Include |
Disk List |
Defines the list of logical unit numbers (LUN) to include or exclude in your backup or to include in your restore. A LUN is an address that points to an area of storage on a logical or virtual disk. Valid Values: 0–9, separated by commas. |
Restore to Latest Recovery Point |
Determines whether to restore a backup from the latest recovery point. |
Recovery Point Name |
Defines the name of the recovery point, which is a copy of the original data from a specific time. This name is found in the Backup Job or Restore Point Collection areas in the Backup Center. |
Storage Account Name |
Defines the name of the storage account that is associated with the recovery point. |
Restore Region |
Determines the region of the virtual machine where the data is restored. |
Status Polling Frequency |
Determines the number of seconds to wait before checking the job status. Default: 150 |
Failure Tolerance |
Determines the number of times to check the job status before the job ends Not OK. Default: 0 |