Filter operators

The following table describes the Filter operators:




Searches field values using regular expressions.

EXAMPLE: Find Folder Name Like F*, finds all folder names starting with F.

Not like

Searches fields that exclude values using regular expressions such as *.

EXAMPLE: Find Folder Name Not Like F*, excludes all folder names starting with F.

Is Exactly

Searches field values which are equal to the value provided (exact match, no wildcards or regular expressions).

Is Not Exactly

Searches field values that are not equal to the value provided (no wildcards or regular expressions).

Starts with

Searches field values that start with the value provided. Pattern-matching rules apply. Special characters such as ‘*’ are not processed as literals unless there is a backslash.

  • DESCRIPTION Starts with "abc*"
  • Matches DESCRIPTION values "abcd", "abc888", and "abc*"
  • The DESCRIPTION that starts with "abc\*", matches only DESCRIPTION values "abc*999", "abc*ddd" etc.

Ends with

Searches field values that end with the value provided. Pattern-matching rules apply.


Searches field values that contain the substring (exact or pattern) provided. Pattern-matching rules apply.

Does Not Contain

Searches field values that do not contain the substring (exact or pattern) provided. Pattern-matching rules apply.

Is empty

Searches for fields that have no value (NULL or empty string).

Is Not empty

Searches for fields that have any value.

< or < = or > or > =

Searches for fields that are less than, less than and equal to, more than and more than and equal to the value.

EXAMPLE: Search for Keep Active jobs > 5 days

Parent Topic

Find and Update