Adding modification settings

The following procedure describes how to add modification settings for promotion so that the transfer rules can be applied for every job or folder.

NOTE: When using site standards, the promoted Jobs are validated according to the assigned site standard before the folder is checked in to the target environment. For more information, see Site standards management.

To add Modification settings:

  1. From the Modification Settings field, click Add_Parameter.

    The field below is populated.

  2. Click Suggest Settings to suggest settings for transformation.
  3. Add the rules that you want. For more information about the rules, see Step 3 in Updating jobs and/or folders.

    NOTE: When you define a new environment, some settings are based on environment definitions, such as folder name and Control-M/Server properties.

    EXAMPLE: Suggested settings for folder name

    If the source environment, Testing, the folder name starts with "Test" and in the target environment, the folder starts with "Prod", the modification setting suggests that the folder name that starts with Test is replaced by Prod.

    EXAMPLE: Suggested settings for Control-M/Server

    If the source environment Testing is defined in Control-M/Server as DC1 and the target environment, Production, is defined as DC2, Control-M/Server DC1 is assigned the value DC2.

    NOTE: You can delete the rule by highlighting the rule and clicking WA_promotion_enviro_delete. You can also change the rule priority by clicking the up and down arrows.

Parent Topic

Creating a promotion rule