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Indicates that the job must run at a designated time, interval of time. A non-cyclic job is a job, which if its scheduling criteria is satisfied, is ordered once by Control‑M on a given day (discounting reruns caused by a Rerun Job parameter or manual reruns). A cyclic job is rescheduled after execution for an additional possible execution. The job executes again only when the following circumstances occur:

A specified number of minutes has elapsed since the last completion of the job or the next specified runtime has been reached.

The cyclic job runs at the time designated according to the time or time intervals selected. The Run at and the Tolerance parameters can be set to enable a job to run after the specified time. If the job being executed runs over the proceeding job’s specified time, the proceeding job’s execution time window is extended to the number of minutes set in the Tolerance field. For example, if the Tolerance field is set to 15 minutes, the proceeding job can still be executed 0-15 minutes after the specified time. If the tolerance time interval has passed, the proceeding job will not be performed.

NOTE: The Run at option is relevant for one odate only. Specific times are sorted from each new day time to the next.

Additional information





Check box

  • Selected – job is cyclic
  • Clear – job is not cyclic

Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: CYCLIC
  • Control-M Report: CYCLIC
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: -cyclic
  • Control‑M for z/OS: Cyclic
  • Control‑M/EM API: cyclic


Rerun Every

Fixed interval values to rerun a job:

  • Minutes: 0-64,800
  • Hours: 0-1080
  • Days: 0-45

All intervals are from job's

Valid Values:

  • End
  • Start
  • Target

Rerun using the following interval sequence

List of time intervals:

  • Unit: Minutes, Hours, Days
  • Amount:0-64,8000; 0-1080; 0-45

Run at

A list of specific times for the job to run.

NOTE: This parameter supports time synonym.


Maximum delay in minutes permitted for a late submission when selecting a specific time (e.g. 5 minutes). Valid range: 0-999

Note the following:

Parent Topic

Scheduling Parameters