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emwacli for promotion

The emwacli utility enables you to run Promotion as a batch process.

Control-M Workload Change Manager's Promotion feature enables you to automatically transfer folders and jobs between environments. Once you have finished working on job definitions in a source environment, you can move folders and jobs to the target environment, while the data is automatically transferred according to your predefined promotion rules. For more information about Promotion, see Promotion.

By using the emwacli utiliy, batch promotion is performed automatically, which includes promotion modifications, validations and activation of all Control-M Workload Change Manager user exits. Automation occurs up to check in into the target environment.

NOTE: You must activate Control-M Workload Change Manager before using the utility.

Promotion can only be run from a Windows environment where Control-M client is installed. The utility uses Promotion rules which have been defined by the Administrator in Control-M . Running the utility invokes the same promotion user exits and email notifications for all actions if defining Promotion in Control-M client.

To run the emwacli utility, see Running the emwacli utility.

You can type the emwacli parameters in the command line or define the parameters in a param_file (text file). For more information see param_file.

For more information about emwacli parameters, see emwacli utility Promotion parameters.

Parent Topic

Definition, ordering, and monitoring utilities