Data Integration Connection Profiles

The following topics describe connection profiles for data integration platforms and services:


Airbyte is an open-source extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that enables you to build data pipelines and load data to a data warehouse, data lake, database, or analytics tool of your choice.

For more information, see Control-M for Airbyte.

The following example shows how to define an Airbyte connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:Airbyte",
   "Airbyte URL": "",
   "API Key": "your_api_key_here",
   "Connection Timeout": "10",
   "Description": "",
   "Centralized": true



Airbyte URL

Defines the Airbyte authentication endpoint.



Defines the Airbyte account access key, which is available on the Airbyte Developer Portal. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to Airbyte before a timeout occurs.

Default: 20


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:AWS Glue

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Glue, a serverless data integration service, enables you to define data-driven workflows that automate the movement and transformation of data.

The following examples show how to define an AWS Glue connection profile:

  • This JSON-based connection profile authenticates with an AWS access key and secret.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS Glue",
       "AWS Access key ID": "MYAWSACCESSKEY1234",
       "AWS Secret": "myAwsSecret12345",
       "Authentication": "SECRET",
       "AWS Region": "eu-west-2",
       "Glue url": "",
       "Connection Timeout": "40",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true
  • This JSON-based connection profile authenticates with an AWS IAM role from inside an EC2 instance.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS Glue",
       "IAM Role": "GLUEEC2IAMROLE",
       "Authentication": "NOSECRET",
       "AWS Region": "eu-west-2",
       "Glue url": "",
       "Connection Timeout": "40",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true

The following table describes the AWS Glue connection profile parameters.




Determines the type of authentication to use for the connection with AWS Glue, one of the following:

  • SECRET: Authenticates with an AWS access key and secret.

  • NOSECRET: Authenticates with an AWS IAM role from inside an EC2 instance.

AWS Access key ID

(SECRET authentication) Defines the access key ID for connection to AWS.

AWS Secret

(SECRET authentication) Defines the secret access key for connection to AWS. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

IAM Role

(NOSECRET authentication) Defines the identity and Access Management (IAM) role for connection to AWS.

AWS Region

Determines the AWS Glue service region.

Glue url

Defines the URL of an AWS Glue service regional endpoint.

For more information about regional endpoints available for the AWS Glue service, refer to the AWS documentation.

Connection Timeout

Defines the timeout value, in seconds, for the trigger call made by Control-M to AWS Glue.

Default: 40


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:AWS Glue DataBrew

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Glue DataBrew, a cloud-based ETL service, enables you to visualize your data and publish it to the Amazon S3 Data Lake.

The following examples show how to define an AWS Glue DataBrew connection profile:

  • This JSON-based connection profile authenticates with an AWS access key and secret.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS Glue DataBrew",
       "Authentication": "SECRET"
       "AWS Access Key": "MYAWSACCESSKEY1234",
       "AWS Secret": "myAwsSecret12345",
       "AWS Region": "us-east-1",
       "AWS Logs URL": "https://logs.{{AWSRegion}}",
       "AWS API Base URL": "https://databrew.{{AWSRegion}}",
       "Connection Timeout": "30",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true
  • This JSON-based connection profile authenticates with an AWS IAM role from inside an EC2 instance.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:AWS Glue DataBrew",
       "Authentication": "NOSECRET"
       "IAM Role": "IAMROLE"
       "AWS Region": "us-east-1",
       "AWS API Base URL": "https://databrew.{{AWSRegion}}",
       "AWS Logs URL": "https://logs.{{AWSRegion}}",
       "Connection Timeout": "30",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true

The following table describes the AWS Glue DataBrew connection profile parameters.




Determines one of the following authentication methods for the connection with AWS Glue DataBrew:

  • SECRET: Authenticates with an AWS access key and secret.

  • NOSECRET: Authenticates with an AWS IAM role from inside an EC2 instance.

AWS Access Key

(SECRET authentication) Defines the AWS Glue DataBrew account access key.

AWS Secret

(SECRET authentication) Defines the AWS Glue DataBrew account secret access key. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

IAM Role

(NOSECRET authentication) Defines the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for connection to AWS.

AWS Region

Determines the region that the AWS Glue DataBrew jobs are located in.


Defines the REST API URL for the AWS Glue DataBrew regional endpoint, as follows:


For more information about regional endpoints available for the AWS Glue DataBrew service, refer to the AWS documentation.


