Creating a promotion rule

The following procedure describes how to create Promotion rules which enable you to define the promotion environments (the source and the target Control-M environments) and the transfers that are applied to job definitions when promoting jobs from one environment to another.

Before you begin

Ensure that Workload Change Manager is activated.

To create a Promotion rule:

  1. From the Tools domain, in the Planning area, click Promotion Rules.

    The Promotion Rules tab appears.

  2. To add a promotion rule, click add_Add .

    The New Promotion Rule appears in the left pane and details are populated in the right pane.

  3. (optional) From the right pane, in the Description field, add a description for your promotion rule.
  4. In the Source field, click Add_Parameter to add the environment where want to move the folder from.

    The Add Environment window appears.

    NOTE: The source environment definition is used to automatically identify which environment a folder belongs when performing promotion.

    If you have already defined a source environment, from the drop-down list, select the environment where you want to move the folder from and continue with step 6.

  5. From the Add Environment window do the following:
    1. In the Environment Name field, type the logical name of the source environment that you want to move the folder from.
    2. In the Control-M Server field, from the drop-down list, select the Control-M Server of your environment.

      NOTE: If you do not want to select a particular Control-M Server select All.

    3. To filter the folders that you want to promote, in the Folder name field, from the drop-down list, select either the Starts with or Ends with and type the characters you want to start/end with.

      NOTE: Leave blank if you do not want to filter your folders.

    4. Click Add.
  6. In the Target field, click Add_Parameter to add the environment you want to move the folder to.

    The Add environment window appears.

    NOTE: If you have already defined a target environment, from the drop-down list, select the environment where you want to move the folder to.

  7. From the Add environment window do the following:
    1. In the Environment Name field, type the logical name of the target environment that you want to move the folder to.
    2. In the Enterprise Manager field from the drop-down list, select one of the following:
      • Local: Defines an environment in the same Control-M/EM.
      • Remote: Defines an environment as a different Control-M/EM.
    3. (Remote Only) Complete the Remote environment parameters and click Test Connection.

    NOTE: When you click Test Connection, Control-M attempts to connect to the naming server with the supplied host and port.

    1. In the Control-M Server field, from the drop-down list, select the Control-M server of your target environment.

    NOTE: If you do not want to select a particular Control-M Server select All.

    1. In the Folder name field, from the drop-down list, select either Starts with or Ends with and type the character you want to start/end with.

    NOTE: Leave blank if you do not want to change the Folder Name.

    1. Click Add.

    NOTE: The promotion rule name is automatically generated.

  8. To add modification settings, see Adding modification settings.

    NOTE: You must set up one transformation rule.

    The Promotion Rule is now set up. You can now promote folders, as described in Promotion.

    NOTE: Once you have created and saved the Promotion Rule you can edit the rule. If you want to change a promotion environment, see Editing a promotion environment.

Parent Topic

Promotion rules