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emwacli utility Promotion parameters

The following table describes the emwacli utility Promotion parameters.



General Promotion parameters


Defines the Control-M/EM user name (mandatory).


Defines the Control-M/EM password (mandatory).


Defines the file containing an unencrypted user name and password on separate lines in the format:

user=<userName >


Defines the Control-M/EM GUI server logical name, host name, or IP address (mandatory).

NOTE: If multiple GUI servers exist, set this parameter to the logical name of the relevant GUI server.


Defines the naming server host (mandatory).


Defines the Naming server port (mandatory).

-action promote

Enables you to run promotion (mandatory).


Enables you to define a file containing parameters for the utility, instead of typing each parameter in the command line. For more information, see param_file.


Sets the emwacli utility debug level. Default: 2


  • 1: Warning
  • 2: Information
  • 3: Debug
  • 4: Trace

-promotion rule

Defines the name of the defined promotion rule (mandatory). For more information about defining promotion rules see Creating a promotion rule.

-ignore warnings

Determines if a promote action stops where there are validation warnings or integrity warnings.


  • Y: If any validation or integrity warnings are issued, promotion continues.
  • N: If any validation or integrity warnings are issued, promotion exits.

Default: Y

NOTE: Integrity and validation warnings appear in the command window regardless of the value.


Defines the name of the promotion request (mandatory).


Defines an ID that can be associated with the request.


Defines the request description that appears in the request details.


Defines the email address for notifications. For more information, see Request Details parameters.


Determines if the existing folders on the target environment are overridden.


  • Y: If a folder already exists in the target environment, all promoted files overwrite existing folders.
  • N: Promotion terminates if the folder already exists.

Default: N


Enables you to consolidate jobs and SMART folders into the current logged in user if the Created_by parameter and the Control-M/EM user do not match.


  • Y: Jobs and SMART folders in the Created_by parameter are consolidated into the current logged in user, if the Created by parameter and Control-M/EM user do not match.
  • N: The utility exits with an error message, if the Created by parameter and Control-M/EM user do not match.

Default: N

NOTE: Relevant only when the AuthorSecurity system parameter is set to 2 or 3.

Filter parameters (Specifies where you want to promote)


Defines the name of the Control-M Server. (Mandatory)

EXAMPLE: * includes all Control-M Servers.


Defines the name of the SMART Folder where the job belongs (mandatory)


(Control-M for z/OS only) Defines the name of the library where the folder is located.

Target Environment parameters (Target environment is on a different Control-M/EM)


Defines the user name in the target environment. Mandatory for defining a remote environment.


Defines the password associated with the user name in the target environment which is used only for promotion requests.


Defines the file containing an unencrypted user name and password on separate lines in the format where the target environment is in a different Control-M/EM:

user=<userName >

Parent Topic

emwacli for promotion