Keep all jobs in folder until folder is removed

Indicates that all jobs in the folder are not removed automatically from the Active Jobs database. Instead jobs wait for the folder to complete and are removed at the same time as the folder. Relevant for all jobs in the SMART folder including jobs that complete ok. Jobs are not automatically removed, but wait for the folder to complete.

NOTE: Even after the last job in a folder is removed, the folder may remain an extra day. This may occur when the folder is still executing, as Control-M may need to complete post processing folder activity, such as Do Shouts. The folder and all of the jobs are deleted in the next new day run.

Additional information





Check box

Select the Keep all jobs in folder until folder is removed check box to indicate that all jobs in the folder are not removed automatically. Clear the check box to indicate that jobs are not kept in the folder until the folder is removed.

Default: Clear

Variable Name


Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: REMOVEATONCE
  • Control-M Report: REMOVEATONCE
  • Control-M/Server Utilities: -REMOVEATONCE
  • Control‑M for z/OS: REMOVEATONCE
  • Control-M/EM API: removeatonce

Control‑M/EM Utilities

Two possible values:

  • No: Do not keep jobs in folder until folder is removed. Default.
  • Yes: Keeps jobs in the folder until the folder is removed.

Control‑M/Server Utilities

Two possible values:

  • No: Do not keep jobs in folder until folder is removed. Default.
  • Yes: Keeps jobs in the folder until the folder is removed.

    NOTE: When you select this parameter, there is one Keep Active for value for the SMART folder and for the jobs within the folder. This value is the overrides the following values:

Parent Topic

Scheduling Parameters