Upgrading from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch
This procedure describes how to upgrade from Elasticsearch and Kibana (deprecated in Control-M) to OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards in Control-M Workflow Insights.
Before You Begin
Define a Workflow Insights backup, as described in Defining Workflow Insights Backups.
Copy the Workflow Insights cluster backup location that you defined in Configuring Workflow Insights, and paste it to the following location:
UNIX: ~/BMCINSTALL/uninstall/DRNFT.<Current_Version>/Backup_Elasticsearch_Snapshots
Windows: "%EM_HOME%\BMCINSTALL\uninstall\DRNFT.<Current_Version>\Backup_Elasticsearch_Snapshots"
Install Control-M/EM, as described in Control-M Upgrade.
Verify that the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent is Up.
(Control-M Full Install only) Verify that the Control-M/Server is Down.
Log in as a Control-M/EM user.
Run the following command to stop Elasticsearch and Kibana:
In a Control-M/EM Cluster or High Availability Configuration, you must consecutively run this command on every host before you move to the next step.
em bmcpython ~/ctm_em/services/bin/opensearch_update/opensearch_manager.py stop
bmcpython "%EM_HOME%\services\bin\opensearch_update\opensearch_manager.py" stop
Run the following command to install OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards:
In a Control-M/EM Cluster or High Availability Configuration, you must consecutively run this command on every host.
em bmcpython ~/ctm_em/services/bin/opensearch_update/opensearch_manager.py install
bmcpython "%EM_HOME%\services\bin\opensearch_update\opensearch_manager.py" install
Run the following command to verify that OpenSearch service is running:
em services-cli -st
Uninstalling OpenSearch
This procedure describes how to uninstall OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards and restore Elasticsearch and Kibana in Control-M Workflow Insights. You must uninstall OpenSearch when you downgrade from to Control-M/EM and lower.
Log in as a Control-M/EM user.
Delete the Backup_area folder from the following directory:
Windows: "%EM_HOME%\BMCINSTALL\uninstall\DRNFT."
Do the following:
Run the following command to view the backups that can be restored:
UNIX: em bmcpython <install path>/ctm_em/services/bin/elasticsearch_restore.py snapshots
Windows: bmcpython "%EM_HOME%\services\bin\elasticsearch_restore.py" snapshots
A list of backups appears.
From the list of backups, find and record the backup Name that you want to restore.
Uninstall Control-M Workflow Insights, as described below:
Run the following command to downgrade Control-M/EM:
Windows: "%EM_HOME%\BMCINSTALL\uninstall\DRNFT.\uninstall.exe"
Reinstall Control-M Workflow Insights, as described below:
Restore Elasticsearch with the backup Name that you recorded, as described in Restoring a Workflow Insights Backup.