Promotion rules

Control-M Workload Change Manager promotion feature enables you to automatically transfer folders and jobs between environments. When promoting data from one environment to another, values are changed and checked according to promotion rules.

Creating promotion rules enables you to define the following promotion environments:

Once you have finished working on a job definition in the source environment, you can move the folders and jobs to the target environment, while the data is automatically transformed according to your predefined promotion rules. For more information about promoting a folder, see Promotion.

NOTE: Promotion rules need to comply with site standards of the target environment, as promoted folders and jobs are validated according to the assigned site standard before they are sent to the target environment. For more information, see Site standards management.

The following procedures describe how to create and delete Promotion rules:

You can also add, edit or delete a promotion environment using the Edit Environments button in the Promotion Rules ribbon. The following procedures describe how to create, edit and delete a promotion environment:

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