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Updating jobs and/or folders

This procedure describes how to update fields in a current workspace from the Planning domain.

Before you begin

Ensure that your Workspace is checked out.

To update jobs and/or folders:

  1. From the Planning domain, in the Workspace tab, select FindAndUpdateIcon.

    The Find and Update window appears.

  2. To search for job and/or folder definitions that you want to update, in the Find jobs that match All the criteria area, define the following criteria:

    NOTE: Some job definitions and actions, such as variables and notifications, enable you to refine your search by clicking I_WA_UG_Find_child.

    If the job and/or folder definition is case sensitive, click the Case Sensitive checkbox.

  3. To add additional job criteria, click Add_Parameter and repeat step 2.
  4. (Optional) To search for any matching jobs, click Find.

    Matching jobs and/or folders from the Workspace are listed in the Results area.

  5. To add the criteria that you want to update, in the Update matching jobs according to the following criteria area, click Add_Parameter, and then define the following criteria:
  6. To add additional search criteria expressions, click Add_Parameter, and repeat step 5.

    NOTE: There is a sequential relationship between the criteria. To change the order of the expressions, click on the up and down arrow icons. You can delete any criteria expressions, by select the criteria and clicking Delete_New.

  7. Click Update.
  8. (optional) To save the specified Find and Update criteria for future use, click Presets and then click save.

Parent Topic

Find and Update