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Keep Active for

Determines the number of extra days (beyond the original scheduling date) that the job is allowed to remain in the Active Jobs database while awaiting execution. If the job still has not run after the specified number of days, the job is removed from the Active Jobs database.

Additional information





  • An integer from 0 through 98 (days)
  • 99 or Forever (no limit)



Variable Name


Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: MAXWAIT
  • Control-M Report: MAXWAIT
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: -maxwait
  • Control‑M for z/OS: MAXWAIT
  • Control‑M/EM API: maxwait

Parameter Values


The job is deleted from the Active Jobs database if it did not execute on its scheduling date.

If a job ends NOTOK, it is retained in the Active Jobs database for one day before deletion, allowing the operator an opportunity to correct the problem and rerun the job without the need to re-order the job.



(n = 1-98)

The job is retained in the Active Jobs database for the stated number of additional days beyond its original scheduling date (Odate) or until submitted for execution (and execution ends OK).

If a job ends NOTOK, it is retained in the Active Jobs database for an additional day. The job remains for the stated number of additional days plus one additional day.


The job remains in the Active Jobs database indefinitely (or until it is manually deleted), even if it finishes executing and is completed ok.

NOTE: This parameter is the same as specifying 99 in previous releases.

Computer specific information


If a non-cyclic job that was run on a Control‑M installation on an z/OS computer was rerun by the operator and ended NOTOK, it is deleted from the Active Jobs database when the New Day procedure runs, regardless of the value specified in the Keep ActiveKeep Active for parameter

Previously Known As

Max Wait

The Keep Active for parameter of a job which belongs to a SMART folder or folder is overwritten by the Keep Active for value that belongs to the first Rule-Based Calendar that is fulfilled (the Rule-Based Calendar which is used by the job), if the relationship parameter of the job is defined as "or".

The Keep Active for parameter for a SMART Folder or sub-folder is taken from the first positive Rule-Based Calendar.

The Keep Active for parameter is used to handle the following types of occurrences:

For non-cyclic jobs

For cyclic jobs

EXAMPLE 1: Retain job until resources available

Retain a scheduled job indefinitely, until the runtime resources required for the job are available:

Keep Active forever

EXAMPLE 2: Retain job beyond original scheduling date

Retain a job for an extra three days beyond its original scheduling date:

EXAMPLE 3: Schedule a job for periods when the computer is inactive

Schedule the job for every working day, whether the computer is active. Allow each scheduled job three extra days to execute:

Parent Topic

Scheduling Parameters