BIM Service Definition

The following table describes the what jobs are in the service and provides information on defining, submitting, and tracking a batch service:



Jobs in a BIM service

Identifies the chain of jobs that comprise the critical service, and define a Control-M SLA Management job at the end of the chain. For more information about identifying the set of jobs in a critical batch service, see the following:

Creating a regular folder

Defines a folder for a service.

Create a BIM job

Enables you to define a limitations and tolerances in a job that represents the BIM service. If the service appears to be delayed or late, you can make adjustments before the business is adversely affected. Consider the following when defining a BIM job:

  • Delayed or Late service: Enables you to set limitations at what point a delay in a service will adversely impact business. The time by which service must be completed is specified by either a specific time or relative to the ordering time.
  • Run time tolerance: Enables you to set status indicators for jobs in services to determine when to trigger a warning for jobs that finish running too quickly or run too long. This enables you to perform adjustments in Production before any adverse business impact.

Ordering jobs

Enables you to orders the folder for the service that contains the chain of jobs and the BIM job at the end of the chain.

Analyzing active jobs

Enables you to monitor the progress of the jobs in the service as they are ordered, as they run, and as they complete.

Control-M Self Service

Enables non-Control-M users to monitor the progress of, and extend deadlines for services as they run from a Web browser.

Service Monitor

Enables you to analyze services, and locate and resolve problematic jobs. If you have Control-M SLA Management, the Service Monitor enables you to identify critical batch services that are expected to miss their deadline.

Parent Topic

Control-M Batch Impact Manager