Defines the AWS Logs URL, as follows:


Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait before a timeout occurs after Control-M initiates a request to AWS Glue DataBrew.

Default: 30


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:ADF (Azure Data Factory)

Azure Data Factory (ADF), a cloud-based ETL and data integration service, allows you to create data-driven workflows to automate the movement and transformation of data.

The following examples show how to define an ADF connection profile:

  • This JSON-based connection profile authenticates with an Azure service principal.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:ADF",
       "Tenant ID": "tenantId",
       "Identity Type": "PRINCIPAL",
       "Client Secret": "*****",
       "Application ID": "applicationId",
       "Subscription ID": "subscriptionId",
       "Connection Timeout": "40",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true
  • This JSON-based connection profile authenticates with a managed identity.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:ADF",
       "Identity Type": "MANAGEDID",
       "Specify Managed Identity Client ID": "&client_id=",
       "Managed Identity Client ID": "72d448f0-ac32-45ea-9158-f8653e4ee16",  
       "Subscription ID": "subscriptionId",
       "Connection Timeout": "40",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true

The following table describes the ADF connection profile parameters.



Identity Type

Determines the type of authentication to use for the connection with the Azure Data Factory, one of the following:

  • PRINCIPAL: Authenticates with a service principal.

  • MANAGEDID: Authenticates with a managed identity.

Specify Managed Identity Client ID

(Managed identity) Determines whether the client ID for your managed identity is specified by the Managed Identity Client ID parameter.

Include this parameter only if you are using the managed identity authentication method and you have multiple managed identities defined on your Azure virtual machine. Set its value to &client_id=.

Managed Identity Client ID

(Managed identity) Determines which client ID to use as the managed identity.

This parameter requires a value only if you have multiple managed identities defined on your Azure virtual machine and you included the Specify Managed Identity Client ID parameter.

If you have only one managed identity, it is detected automatically.

Tenant ID

(Service principal) Defines the Azure tenant ID where the Azure Data Factory was created.

Client Secret

(Service principal authentication) Defines the client secret associated with the service principal. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Application ID

(Service principal authentication) Defines the ID of the Azure-registered application that is used to interact with the Azure Data Factory.

Subscription ID

Defines the Azure account subscription ID.

The subscription ID can be retrieved from the Azure portal by selecting the Subscription menu.

Connection Timeout

Defines a timeout value, in seconds, for the trigger call made by Control-M to the Azure Data Factory.

Default: 40


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.


Boomi enables the integration of Boomi processes with your existing Control-M workflows.

The following example shows how to define a Boomi connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:Boomi",
   "AccountId": "*****",
   "API Token": "*****",
   "End Point": "",
   "API Username": "BOOMI_TOKEN.BoomiUsername",
   "Description": "",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes the Boomi connection profile parameters.




Defines a unique Boomi account ID.

API Token

Defines a Boomi API Token of a Boomi user for connection to the Boomi endpoint. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

End Point

Defines the Boomi API endpoint:

API Username

Defines the Boomi username in email format, as follows:



Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:GCPDF (GCP Data Fusion)

GCPDF (GCP Data Fusion) enables you to load data from multiple sources, visualize it, and publish it to the cloud.

The following example shows how to define a GCPDF connection profile. In the following example, authentication is based on a service account:

"GCP Cloud Data Fusion":
   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:GCPDF",
   "Identity Type": "service_account",
   "GCP Data Fusion URL": "",
   "Service Account Key": "*****",
   "Connection Timeout": "20",
   "Description": "",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes the GCPDF connection profile parameters.



Identity Type

Determines one of the following authentication types using GCP Access Control:

  • service_account: Authenticates with an application ID (service account) and client secret.

  • os_user: Authenticates based on a detected IAM role, which removes the need to provide additional credentials.


(Service account) Defines the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) authentication endpoint for GCP Data Fusion, as follows:

Service Account Key

(Service account) Defines a service account that is associated with an RSA key pair. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to GCP Data Fusion before a timeout occurs.

Default: 20


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:GCP Dataplex

GCP Dataplex is an extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that enables you to visualize and manage data in GCP BigQuery and the cloud.

The following examples show how to define a GCP Dataplex connection profile:

  • This JSON defines a connection profile based on a Service Account.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:GCP Dataplex",
       "Identity Type": "service_account",
       "GCP Dataplex URL": " ",
       "Service Account Key": "*****",
       "Connection Timeout": "30",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true
  • This JSON defines a connection profile based on IAM.

