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Rerun Every

Specifies the length of time to wait between reruns of a job/SMART folder or between cyclic runs of a job/SMART folder.

Additional information




NOTE: When defining a cyclic job with a Rerun every parameter with the default value of 0, if the default is not changed, the job runs continuously when submitted for execution.


Valid values:

  • 0 to 64800 (for minutes)
  • 0 to 1080 (for hours)
  • 0 to 45 (for days)

Default: 0

The unit of measurement is determined by the Rerun using the following interval sequence parameter. If no value is specified, the default is Minutes.

Case sensitive


Invalid Characters

Blanks; single quotation marks

Variable Name


Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: INTERVAL
  • Control-M Report: INTERVAL
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: -interval
  • Control‑M for z/OS: Rerun every
  • Control‑M/EM API: rerun_interval

Alternate Formats

Control‑M for z/OS


Rerun Every combines the functionality of the All intervals are from job's, and Rerun using the following interval sequence parameters.

Valid values:

  • 0 to 64800 (for minutes)
  • 0 to 1080 (for hours)
  • 0 to 45 (for days)
  • Days– Maximum value is 45.
  • Hours – Maximum value is 1080.
  • Minutes – Maximum value is 64800. Default.

This field indicates if the time for the next run of the job should be calculated from the beginning or from the end of the previous run of the job.

A job can be run more than once from a given job order when

Control‑M waits at least the number of minutes specified by the Rerun every parameter before it attempts the next rerun of the job or before the next run of a cyclic job.

The Rerun every period can be calculated from either the start or the end of the previous job run, as determined by the Rerun using the following interval sequence parameter.

The job is re-submitted after


Parent Topic

Scheduling Parameters