Control-M Workflow Insights Installation

Control-M Workflow Insights installation requires multiple component installations and configurations across several computers. Due to the large number of metrics that Workflow Insights gathers and processes, the installation requires more CPU, disk space, different kernel parameters settings, and specific port configurations than a typical Control-M installation. Therefore, it is crucial that you review the architecture and requirements before you install (see Setting Up the Workflow Insights Environment).

The installation includes one Control-M/EM primary host and at least two dedicated Control-M/EM Distributed hosts, to avoid performance impact on the Control-M/EM primary.

Only one Workflow Insights OpenSearch service can be Down at a time. If more than one goes Down, Workflow Insights cannot function and you must start all OpenSearch services that are Down.

For more information about the Workflow Insights environment, see Control-M Workflow Insights Architecture and the Workflow Insights Installation and Configuration video.

After Workflow Insights is installed, the following services are included in the Control-M/EM Distributed computers and appear in the CCM:

  • Elasticsearch: A third-party search engine based on the Apache Lucene library that Workflow Insights uses to gather information and perform queries. This service is included in the Control-M/EM Primary.

  • Kibana: A third-party data visualization dashboard software for Elasticsearch that is used in Workflow Insights, which displays the collected data in the dashboards.

  • OpenSearch: An AWS search engine, based on Elasticsearch, that Workflow Insights uses to gather information and perform queries. To install, see Upgrading from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch.

  • OpenSearch Dashboards: An AWS data visualization dashboard software, based on Kibana, that Workflow Insights uses to show OpenSearch query data in the dashboards. To install, see Upgrading from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch.

  • Workflow Insights: A service that manages, maintains, and sends new data to OpenSearch, creates and updates indexes, and orders backups.

    The demands of the above services require that before Workflow Insights installation you must prepare the hosts used in the installation, as follows:

  • System Requirements: The OpenSearch process requires significant memory, CPU, and disk space, which require the Control-M/EM servers to meet certain requirements.

  • System Settings: The OpenSearch process requires non-default kernel settings for Linux installations and paging settings for Windows installations before installing the Control-M/EM Primary or Control-M/EM Distributed instances.

  • Open Ports: The required ports for Workflow Insights, Kafka, and Zookeeper must be opened in the firewall for both the Control-M/EM Primary and Control-M/EM Distributed instances. If the required ports are not open during installation, you might need to change the ports.

    • If you are upgrading the primary to the additional ports that Kafka requires are automatically defined. You cannot define custom ports during the upgrade.

    • If you install the default Workflow Insights installation option, you cannot assume that the default ports are defined. If a port is busy, the installation automatically selects the next available port.

    • If your Workflow Insights environment includes a Secondary Control-M/EM host for High Availability, you must open the same ports in the Secondary Control-M/EM host as are open in the Control-M/EM primary host.

Control-M Workflow Insights Architecture

The following diagram shows the Control-M Workflow Insights architecture in a production environment:

The following diagram shows the Control-M Workflow Insights architecture in a non-production environment:

The following diagram shows the Control-M Workflow Insights architecture in a high availability environment without a failover:

The following diagram shows the Control-M Workflow Insights architecture in a high availability environment after a failover:

Setting Up the Workflow Insights Environment

This procedure describes how to set up the Workflow Insights environment.

Before You Begin

  • Verify your Control-M/EM computers meet the requirements, as described in Control-M Workflow Insights System Requirements.

  • Verify your Linux Control-M/EM computers have the Kernel settings, as described in Linux Kernel Parameters.

  • If you first updated the version and then set the Linux kernel parameters, you must restart the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent.

  • Verify the required ports are open, as described in Workflow Insights Ports.

  • Verify the Control-M Self Service is installed on the Control-M/EM Primary, as described in Control-M Self Service Installation.


  1. Install or upgrade the Control-M/EM Primary to or higher, as described in Control-M/Enterprise Manager Installation.

  2. Install at least two dedicated Control-M/EM Distributed instances, as described in Control-M/Enterprise Manager Installation.

  3. (Control-M Full Install only) From the Control-M Full Install machine, run the following command to shut down the Control-M/Server:


  4. Install Control-M Workflow Insights on Windows on a Control-M/EM Distributed instance, as described in Installing Control-M Workflow Insights on Windows and Installing Control-M Workflow Insights on Linux.

  5. You must do the installations one at a time.

  6. Define the Workflow Insight backups, as described in Defining Workflow Insights Backups.

  7. Define the Workflow Insights configuration, as described in Configuring Workflow Insights.

    Run the following command to start the Control-M/Server:


    The Workflow Insights Environment is now set up.