       "Type": "ConnectionProfile:GCP Dataplex",
       "Identity Type": "os_user",
       "GCP Dataplex URL": "",
       "Connection Timeout": "30",
       "Description": "",
       "Centralized": true

The following table describes the GCP Dataplex connection profile parameters.



Identity Type

Determines one of the following authentication types using GCP Access Control:

  • service_account: Authenticates with an application ID (service account) and client secret.

  • os_user: Authenticates based on a detected IAM role, which removes the need to provide additional credentials.

GCP Dataplex URL

Defines the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) authentication endpoint for GCP Dataplex.

Service Account Key

(Service account) Defines a service account that is associated with an RSA key pair. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to GCP Dataplex before a timeout occurs.

Default: 20


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:GCP Dataprep

GCP Dataprep enables you to visualize, format, and prepare your data for analysis.

The following example shows how to define a GCP Dataprep connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:GCP Dataprep",
   "GCP Dataprep URL": "",
   "User Access Token": "*****",
   "Connection Timeout": "30",
   "Description": "",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes GCP Dataprep connection profile parameters.



GCP Dataprep URL

Defines the GCP Dataprep API authentication endpoint for Dataprep, as follows:

User Access Token

Defines a token that enables you to authenticate Control-M and connect to your GCP Dataprep account. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to GCP Dataprep before a timeout occurs.

Default: 30


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.


Informatica enables you to automate tasks or workflows based on the parameters that you define.

The following example shows how to define an Informatica connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:Informatica",
   "Host": "InformaticaHost",
   "Port": "7333",
   "User": "UserName",
   "Password": "Password",
   "PowerCenterDomain": "DomainName",
   "Repository": "RepositoryName",
   "IntegrationService": "ServiceName",
   "SecurityDomain": "Native",
   "ConnectionType": "HTTP",
   "MaxConcurrentConnections": "100",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes the Informatica connection profile parameters.




Defines the name of the Informatica web services server.


(Optional) Defines the port number of the Informatica web services server.

Valid Values: 1–65,535

Default: 7,333


Defines the name of a user to log into the Repository.


Defines a password to log into the Repository.

You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.


Defines the name of the Informatica server that contains the repository service.


Defines the name of the repository where the repository folders and workflows are located.


Defines the name of the integration service to use to run the workflows.


Defines the name of a security domain, a collection of user accounts and groups in a Power Center Domain.

If the user name belongs to the native security domain, this parameter is optional, and the default is an empty value.

If the user name belongs to an LDAP security domain, this parameter is required.


(Optional) Determines the protocol for the connection to the Informatica server.

Valid Values:

  • HTTP



(Optional) Defines the maximum number of allowed concurrent workflows in the connection profile.

Valid Values: 1–512

Default: 10


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:Informatica CS

Informatica Cloud Services (CS) enables you to automate your Informatica workflows for multi-cloud and on-premises data integration through the Control-M environment.

The following example shows how to define an Informatica CS connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:Informatica CS",
   "Login URL": "",
   "Base URL": ""
   "Username": "UserName",  
   "Password": "Password"
   "Request Timeout": "3"
   "Description": ""
   "Centralized": true 

The following table describes the Informatica CS connection profile parameters.



Login URL

Defines the URL for login calls to Informatica Cloud.

Base URL

Defines the instance name of the Informatica Cloud server.


Defines a username for the account to connect to Informatica Cloud.


Defines a password for the login to Informatica Cloud.

You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Request Timeout

A timeout value, in seconds, for the requests sent to Informatica Cloud.

Default: 3


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

Connection Profile:OCI Data Integration

OCI Data Integration is an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) platform, that enables data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes across various sources and targets within the Oracle Cloud.

For more information about this plug-in, see .

The following example shows how to define an OCI Data Integration connection profile, that authenticates with DefineParameters:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:OCI Data Integration",
   "OCI Data Integration URL": "",
   "OCI Region": "us-phoenix-1",
   "Authentication": "DefineParameters",
   "User OCID": "ocid1.user.oc1..aaafdgfgaat56ecah7yw7ebl6pffgh678758kdsfsdf44787zp2dzsa4k2qyxn45wtaa",
   "Tenancy OCID": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaadfghgaaak445azt6b2346uvi2afhgghfghhhtryradsaasdasd",
   "Fingerprint": "67:45:eb:c6:16:h3:67:s6:fd:ac:gf:a6:7q:ad:bb:2f",
   "Private Key": "*****",
   "Description": "",
   "Connection Timeout": "30",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes OCI Data Integration connection profile parameters.


