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Definition, ordering, and monitoring utilities

The definition, ordering, and monitoring utilities are used to create and define job processing definitions:

Some of the parameter names changed for Control-M version 8.0.00 and above. Terminology from previous versions is still supported.

The following table describes the utilities for various utilities for job processing definitions.

Utility Type


Control-M/EM utilities

emdef utility for jobs

Enables you to make various modifications to job definitions, rules and site standards in the Control-M/EM database.

To use the emdef utility for folders and calendars, see emdef utility for folders and calendars.

NOTE: To order and force jobs using the cli utility, see cli utility.

emdef utility for services

Enables you to make various modifications to BIM service definitions in the Control-M/EM database.

emwacli for promotion

Enables you to run Promotion as a batch process.

Control-M/Server utilities


Creates a job, which is added directly into the Active Jobs database.


Adds a job processing definition to a folder, a SMART Folder, and a Sub Folder in the Control‑M/Server database.


Exports jobs from the Control-M/Server database to an ASCII file for use with ctmcreate or ctmdefine.

ctmfw File Watcher utility

Detects completion of file transfer activity.


Imports SMART Folders that were exported with the exportdeffolder utility.


Terminates a Control-M job and its associated processes.


Orders jobs from a SMART Folder in the Control-M/Server database.


Interactively performs functions on jobs or conditions directly in the Active database.


Deletes non-active jobs from the Control-M/Server database.


Reports why a job waiting in the Active Jobs database is not submitted.

Control-M/Agent utilities


Sets the completion status for a job that runs from a .bat file.


Sets the sleep time for Control-M/Server processes.