Authentication Method


OCI Data Integration URL

All methods

Defines the OCI Data Integrations URL in the following format:


OCI Region

All methods

Determines the region where the OCI Data Integration is located.


All methods

Determines one of the following authentication methods:

  • DefineParameters: Defines authentication parameters in the connection profile.

  • ConfigurationFile: Uses a configuration file that contains authentication information and is stored on the Control-M/Agent.

    The following example of a configuration file defines the DEFAULT profile for Linux and the PROFILE2 profile for Windows.




All methods

Defines an individual user within the OCI environment.

Tenancy OCID


Defines the OCI Tenacy ID in the OCI Data Integration, which is a global unique identifier for this account within the OCI environment.



Defines fingerprint to uniquely identify and verify the integrity of the associated certificate or key.

Private Key


Defines the Private key within a set of API signing keys that are used for authentication and secure access to OCI resources. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Config File Path


Defines the path to the configuration file that contains authentication information. This file is stored on the Control-M/Agent.

UNIX: home/user/config/pem.pem

Windows: C:\Users\user1\config\\pem.pem



Defines the name of a specific section in the configuration file, such as DEFAULT and PROFILE2 in the Configuration File code sample.

Connection Timeout

All methods

Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to OCI Data Integration before a timeout occurs.

Default: 20


All methods

Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

ConnectionProfile:Talend Data Management

Talend Data Management is an automation service that enables you to integrate applications, and extract, transform, load, and check the quality of large amounts of data.

The following example shows how to define a Talend connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:Talend Data Management",
   "API URL": "",
   "Personal access token authorization": "*****",
   "Description": "Talend Data Management",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes the Talend connection profile parameters.




Defines the authentication endpoint base URL for the Talend Cloud Management Console, as follows:


where <Region> is one of the following values:

  • us: Eastern United States

  • eu: Europe

  • us-west: Western United States

  • au: Australia

  • ap: Asia

Personal access token authentication

Defines a Talend token for authentication of connections to Talend.

You generate this token through your Talend profile.


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.

Connection Profile:Talend OAuth

Talend OAuth (Open Authorization) enables you to use OAuth authentication within the Talend suite of data integration and management tools. It allows third-party applications to access resources on behalf of a user without sharing sensitive credentials.

The following example shows how to define a Talend OAuth connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:Talend OAuth",
   "Talend API URL": "",
   "Region": "eu",
   "Client ID": "D4leqpN21SrsebBqbBBTKHUnccsizUdebrdbaasfwfw",
   "Client Secret": "*****",
   "Connection Timeout": "30",
   "Description": "",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes the Talend OAuth connection profile parameters.



Talend API URL

Defines the authentication endpoint base URL for the Talend Cloud Management Console, as follows.



Determines one of the following regions where the Talend jobs are located:

  • eu: Europe

  • us: Eastern United States

  • us-west: Western United States

  • au: Australia

  • ap: Asia

Default: eu

Client ID

Defines the client ID is used to get an OAuth2 JWT access token through the Client ID Grant flow.

Client Secret

Defines the Client Secret (password) that is used to get an OAuth2 JWT access token through the Client Secret Grant flow. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait after Control-M initiates a connection request to Talend before a timeout occurs.

Default: 30


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.


Alteryx Trifacta is a data-wrangling platform that allows you to discover, organize, edit, add to, and publish data in different formats and to multiple clouds, including AWS, Azure, Google, Snowflake, and Databricks.

The following example shows how to define an Alteryx Trifacta connection profile:

   "Type": "ConnectionProfile:TRIFACTA",
   "Trifacta URL": "",
   "User Name": "User Name",
   "Password": "Password",
   "Connection Timeout": "10",
   "Description": " ",
   "Centralized": true

The following table describes the Alteryx Trifacta connection profile parameters.



Trifacta URL

Defines the Alteryx Trifacta authentication endpoint, as follows:

User Name

Defines the registered user name or email address for your Alteryx Trifacta account.


Defines the password for the Alteryx Trifacta user. You can use Secrets in Code to hide this value in the code.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait before a timeout occurs after Control-M initiates a connection request to Alteryx Trifacta.

Default: 10


Determines whether to create a centralized connection profile, which is stored in the Control-M/EM database and is available to all Agents.

You must set this parameter to true.